Tears of the Kingdom Bow Guide



Randrew Mendrico

Writer and Storywriter

Drew is one of the game guide writers in PlayerAssist. He mixed his communications degree with his love for video games to help other gamers with different video game situations. Drew loves action-adventure, story or character driven role-playing games.

Tears of the Kingdom has a large assortment of bows you can use, and this guide provides an overview of each.

Tears of the Kingdom Bow Guide

Welcome to the ever-expanding world of Hyrule, where adventure knows no bounds and danger lurks around every corner. In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the timeless art of archery takes center stage. This offers players a mesmerizing experience filled with precision, strategy, and the thrill of becoming a legendary archer.

Whether you’re a seasoned hero or a newcomer to the land of Hyrule, this comprehensive guide is your key to understanding Bows. We will harness the power of these remarkable weapons to bring light to the kingdom once more. Join us as we embark on a journey through the bow-wielding adventures that await in this remarkable installment of the Zelda saga!

Bows in Tears of the Kingdom

The Bow is one of the weapon types Link may utilize in the game. This weapon allows Link to fire Arrows as its main ammunition to deal damage to enemies. It can also snipe enemies and faraway objects such as switches or thin ropes. The Bow is a staple item in The Legend of Zelda series. 

Because they are the ammunition required for the Bow to work effectively, Arrows are the most significant component of this weapon type. Compared to the Bow, which Link must equip to use, Arrows are added automatically. Although Arrows are the most common type of Bow ammo, Link can create Arrows with different effects with the help of various items and the Fuse ability. Examples of these are Fire Arrows and Bomb Arrows.

Related: How to Make Arrows in Tears of the Kingdom

How to Use Bows in Tears of the Kingdom

To use Bows, Link must do the following

  1. First, Link must equip a bow. Hold down the ZR and right directional buttons to do that. Doing so will show a quick menu for all the bows that Link has obtained. Use the right stick to choose a bow. Then, after choosing, let go of the right directional button to equip it. As an alternative, press the + button to open Link’s inventory. Press the L or R button to navigate the Bows tab, and choose a bow to equip there. Once ready, press the A button to select it and select Equip on the prompt. Press the B button to return to the game.
  2. Next, Link can now shoot enemies using the equipped bow. For that, Link must have at least one Arrow in his inventory. To shoot Link’s bow and arrow, hold down the ZR button to start aiming the bow and arrow. While aiming, use the right stick to move the crosshair or the left stick to move Link himself. Once ready, let go of the ZR button to shoot the arrow!
  3. Tap the ZR button once if you want to ready Link’s bow and arrow but not aim and shoot. If Link is aiming and the player decides not to shoot an arrow, press the B button to simply cancel the aim.
  4. Also, slowing down time while aiming Link’s bow and arrow is possible. Link must be falling from a height or using the Paraglider. While falling or gliding, simply hold down the ZR button to aim Link’s bow and arrow. While aiming, time will significantly slow down while falling and allow Link to aim more precisely.
  5. The slow motion duration depends on whether Link is about to hit the ground or, if still far from the ground, Link’s stamina. This will deplete if Link still aims the bow and arrow in slow motion. During this, Link can shoot as many arrows as you want. Link can do this again until he lands on the ground or until Link’s stamina is depleted.
  6. In Tears of the Kingdom, Link can attach different items to his arrows using the Fuse ability. Doing so will allow Link to make different kinds of arrows with different effects and uses. Hold the ZR button to aim Link’s Bow and Arrow to do that. Next, hold the up directional button to choose the item Link can fuse to his arrow. Use the right stick to navigate to the items. After choosing, release the up directional button to return to the game. Finally, Link now has a fused arrow!

It is important to mention that Link cannot use his shield when he has a bow equipped and ready. This means Link will be unable to parry and vulnerable to damage from enemies. Link, however, can still move and dodge these attacks.

Bow Modifiers

Like in Breath of the Wild, the weapons in Tears of the Kingdom also have modifiers. These are weapon stat increases that improve a weapon’s usefulness. These stat increases, for example, enhance a weapon’s durability and power or increase the number of arrows Link can shoot simultaneously.

