This past weekend, we “checked a look” at something that could end up being one of the more under-the-radar titles at E3 2021. It’s called Trek to Yomi, and it’s a side-scrolling action game that looks every bit like a black-and-white samurai film. We weren’t fortunate enough to get a Trek to Yomi release date so much as a release window when the game was shown off during Devolver Forwarder (sorry — the “Devolver MaxPass+ Showcase,” which you should definitely watch). But it appears the game will be coming soon enough, and I must say: it has my attention.

Here’s the scoop on Trek to Yomi.
The Trek to Yomi release date is a more general 2022

There are quite a few games coming throughout the rest of 2021, which is why I’m actually not all that disappointed Trek to Yomi is offering up a more vague 2022 release window. I have a feeling it’s going to stand out already due to its art style, but if it can do that in a less crowded space, that would be much, much better for it.
As far as where you’ll get to play this new title by Leonard Menchiari and Flying Wild Hog, well, you can have your pick. It’s coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. If you’re gaming on that latter platform, it appears you can actually wishlist it right now on Steam if you want to be reminded when it launches.
Somewhat surprisingly, this will not be an Xbox Game Pass release (even though I think it would be a great fit for it).
Trek to Yomi takes us to 19th century Japan
In Trek to Yomi, you play the role of Hiroki, a warrior who promised his recently departed master that he’d keep his village and everyone in it safe. Of course, because this game isn’t “peaceful samurai simulator,” bad things happen, and Hiroki must set out to right some wrongs.
As the game’s description on the Xbox blog states, all of the voice work in authentic Japanese from the era the game takes place in — the 1850s. That should couple well with the art style of the game, which appears to lock in on that black-and-white look. And of course, because Hiroki is a warrior on a mission, there are weapons: everything from “the traditional samurai katana” to “the ranged bow” to “ozutsu and bo-shurikens.” Yes, yes, and yes, please.
As mentioned before, there’s no word on a more specific Trek to Yomi release date, so we’ll probably have to wait until we get closer to 2022 to hear more about the game. I’m about as sold as I can be for it, however, so I’ll just be sitting around until the day it comes out so I can actually play the darn thing.