Remember when we jumped the gun and said that the Tiny Trax 1.01 update was ready for release? Yeah, we’re still shaking our heads at that blunder. Really, though, we were just ahead of our time… By around a week.
The announced update has since gone live and is available to download to your PS4. The update brings changes to the game’s challenging A.I as well as the general difficulty levels that have hampered the early stages of the game. If you’re playing Tiny Trax for PSVR and haven’t update, we strongly suggest you do before continuing in frustration. Frustration leads to anger which leads to the Dark Side or some waffle like that…
If you want to know exactly what’s been tweaked, read on for FuturLab’s run down of changes:

“In the Tropical environment the first 3 tracks should be quite a bit easier, on the 4th track there will be 1 AI who is tougher to beat. On the first 3 tracks of the Ice/Fire environment the AI will be a bit easier, again on the final track of that environment 1 AI will be a bit better than the others.
The AI in the Space environment are untouched, they’ll still offer a challenge to anyone that prefers racing that way.”
Thought Tiny Trax got a fair bit of criticism with its hard-to-beat A.I, the developer has at least offered up an explanation as to why there isn’t an easy, normal, and hard difficulty mode:
“We’d have love to do that but we didn’t have the time/resources to balance the AI in 3 different states across all the tracks. The AI was painful to work with from the start of development to the end, but once it was in a state that was good enough (really easy to beat for anyone that had played more than an hour) we couldn’t revisit it because there were other tasks that needed to be completed.
Eventually the code team were able to spend some time surfacing the required parameters so that I could tweak the AI, at which point it seems I went overboard with making them more difficult to beat!”
While we’re happy to see FuturLab dishing out the updates as promised, we can’t say we’re not disappointed with the lack of PS4 Pro support – something that just about every PS4 Pro owner can relate to. The Brighton-based has stated on Twitter that it’s “unlikely” that we’ll see PS4 Pro support for Tiny Trax. It’s a shame, though really we can’t fault the studio – the game runs like a dream and looks great, too, so we’ll let them slide this time…