Weapon Modifiers are unlike Passive Abilities in that a particular Passive Ability is assigned to every weapon and may not be modified. When Link uses the Fuse ability to combine weapons with a Passive Ability, the fused weapon will retain the passive ability.

As mentioned, all types of shields and weapons, including bows, may get modifiers. The following are the modifiers that bows may get in Tears of the Kingdom:

Weapon ModifierDescription
Attack UpThis will boost the damage output of the weapon. The amount of boost is based on the value indicated on the modifier. Aside from bows, this modifier may also appear on melee weapons.
Durability UpThis Weapon Modifier boosts a weapon’s longevity. The greater the value indicated on the modifier, the more durable the weapon is. This modifier not only appears on bows but also on other weapons and shields.
Quick ShotThis Weapon Modifier allows Link to shoot an arrow faster when using the item. With this, the pull of the bowstring before firing an arrow is quicker. This Weapon Modifier only appears on bows.
Five Shot BurstLink can shoot five arrows simultaneously when using the item with the Weapon Modifier. This Weapon Modifier also only appears on bows.

How to Change/Add Modifier

If the player doesn’t like the Weapon Modifier that a bow, weapon, or shield has, it’s possible to change it. To do that, Link must find a Rock Octorok. This enemy will randomize a weapon’s modifier if Link lets it eat the weapon. In addition, The Rock Octorok will fix the weapon, shield, or bow. It is also worth noting that the Rock Octorok will add a Weapon Modifier if the weapon, shield, or bow dropped does not have any in the first place.

After finding a Rock Octorok, Link must do the following to change or add a weapon’s modifier:

  1. First, Link must drop the weapon, shield, or bow on the ground near the Rock Octorok. To do that, press the + Button to open the Inventory menu. Press the L or R button to navigate the weapons, shields, or bows tab. Choose a weapon, bow, or shield the player wants to change the Weapon Modifier. Then, drop the selected weapon, shield, or bow on the floor. 
  2. After that, the Rock Octorok will suck up air to shoot a projectile at Link. During that, the Rock Octorok will also suck in the dropped weapon, shield, or bow.
  3. After a short while, the Rock Octorok will spit out the item. The weapon, shield, or bow’s Weapon Modifier is now changed to another random one!

This method, however, has only one limitation. Link can only perform this on the same Rock Octorok once every Blood Moon. So, Link needs to locate numerous Rock Octorocks before the next Blood Moon to change the modifier of multiple items.

List of Bows in Tears of the Kingdom

A screenshot of the tab for Bows and Arrows in Link's inventory

Link can find different kinds of Bows all across the surface, skies, and depths of Hyrule. To get some, Link can get them from treasure chests, from defeated enemies, or even just laid on the floor in the overworld. The following are all of the Bows that Link can get and use in the game:

Boko Bow

According to its in-game description, the Boko Bow is a basic bow made of wood that Bokoblins use. The Boko Bow has a Base Attack of 4, the 456th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can get the Boko Bow by exploring Hyrule Field and the Central Hyrule Depths. Alternatively, Bokoblins may drop Boko Bows after Link has defeated them.

This bow is made of wood, so the Boko Bow may catch fire.

Wooden Bow

As mentioned in its description in the game, the Wooden Bow is not a dependable weapon for defeating monsters, but it is fantastic for shooting small animals. This bow has a Base Attack of 4, the 442nd item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore Hyrule Field and the South Lanayru Sky Archipelago to get a Wooden Bow. In addition, Link can obtain a Wooden Bow from a treasure chest in the south of West Castle Town and south of East Castle Town.

Old Wooden Bow

The Old Wooden Bow is designed for hunting but doesn’t seem particularly powerful, according to its description in the game. This bow has a Base Attack of 4 and is the 441st item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore the Great Sky Island to get an Old Wooden Bow. As an alternative, Link can defeat some Soldier Constructs in the Great Sky Island as they may drop Old Wooden Bow. Near the beginning of the game, a Steward Construct in the eastern part of the Great Sky Island will give Link an Old Wooden Bow. This is after the Steward Construct teaches Link how to hunt.

The Old Wooden Bow may catch fire due to its wooden construction.

