VR gaming has had a long and troubled history: it first really started back with Nintendo releasing that weird headset thing that never really worked. Since then there have been a few attempts to popularise the concept but it’s only recently that the technology has really been in place to make it a worthwhile venture.

We’re pretty excited to see what a VR future can bring to gaming, even if we’re much more comfortable being able to see someone about to slap you in real life with our peripheral vision.
VR gaming has its fans but not everybody seems convinced, one man in particular: Alex Hutchinson, Creative Director at Ubisoft Montreal, the studio that brought the world Assassin’s Creed III and Far Cry Primal.
Hutchinson has been quite vocal as of late on twitter for his distaste for VR, and to be fair he does make a few good points, but the majority of it is just, well, cold. Take a look:
This is the best thing I’ve seen done with VR. https://t.co/fxEG3r7sOZ
— Alex Hutchinson (@BangBangClick) March 28, 2016
That’s a little girl sitting on a bike while her father moves her around to the video of a mountain biker on the TV. Is this an apt comparison? Seems a bit harsh, mate.
The press has had a field day (more like a month long vaction) with VR, especially with the likes of Oculus and its high price point against Sony’s cheaper unit. We’ve seen some pretty bad headlines over the last few weeks and read more than a few comments from other sites’ writers claiming one or the other is superior, in particular, Sony’s PSVR being “the best thing ever”. That’s clearly a bit of an exaggeration, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by Mr ‘I Hate VR’.
The folks shilling VR would benefit from dialling down their rhetoric a notch: they’re setting themselves up for some harsh future headlines
— Alex Hutchinson (@BangBangClick) March 28, 2016
The next two are a little less harsh and bitter, but there’s still something wrong. Did Hutchinson not get invited to try out the Oculus? Did Shuhei hog the PSVR and not let Hutchy have a go? What’s the matter? Why do you hate VR, man?
Sony saves VR with only mildly ridiculous price point?
— Alex Hutchinson (@BangBangClick) March 16, 2016
To be fair, it is rather expensive, but we’re not going to sit here and judge it as we’ve not gotten our hands on the finished product and its games.
When I was 15 I used to play Outrun and when I crashed the car, my friend would kick my chair over. Far more immersive than VR.
— Alex Hutchinson (@BangBangClick) March 28, 2016
The future arrives lonely and stationary at #SXSW2016. pic.twitter.com/UujLusys33
— Alex Hutchinson (@BangBangClick) March 14, 2016
This one’s actually spot on.
It’s a bit strange that a guy who works for one of the biggest and most reputable studios and publishers in the gaming world would be so opposed to this new and exciting way of playing games. Surely, as a developer and a creative fella, shouldn’t this be something to be celebrated?
What do you think about VR? Do you think it’s a waste of time and effort and that Sony’s PSVR is still too expensive, or have you already started putting the pennies away to get your own headset?