Bones are scarce in Skul The Hero Slayer. However, they are a necessity if you want to be at your best and defeat your enemies!

Most of the new players in Skul are having difficulties acquiring bones. This is due to the reason that they’re pretty scarce, especially if you’re a lower level. Nevertheless, bones are a necessity and you must acquire them any chance you get to do so.
But how can you do this? If they are hard to find and get, how can you exceed and get more bones faster?
How to Get Bones – Skul: The Hero Slayer
Unfortunately, at low levels, you can’t farm them effectively. Usually, you will get the most bones from Skull levels and gates. Your main priority at low levels should be getting items from doors with a lot of chests.
This way, you will acquire way more power other than if you go the traditional way with bones and fragments. Low rarity skulls don’t get a lot of power with these kinds of upgrades, so your best bet is items.
As for getting bones faster, my main advice is to destroy skulls. There are many skulls that you will find yourself not wanting to use, and instead of leaving them, try to destroy them as that is the most effective way of getting bones.
The rarer the skull is the more bones you will get for destroying it. This is also good because there are many ultra-rare skulls which aren’t that good, and most players just leave them behind.
Instead, destroy them to get the most bones. This will only work if you’re a higher level though. Until then, upgrade all of your stuff at the Witch in order to get the most power possible.
All of your Dark Quartz should be allocated for the upgrades at the Witch. The buffs that you will get here are insanely powerful, even after the most recent updates.
In addition, even if you choose to go for bone upgrades at low level, you will still be in need of bones. The skulls that you get at low levels are really low rarity, so they do not give out that many bone fragments.
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