Traveler’s Bow

The Traveler’s Bow, as described in the game, is a tiny bow used by travelers for protection. It does not cause much damage. However, it can be utilized to hit enemies from afar. This bow has a Base Attack of 5, the 443rd item in the Hyrule Compendium.

The link can also explore the Hyrule Field and the Central Hyrule Depths to find a Traveler’s Bow. Additionally, Link can defeat enemies in the Hyrule Garrison Ruins in Hyrule Field. The enemies in this area, particularly the archers, may drop some Traveler’s Bow.

The Traveler’s Bow could catch fire because it is constructed from wood.

Construct Bow

According to its description in the game, the Construct Bow are the bows used by Captain Constructs. Despite its simplicity, it is composed of fireproof materials and will not catch fire like wooden bows would. The Construct Bow has a Base Attack of 5, the 466th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore the South Lanayru Sky Archipelago and the North Gerudo Sky Archipelago to obtain a Construct Bow. Again, Link can also defeat Captain Constructs as they may drop Construct Bows. Link can open the treasure chest inside Runakit Shrine to get a Construct Bow.

Swallow Bow

The Swallow Bow, as described in the game, is commonly used among warriors of the Rito people. The bowstring was created specially designed for fighting up in the air. This allows it to be pulled faster than a standard bow. This bow has a Base Attack of 8 and is the 449th item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

There are lots of ways to obtain a Swallow Bow. One way is via melting the frozen object in the southwest of the Pikida Stonegrove Skyview Tower. To be more precise, Link can head to the following coordinates to find the frozen Swallow Bow: -0263, 2715, 0509. Link can melt the ice by starting adjacent bonfires or striking the glacier using a fire-based weapon.

Another way to get a Swallow Bow is by opening the treasure chests that Like Likes in the Tabantha Frontier region drop. There is no assurance, however, that Like Likes will drop treasure chests will contain a Swallow Bow.

The chest includes weapons and shields in the area where a Like Like has dropped it randomly. The player can randomize what’s inside of the chest through saving before beating the Like Like. Then, reload the save file if another weapon or shield is inside the chest dropped instead of a Swallow Bow.

Link can also head to the Flight Range near the Rito Village to find a Swallow Bow. This location is in Dronoc’s Pass, west of Rospro’s Skyview Tower. Before Link can grab the bow, Link must first complete “Kaneli’s Flight Training” Side Quest.

Because the Swallow Bow is an item the Link can get in the overworld, it will respawn in the same spot after the next Blood Moon.

Phrenic Bow

According to the description in the game, the Sheikah tribe hands down the Phrenic Bow within their tribe. Focusing before pulling the bowstring allows Link to target distant and adjacent adversaries. The Phrenic Bow has a Base Attack of 10 and is the 453rd item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can find this bow randomly inside the treasure chests that any Likes drop. Again, the player can save and load the game if the Like Like drops a different weapon or shield.

Aside from that, Link can explore the East Necluda and the West Necluda region to find the Phrenic Bow. Also, the Sheik (Super Smash Bros.) amiibo may drop a treasure chest with a Phrenic Bow inside that Link can collect.

Strong Construct Bow

The Strong Construct Bow, as described in the game, is a robust bow for a Captain Construct. Aside from being fireproof, they reinforced it to enable more vital shots. This bow has a Base Attack of 11 and is the 467th item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore the Rising Island Chain and Death Mountain Depths to get the Strong Construct Bow. Alternatively, Link can open the treasure chest inside the Makurukis Shrine.

Spike Boko Bow

As detailed in the game, The Spiked Boko Bow is an improved version of the Boko Bow. They attached animal bones to it to increase its longevity and effectiveness. Its workmanship is poor, yet it is lightweight and straightforward to utilize. The Spiked Boko Bow has a Base Attack of 12 and is the 457th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can roam around Hyrule Field or the Gerudo Highlands Depths to find a Spiked Boko Bow. As an alternative, Link can defeat Bokoblins, as there is a chance that they will drop a Spiked Boko Bow.

