Leveling Skills in Sims 4 can be a tedious grind, but you can skip it with this list of vital skill cheats for enhancing your gameplay.

There’s no denying that Skills Grinding in Sims 4 takes a while and can sometimes be frustrating. For instance, you may be eyeing a sweet career promotion only to be delayed because of the skill requirement.
Luckily, EA offers players a cheat prompt where they can easily increase their Sim’s minor or major skills. These cheats can help you quickly achieve the desired skills for your career, relationship, or date.
Table of Contents
List of Skill Cheats
Note that the number indicated in the table is already set to the Maximum Level of the skill. You can adjust the value to your preference.
Skill / Expansion | Cheat Command |
Bowling Skill | stats.set_skill_level skill_bowling 5 |
Dog Training Skill (Cats and Dogs Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level skill_dogtraining 5 |
Fitness Skill | stats.set_skill_level skill_fitness 10 |
Acting Skill (Get Famous Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level major_acting 10 |
Archaeology Skill (Jungle Adventure) | stats.set_skill_level major_archaeology 10 |
Baking Skill (Get to Work Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level major_baking 10 |
Bartending Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_bartending 10 |
Charisma Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_charisma 10 |
Comedy Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_comedy 10 |
Dancing Skill (Get Together Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level minor_dancing 5 |
DJ Mixing Skill (Get Together Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level major_djmixing 10 |
Fabrication Skill (Eco Lifestyle) | stats.set_skill_level major_fabrication 10 |
Fishing Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_fishing 10 |
Flower Arranging (Seasons Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level major_flowerarranging 10 |
Gardening Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_gardening 10 |
Gourmet Cooking Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_gourmetcooking 10 |
Guitar Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_guitar 10 |
Handiness Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_handiness 10 |
Herbalism (Outdoor Retreat Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level major_herbalism 10 |
Homestyle Cooking Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_homestylecooking 10 |
Juice Fizzing Skill (Eco Lifestyle) | stats.set_skill_level minor_juicefizzing 5 |
Local Culture Skill (Jungle Adventure) | stats.set_skill_level adultminor_localculture 5 |
Logic Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_logic 10 |
Media Production (Get Famous Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level minor_mediaproduction 5 |
Mischief Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_mischief 10 |
Painting Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_painting 10 |
Parenting Skill (Parenthood Game Pack) | stats.set_skill_level major_parenting 10 |
Photography (Get to Work Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level major_photography 5 |
Piano Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_piano 10 |
Pipe Organ Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_pipeorgan 10 |
Programming Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_programming 10 |
Reaping Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_reaping 10 |
Research Debate Skill (Discover University) | stats.set_skill_level major_researchdebate 10 |
Rock Climbing Skill (Snowy Escape) | stats.set_skill_level major_rockclimbing 10 |
Rocket Science Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_rocketscience 10 |
Singing Skill (City Living Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level major_singing 10 |
Skiing Skill (Snowy Escape) | stats.set_skill_level major_skiing 10 |
Snowboarding Skill (Snowy Escape) | stats.set_skill_level major_snowboarding 10 |
Vampire Lore Skill | stats.set_skill_level vampirelore 15 |
Veterinarian Skill (Cats and Dogs Expansion) | stats.set_skill_level major_veterinarian 10 |
Video Gaming Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_videogaming 10 |
Violin Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_violin 10 |
Wellness Skill (Spa Day Game Pack) | stats.set_skill_level major_wellness 10 |
Writing Skill | stats.set_skill_level major_writing 10 |
Toddler Skill Cheats

Increasing toddler skills is important in their development, including communication skills for socializing, imagination skills to increase their creativity, thinking skills to grow their logic, and so on. Toddler Skills max out at Level 5, except for Potty Skill, which is only Level 3.
Skills | Cheat Command |
Toddler Communication Skill | stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_communication 5 |
Toddler Imagination Skill | stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_imagination 5 |
Toddler Movement Skill | stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_movement 5 |
Toddler Potty Skill | stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_potty 3 |
Toddler Thinking Skill | stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_thinking 5 |
Children Skill Cheats

Like Toddler Skills, Children’s Skills enhance their growth, resulting in bonuses once the child grows into a young adult. All of the Child’s Skills max out at Level 10.
Skills | Cheat Command |
Child Creativity Skill | stats.set_skill_level skill_child_creativity 10 |
Child Mental Skill | stats.set_skill_level skill_child_mental 10 |
Child Motor Skill | stats.set_skill_level skill_child_motor 10 |
Child Social Skill | stats.set_skill_level skill_child_social 10 |
How to Enter Skill Cheats

To apply skill cheats to your game, you must press Control + Shift + C on your keyboard to open the command line. For Xbox and PlayStation users, press all four shoulder buttons simultaneously. This will open a new window where you’ll type all the skill cheats you need.
Once the command line is open, type in testingcheats on and then hit Enter. This will ensure that all cheats you enter work. A prompt should say ‘Cheats are enabled’ to confirm that your game is ready for all the cheats you’ll input.
With all that set, you can now type in the Skill Cheats listed on the table.
Starting a new game is now easy, thanks to Skill Cheats. It allows you to skip all the grinding and get the desired skills, which saves you the hassle of maxing out skills.
READ MORE: Sims 4: All Money Cheats