Welcome to the Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing Story Guide! We’ll give you the lowdown on going through the story mode and some of the better ways to do it with strategies and some tips for combat.
![Ultimate Ninja Blazing Story Guide [Naruto Shippuden]](https://playerassist.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Naruto-Shippuden-Ultimate-Ninja-Blazing-Story-Guide-feature.png)
Rookie | Champion | Ultimate |
50% | 35.0% | 15.0% |
Agumon | IceDevimon | MegaKabuterimon |
Agumon (Black) | Aquilamon | Garudamon |
Armadillomon | Ankylomon | Zudomon |
Impmon | Ikkakumon | MagnaAngemon |
Elecmon | Wizardmon | |
Otamamon | Woodmon | |
Gaomon | ExVeemon | |
Gazimon | Angemon | |
Gabumon | Ogremon | |
Gabumon (Black) | Guardromon | |
Guilmon | GaoGamon | |
Kudamon | Kabuterimon | |
Keramon | ShellNumemon | |
Gotsumon | Gargomon | |
Goblimon | Garurumon | |
Gomamon | Garurumon (Black) | |
Syakomon | Kyubimon | |
Solarmon | Growlmon | |
Terriermon | Chrysalimon | |
Tentomon | Greymon | |
ToyAgumon | Greymon (Blue) | |
Dorumon | Clockmon | |
Hagurumon | Kuwagamon | |
Patamon | Gekomon | |
Hackmon | Geremon | |
Palmon | GoldNumemon | |
DemiDevimon | Cyclonemon | |
Biyomon | Sunflowmon | |
Falcomon | Seadramon | |
Veemon | GeoGreymon | |
Salamon | Sukamon | |
Betamon | Starmon | |
Hawkmon | Stingmon | |
Lalamon | Sorcermon | |
Renamon | Tankmon | |
Lopmon | Tyrannomon | |
Wormmon | Gatomon | |
Devimon | ||
Togemon | ||
Dorugamon | ||
Nanimon | ||
Numemon | ||
Birdramon | ||
Bakemon | ||
Veedramon | ||
PlatinumSukamon | ||
BlackGatomon | ||
Vegiemon | ||
Peckmon | ||
Meramon | ||
Frigimon | ||
Leomon | ||
Reppamon | ||
Waspmon |
Story Mode
Story mode will be your main source of experience, each Ninja Rank you achieve increases your stats, such as your Stamina. So your first task is to try and completing all of story mode on Normal difficulty so you can have a ton of Stamina before you try some of the other modes like the Emergency Mission which can cost a lot of stamina to complete.
You’ll gain some pearls each time you complete a chapter, once you finish the story mode on normal you will have a total of 40 pearls, you can go back and complete it on hard mode to gain another 40 pearls.
Using your friends / Multiplayer
An awesome feature in Naruto Shippuden is the ability to co-op or multiplayer each stage in the game, whether you’ve completed it or not. It works in two ways. If you need help, you can set up a mission for the stage, by opening up a room for other players through “Gather Friends” or your friends to join through the “Join this friend in multiplayer.”
This will allow you to bring in help, hopefully from higher level friends with strong characters who can clear the mission with you. This is really useful when you’re doing hard mode missions or you’re going through the Emergency missions. If you’re the host of the matches, you will receive the exp and the objectives. If you aren’t the host, you won’t get much of anything for completing the multiplayer besides the extra new player pearls.
Strategies and Placement.
You will find most of the missions rather easy to get through by using auto play for the first two rounds, and then manually playing through the boss fight. Save your abilities for the boss wave. There usually is no reason to use them unless you’re doing Emergency missions where the first two waves are actually difficult. Later on you will have to worry about the strategy of the game, what characters to pair together and where to place them to take full advantage of their buddy skills and their element.
Be careful of your placement. This goes both ways. If you can stack your characters you can pull of combo attacks but this also works for the enemies attacks as well. This is very important, so keep it in mind for boss fights. Field skills work great when used properly, as it can double or triple a heal or a combat effect.
There are some other ways to heal up before a big battle if you’re struggling. If you can place a few of your units around your healer, in range enough to get their field healing skill to proc, without getting all of your units hit by the enemy. You can keep moving around until you’re fully healed before killing the last unit on the stage and going into the next battle at field health.
Character Types to use
Now this all depends on what you have available, but I found it nice to run AOE heavy team comps or really strong single target DPS characters with 1 healer as backup. Prioritize characters like Sasuke, Gaara, Naruto, Kisime, Zabuza, Haku and Kabuto. Each of these characters are currently some of the highest rated characters and for good reasons. A character like Sasuke deals high AOE damage, although he has a short range. Kabuto on the other hand, is in my opinion, the best healer in the game. When he uses his technique he will almost always heal your entire health bar.
An overpowered team comp would look something like this for example.
- Gaara “Sand Defense”
- Kabuto “The Sound’s Spy”
- Zabuza “Silence of Machines”
- Sasuke “Lone Survivor”
- Kakashi “Hidden Left Eye” or “Copier of 1k Techniques”
- Sakura “Maiden in Love”
Check out our re-roll guide and see a tier list of strong characters to give you an idea of how you might want to build your team comp or if you just got a really bad starting team and you want to try for a better hand. It will really help you out..