Demon King’s Bow

According to its description and as implied from the bow’s name, the Demon King owns the magical Demon King’s Bow. The way this bow operates relies on the wielder’s strength. The greater number of hearts Link has, the greater this bow’s attack power is. This means that the Demon King’s Bow may give Link a minimum Base Attack of 12 to a maximum of 60. This bow is the 470th item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

To get a Demon King’s Bow, Link must defeat a Phantom Ganon. When defeated, a Phantom Ganon will yield one Gloom Weapon and one Demon King’s Bow. The weapon that the Phantom Ganon used in battle is the Gloom Weapon that it will drop. However, the Demon King’s Bow remains a guaranteed drop. To fight a Phantom Ganon, Link must first beat all Gloom Hands in an area. Link will be able to find some Gloom Hands in the following areas:

Akkala Citadel Ruins3358, 1520, 0414
Hopper Pond-1257, -1633, 0082
Spring of Wisdom4048, -1406, 0399
Tabahl Woods2535, 0257, 0065
Lindor’s Brow Cave-1793, 1204, 0136
Mekar Island-0279, 2205, 0141
Deku Tree Chasm0417, 2187, -0587

Lizal Bow

In its description in the game, the Lizalfos built the Lizal Bow using wood. They strengthened it with the bones of a giant fish, which is a significant enhancement above any regular wooden bow. This bow has a Base Attack of 14 and is the 459th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore the Lanayru Wetlands and the Gerudo Desert Depths to acquire a Lizal Bow. As an alternative, Link can defeat Lizalfos, particularly their archers, as they may drop a Lizal Bow.

Falcon Bow

The game’s description states that a master Rito craftsman produced the Falcon Bow. This is a highly sophisticated bow. Rito warriors prefer it because of its faster rate of fire, which allows them to excel even more at fighting while in the air. This bow has a Base Attack of 14 and is the 450th item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore the Tabantha Frontier and the Hebra Mountains to get a Falcon Bow. Link can also defeat the Like Likes in the Tabantha and Hebra regions. This is because there is a possibility that they will drop a Falcon Bow. Alternatively, Link can open the treasure chest at the Flight Range near the Rito Village to find a Falcon Bow.

Soldier’s Bow

According to its in-game description, the Soldier’s Bow is intended for war use. It does a greater amount of damage than an ordinary bow. The Soldier’s Bow, however, will still burn if it comes into contact with fire. This bow has a Base Attack of 14 and is the 444th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore Hyrule Field and the Hebra Mountains to obtain a Soldier’s Bow.

Zora Bow

The Zora Bow, as stated in the description in the game, is a fishing bow used by the Zora. It may not have the most powerful power, but the particular metal from which it’s made emphasizes durability. The Zora Bow has a Base Attack of 20, the 448th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can roam around the Lanayru Great Spring to get a Zora Bow. Also, Link can defeat the Like Likes in the Lanayru Great Spring area as they may drop Zora Bows.

Mighty Construct Bow

The Mighty Construct Bow is a formidable bow that the Captain Construct uses, according to the game’s description. It is still fireproof, although it is more intricate than previous models. This bow’s string is incredibly tense and needs enormous strength to pull. The Mighty Construct Bow has a Base Attack of 24 and is the 468th item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore the Typhlo Ruins and the Lomei Labyrinth Island to obtain some Mighty Construct Bows. Aside from that, Link can find a Mighty Construct Bow on the ground around the Yansamin Shrine in the Zonaite Forge Island. As Captain Constructs use the Mighty Construct Bow, Link can defeat some of them for a chance of a drop of a Mighty Construct Bow.

Dragonbone Boko Bow

The Dragonbone Boko Bow, as described in-game, is a Boko bow strengthened with fossils. The Bokoblins chose the materials to make it, so it has considerable firepower. This bow has a Base Attack of 24 and is the 458th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can roam around the Gerudo Highlands region and the Gerudo Highlands Depths to find some Dragonbone Boko Bow. Alternatively, Link can eliminate the Bokoblins, particularly the archers, in an enemy camp in the Forgotten Temple. This area is in the Tabantha Frontier.

