Learn how to access the Nachoya Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom!

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, one of the first few Shrines is the Nachoya Shrine, also known as The Ability to Rewind. Link must utilize the Recall ability within the Shrine to conquer the shrine’s various obstacles and reach the altar at the very end of the shrine.
The Nachoya Shrine is pretty easy to complete. In this guide, we will walk you through completing the Nachoya Shrine, acquiring the treasure chest, and receiving the Light of Blessing!
Before completing this Shrine, Link must receive the Light of Blessing from three Shrines in the Great Sky Island as part of “The Closed Door” Main Quest. These Shrines are the Ukouh Shrine, the In-isa Shrine, and the Gutanbac Shrine. These are the Shrines where Link receives the Ultrahand, Fuse, and Ascend abilities.
The Temple of Time

Once Link has completed these three Shrines, Link must head back to the Temple of Time and examine the symbol on the door to open it. Inside is a flight of stairs with a glowing tear on a pedestal. Examine the tear, and Link will see a vision of Princess Zelda asking him for his hand.
After Link complies, Princess Zelda will glow and give Link a new ability. Princess Zelda will then fade, and the vision will end. Link was given the Recall ability. This ability enables Link to rewind an object’s movement until the object is back to where it was.
Traversing the Temple of Time
To continue, this is what Link must do:
- Behind the pedestal are two rotating platforms spinning outwards (the one on the left is rotating in the counterclockwise direction while the one on the right is spinning clockwise). Head to the side of either spinning platform, hold the L button, and use the right stick to select the Recall ability.
- Aim at the rotating platform and press the A button to select it and reverse its movement. Once it is spinning in the opposite direction, jump towards the spinning platform to head up and jump towards a stationary platform. After that, press the L button to cancel the Recall ability.
- Here, there is another spinning platform just ahead. Press the L button again to aim the Recall ability and aim at the higher spinning platform ahead. Press the A button to reverse its movement, quickly jump towards it to ride it, and head up the next platform above.
- Next, approach the large door and press the A button to open it. Hold the A button to attempt to open it using Link’s hearts.
Link’s hearts will not be enough to open the door during that. So, Rauru will tell Link that the door is a test of vitality and that Link is not yet strong enough to open it. However, Rauru will continue that there is one more Shrine on the Great Sky Island where Link can get another Light of Blessing.
With all those Lights of Blessing, Link can offer them to the Goddess statue and have increased vitality. Rauru will then teach Link how to fast-travel using the Purah Pad. He will suggest that Link fast-travel to the waypoint on the southernmost part of the map of the Great Sky Island as the last Shrine is somewhere there.

Link can find the Nachoya Shrine in a higher part of the Room of Awakening in the southernmost part of the Great Sky Island. Specifically, Link can find the Nachoya Shrine at these coordinates: 0388, -1660, and 2299. The Nachoya Shrine is one of four Shrines that Link can complete on the Great Sky Island.
Finding the Nachoya Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom
To find the Nachoya Shrine near the Room of Awakening, this is what Link must do:
- Upon arriving at the Room of Awakening, two spinning platforms on the left are both rotating in a clockwise direction. Go under the platform on the room’s northwest corner (next to one of the spinning platforms).
- Hold the L button and select the Ascend ability with the right stick. Move Link so that the target on the platform above is green, then press the A button to travel up and through the platform. On top, press the A button again to emerge.
- Next, face one of the spinning platforms, hold the L button, and use the right stick to select the Recall ability. Aim at the spinning platform near Link and press the A button to reverse its rotation. Quickly jump towards the spinning platform to ride it. On the other side, jump towards the other spinning platform to ride it and get to the other side. Then, jump towards an opening on the wall ahead.
- After that, follow this narrow path, and Link will finally find the Nachoyah Shrine!
The Ability To Rewind
Inside the Nachoya Shrine, Link must use the new ability that Princess Zelda gave him, the Recall ability. This ability will enable Link to select an object and reverse or rewind its movement.
Read: Tears of the Kingdom: Gutanbac Shrine Guide
The object selected to rewind will reverse its movement until the Recall ability timer runs out. Also, the player can cancel the Recall ability anytime during its reversed movement by pressing the L button.
The Nachoya Shrine serves as the tutorial area for the Recall ability. Therefore, Link will rely significantly on Recall’s ability to reach the end of this shrine.
Nachoya Shrine Guide

This is what Link must accomplish to finish the Nachoya Shrine:
- Go down the flight of stairs, and there Link will find a pool of water flowing back towards Link and a raft on top. Hold the L button and select the Recall ability with the right stick. Aim on the raft and press the A button to reverse its movement. Then, quickly jump on it to ride it as it moves back up the water flow. Once near the edge, jump towards the next platform to continue.
- Continue on the path; there, Link will find another pool of water flowing back with a waterfall ahead on the wall. Wait for a while, and another raft will fall from the top of the waterfall. Wait for the raft to be near the platform where Link is on.
- Then, quickly press the L button to use the Recall ability and pause time. Aim at the new raft and press the A button to rewind its movement. Quickly jump on it to ride it as it reverses back up to the top of the waterfall. Jump towards the next safe platform to continue.
- After that, just a little bit ahead on the left, there is a smaller pool of water with a large spinning cogwheel on the wall on the right. This cogwheel is rotating in a clockwise direction. Near the top of this cogwheel is another platform.
- Press the L button to use the Recall ability, aim at the cogwheel, and press the A button to reverse its rotation. Quickly jump on one of its cogs to ride it up, then jump towards the platform near the top. On this platform is a treasure chest. Open the chest to get a bundle of 10 Arrows. Jump and glide down the previous platform below to continue.
- Next, continue on the path, and Link will find the shrine’s altar behind a closed gate. At the top of the closed gate is a spinning mechanism that looks like the hands of a clock. These hands are spinning in opposite directions. The gate opens if the hands point in the same direction and close otherwise.
- Wait for the hands to be pointed in the same direction, then quickly press the L button to use the Recall ability and pause time. Aim on one of the hands and press the A button to rewind its movement.
- The hands will then rotate in the same direction while simultaneously pointing in the same direction. This means that the gate will fully open while that is happening. Quickly pass through the gate to continue.
- Finally, approach the altar and press the A button to examine the symbol, and Link will receive a Light of Blessing!
Link has four Lights of Blessing after completing the Nachoya Shrine to increase his vitality/hearts. Head back to the Temple of Time and traverse the room like before to get to the Goddess statue near the large door. Approach the Goddess Statue and press the A button to pray to it.
The Goddess Statue will then tell Link she will grant Link power in exchange for four Lights of Blessing. Select “Heart Container” on the prompt and “Yes.” on the confirmation.
Then, the Goddess Statue will take four of Link’s Lights of Blessing and give Link one heart for his health! After that, Link now has enough hearts to open the big door ahead. Then, Link can now continue exploring the kingdom of Hyrule!
The Nachoya Shrine, referred to as “The Ability to Rewind,” is the last of the four Shrines on the Great Sky Island in Tears of the Kingdom, as established earlier. The other three shrines in this particular region are the Ukouh Shrine, referred to as “The Ability to Create;” the In-isa Shrine referred to as “The Ability to Combine;” and the Gutanbac Shrine, referred to as “The Ability to Rise.”