Gerudo Bow

According to the game’s description, the Gerudo made the Gerudo Bow. People know this bow for the beautiful decoration on its limbs. The Gerudo designed this bow to hit far targets and intended it for hunting and warfare. The Gerudo Bow has a Base Attack of 25 and is the 452nd item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore the Gerudo Desert and the Gerudo Highlands to obtain a Gerudo Bow. Link can find some in a rack of weapons inside Gerudo Town.

Strengthened Lizal Bow

The Strengthened Lizal Bow, as described in the game, is a Lizal bow with a metal grip reinforcement. The Lizalfos constructed the body of this bow from the twigs of an adaptable tree that lives near water and possesses significant destructive power. This bow has a Base Attack of 25 and is the 460th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can acquire the Strengthened Lizal Bow by exploring the Gerudo Desert and the Akkala Highlands Depths. Also, as the Lizalfos use these bows, Link can defeat the blue Lizalfos or the stronger variants as they may drop a Strengthened Lizal Bow.

Knight’s Bow

The Knight’s Bow is built of solid metal that provides great durability. It is free of shooting oddities, making it extremely dependable. Hyrule’s knights prefer the Knight’s Bow. The Knight’s Bow has a Base Attack of 30 and is the 445th item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore the Gerudo Desert and the Akkala Highlands regions to get a Knight’s Bow. Link can also defeat various enemies to obtain them. Also, the Monster Forces in Akkala Span may drop a Knight’s Bow upon defeating them.

Zonaite Bow

As stated in its description in the game, the Zonaite Bow is a kind of Zonai Device that uses power from Link’s Energy Cell. Arrows can go a significantly greater distance depending on the duration of Link’s charge for the bow. The bow will consume power from Link’s battery throughout the charging process. The Zonaite Bow has a Base Attack of 30 and is the 469th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

To get a Zonaite Bow, Link can find and open the treasure chest inside the Kikakin Shrine.

Dusk Bow

According to its description in the game, the Dusk Bow is a bow that’s been in the royal family for ages. People believed that a princess who fought beasts of twilight used this bow. It forcefully fires long-range arrows. This bow has a Base Attack of 30 and is the 455th item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

Link can only get the Dusk Bow in two ways. The first one is in the ruined part of the tallest spire of Hyrule Castle. To be more specific, Link can head to the following coordinates to find and get the Dusk Bow: -0256, 1061, 0509. Every Blood Moon, the Dusk Bow respawns. Link can acquire another one from the same location after a Blood Moon if it breaks.

The other way to obtain a Dusk Bow is using the Zelda (Super Smash Bros.) amiibo. It is worth noting, however, that this amiibo will drop randomized items. This means that the player may or may not get the Dusk Bow using this method.

Steel Lizal Bow

As described in the game, the Lizalfos, who are excellent archers, use the Steel Lizal Bow. The metal that strengthens much of this weapon adds weight but increases durability. The Steel Lizal Bow has a Base Attack of 36 and is the 461st item in the Hyrule Compendium.

To get a Steel Lizal Bow, Link can roam around the Central Hyrule Depths and the Gerudo Highlands Depths. Alternatively, Link can also defeat Black Lizalfos, as there is a chance that they will drop this bow. One particular location where Link can find a Black Lizalfos that will drop a Steel Lizal Bow is in the Hyrule Castle Library.

Royal Bow

Based on the description in the game, the most proficient archers in Hyrule in its history exclusively get the Royal Bow. Its battling abilities are as amazing as its flashy design. The Royal Bow has a Base Attack of 38, the 446th item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

The link can explore the Hyrule Field or Central Hyrule Depths to find a Royal Bow. Alternatively, Link can find and open a treasure chest on the spire over the Second Gatehouse in Hyrule Castle.

Royal Guard’s Bow

The Royal Guard’s Bow, as mentioned in the game, is an early version of a Sheikah-made bow built for use against the Great Calamity. It is made of old technology and has a fast rate of fire and power but has poor durability. This bow has a Base Attack of 50 and is the 454th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can head to Princess Zelda’s Study for a Royal Guard’s Bow. This is on the tower on the left part of Hyrule Castle.

Lynel Bow

As described in-game, the Lynels use rough metal to make the Lynel Bow. This bow shoots an array of several arrows simultaneously, which makes it perfect for hitting swift targets. The Lynel Bow shoots three arrows at once, each with a Base Attack of 10. This bow is the 462nd item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore the East Necluda and Deep Akkala regions to find a Lynel Bow. Additionally, although it is easier said than done, a guaranteed way of getting a Lynel Bow is through defeating Lynels.

Duplex Bow

According to in-game lore, the expert archers of the Yiga Clan prefer the Duplex Bow. This bow is designed to shoot two arrows simultaneously. This ensures that the target comes to a quick and painful stop. The Duplex Bow has a Base Attack of 14 per arrow and is the 465th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore Hyrule Field and the Gerudo Desert Depths to get a Duplex Bow. Also, as they use this bow, Link can defeat to get a Duplex Bow.

Forest Dweller’s Bow

The Forest Dweller’s Bow was made for Hylians from the Koroks, as described in the game. They made the bowstring from strong vines and the bow from adaptable wood. The bow’s design is basic, but it shoots numerous arrows simultaneously. The Forest Dweller’s Bow shoots three arrows at once with a Base Attack of 15 for each arrow. This bow is the 447th item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

There are various ways for Link to get a Forest Dweller’s Bow. One way is through defeating Like Likes in the Great Hyrule Forest and opening the treasure chest they drop. Again, the items inside the chests they drop are randomized. So, it is not guaranteed to drop the Forest Dweller’s Bow. However, it is possible.

Another way of getting the Forest Dweller’s Bow is by pursuing the “Walton’s Treasure Hunt” Side Quest. Link can talk to Walton in the Korok Forest in the Great Hyrule Forest to start this side quest.

Mighty Lynel Bow

According to the lore in the game, the Mighty Lynel Bow has a bowstring built from metal. This is so that simple Hylians have difficulty pulling it. The Mighty Lynel Bow fires three arrows at once with a Base Attack of 20 for each arrow. This bow is the 463rd item in the Hyrule Compendium.

To get a Mighty Lynel Bow, Link can explore the Lanayru Great Spring area. Additionally, Link can defeat Lynels as they may drop Mighty Lynel Bows.

Great Eagle Bow

As the game describes, the Great Eagle Bow is an unrivaled bow by the Rito Champion, Revali. It is believed that Revali can release arrows at the same pace as a gale, proving him unrivaled in combat from the air. The Great Eagle Bow shoots three arrows simultaneously with a Base Attack 28 per arrow. This bow is the 451st item in Link’s Hyrule Compendium.

Link must finish the “Tulin of Rito Village” Main Quest to get a Great Eagle Bow. After that, Link can ask Teba at the topmost part of Rito Village to craft a Great Eagle Bow. For that, Link needs a Swallow Bow, three Diamonds, and five bundles of Wood. Once it breaks, Link can collect the same materials and bring them to Teba again. Then, Link can ask him to craft another Great Eagle Bow.

Savage Lynel Bow

According to its description in the game, the Savage Lynel Bow is crafted from a distinctive steel obtained on Death Mountain’s peak. It has incredible stopping power and can penetrate through strong armor like paper. The Savage Lynel Bow also shoots three arrows simultaneously with a Base Attack of 32 per arrow. This is the 464th item in the Hyrule Compendium.

Link can explore the Gerudo Highlands region or the Lanayru Wetlands Depths to find a Savage Lynel Bow. Also, Link may get a Savage Lynel after defeating the fearsome White-Maned Lynels.


As our bow-wielding adventure through Tears of the Kingdom comes to a close, we hope this guide has equipped you with the knowledge and confidence to face Hyrule’s challenges. With its elegant design and formidable capabilities, the bow is not merely a tool but an extension of your heroism. From solving intricate puzzles to battling relentless foes, your mastery of archery will prove invaluable on your journey.

As you embark on your quest to restore peace and defeat the darkness, may your arrows fly true, and your heart remain steadfast. May the spirit of adventure guide you, and may you always find the courage to embrace the unknown. Now, gather up your courage, ready your bows and arrows, and explore more of what the beautiful kingdom of Hyrule has to offer!

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