If there is a will, there is a way to line up mollies on Icebox.

Brimstone’s been seeing a ton of use recently, thanks to Riot’s excellent buff back in Patch 4.03.
His Stim Beacon now has a movement speed buff that gives everybody a chance to feel what it is like being Neon, even if for just a little while, and his Sky Smokes now activates and blooms faster than before.
These changes help make Brimstone a more powerful Controller Agent who can now contribute and bring more value to the team aside from his smokes.
Brimstone’s molly remains untouched, but that does not mean it is weak. Incendiary is one of the most powerful molly abilities in the game in terms of overall DPS. It is the only molly with a 7-second (minimum) duration – making it awesome for post-plant situations.
Icebox layout makes it pretty difficult to do traditional lineups on the map. Worry not! We compiled the best post-plant molly lineups for almost every position imaginable on Icebox. This is for you Brimstone fanatics out there! Here you go!
Brimstone Incendiary
Brimstone’s Incendiary is one of the most powerful Incendiary-type Ability for stalling Spike-defuses and enemy rushes in VALORANT.
Like all other incendiary-type Abilities in VALORANT, such as Viper’s Snake Bite and Killjoy’s Nanoswarm, and KAY/O’s FRAG/MENT, Brimstone’s Incendiary has a standard radius of 5 meters. It is decently priced at 250 Credits and has a decent Equip Time of 1.1 seconds.

What sets Brimstone’s Incendiary apart from every other incendiary-type Abilities in VALORANT is the ridiculous 7-second (minimum) duration. In a fast-paced game such as VALORANT, where every single second counts, Brimstone’s Incendiary is an insanely powerful stalling tool for both the Attacking and Defending sides.
For comparison, Viper’s Snake Bite only lasts a minimum of 5.5 seconds, and Killjoy’s Nanoswarm only lasts 4 seconds. All the other incendiary-type Abilities are not worth comparing since everyone else’s molly burns out faster than both Viper’s and Killjoy’s incendiary abilities.
The decently quick damage it deals towards enemies within its radius (60/second) makes Brimstone’s Incendiary one of the most damaging post-plant incendiary abilities in VALORANT.
Icebox A-site Open Plant Post-plant Molly Lineup (A-Pipes)
A-Pipes is a safe post-plant position when the Spike is planted in the open at A-site.

We cannot stress the importance of Spike plant positions around the map enough.
Successfully planting the Spike is one thing; defending it until it explodes is another. It does not matter as much if you can plant the Spike but cannot stop the Defending team from defusing it later on.
For that reason, we named the open plant spot just beside Icebox’s Default the Best Spike Plant Spot on Icebox.
Planting the Spike in this open spot near A-Default makes Spike defense easier on post-plant since most angles toward this spot are direct sightlines from A-Pipes, A-Rafters, A-Nest, and A-Belt, making it easier for you to defend and riskier for the Defenders to defuse.
Of course, since this is a Brimstone Molly Lineup Guide, we have compiled the quickest and most effective lineups for the open spot on post-plant.
Here is one from A-Pipes:
- Hug the A-Nest wall:

2. With your back against the A-Nest wall, peek towards the A-site Generator:

3. Aim above the yellow lights on the Generator:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

When done properly, Brimstone’s Molly should land at the open spot and cover the entire area:

Icebox A-site Open Plant Post-plant Molly Lineup (A-Belt)
A-Belt is arguably the best post-plant position when the Spike is planted in the open.

The open plant spot for Icebox A-site is easy to defend from just about anywhere on site. A-Nest, A-Pipes, A-Rafters, and A-Belt all have direct sightlines towards the Spike planted in the open.
A-Belt is a strong post-plant position because of its vantage point and because aiming towards A-Belt from the open plant spot can be challenging due to both the distance and verticality.
From A-Belt, Brimstone can stall the bomb defuse even further through a simple backboard (or, in this case, back wall) Molly Lineup for the A-site open plant spot.
- Look for this entryway at A-Belt:

2. Center yourself with this steel frame:

3. Turn around and aim for this gap between the A-Belt platform and the A-Nest wall:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

When done properly, the Molly Grenade should bounce off the A-site back wall:

And cover the entire open plant area:

Icebox A-site Open Plant Post-plant Molly Lineup (A-Rafters)
You will end up at unexpected positions post-plant. A-Rafter is one of them.

Depending on how the round goes and how the enemies decide to play around Icebox, you will probably end up at A-Belt, A-Nest, A-Rafters, or A-Screen.
We have compiled lineups for the same plant spot fired from varying positions around the A-site to accommodate for this fact.
If you end up playing post-plant from A-Rafters, here is a simple post-plant Molly Lineup for the open plant spot.
- From outside, A-Rafters look towards the A-site leftmost wall:

2. It is a little hard to see, but aim for the point where the lines on the wall intersect:

3. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

When done properly, the Molly Grenade should bounce off the leftmost wall and land at the open plant spot:

Icebox A-site Open Plant Post-plant Molly Lineup (A-Screen)
End up having to play post-plant at A-Screen? Here is a simple Brimstone Molly Lineup to delay the Spike defuse.

A-Screen is yet another position where you might end up playing from in post-plant situations.
Defending the bomb can get tricky if you are forced out of site towards A-Screen on post-plant. You have a couple of options, however.
One option is to run towards A-Rafters, where you might have a better chance at directly defending the Spike.
Another option is to line up this quick and easy post-plant Molly for the open-plant area.
- Align yourself with A-Screen’s entryway right doorframe:

2. Look for the intersecting lines between the top of the A-Screen and the A-Nest structure:

3. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

When done properly, the Molly Grenade should bounce off the A-site wall and land at the open plant spot:

Icebox A-site Default Post-plant Molly Lineup (A-Belt)
A quick Molly lineup to bolster your post-plant play from A-Belt.

A-Default on Icebox can be very problematic for post-plant play since this spot is secluded from most common post-plant spots such as A-Belt, A-Nest, and A-Rafters.
This quick and easy post-plant lineup should help delay the Spike defuse at A-Default before jumping out of A-Belt to defend the Spike yourself.
- Stand towards the right side of the A-Belt to avoid overexposing your player model:

2. Peek towards A-Default (just enough for you to see the green wall at A-Nest):

3. Aim for the middle of the green part of the A-Nest wall:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

It is pretty difficult to mess Molly up since the “410” is there to block the Grenade if it ends up bouncing too strongly off of A-Nest:

Icebox A-site Default Post-plant Molly Lineup (A-Screen)
Playing from A-Screen when the Spike is planted at A-Default? Here is a lineup for that.

This following Molly lineup is similar to the previous open plant Molly from A-Screen.
This lineup is pretty difficult to mess up since the margin for error is pretty big. Just make sure you align yourself properly with the entryway frame.
- Align yourself with A-Screen’s entryway right doorframe:

2. Look up towards the A-site ceiling:

3. Aim for this point on the ceiling:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

The Molly Grenade should bounce off the ceiling and land at A-Default when done properly.

Icebox A-site Default Post-plant Molly Lineup (A-Pipes)
If the Defending team can somehow push your team back on post-plant, A-Pipes, A-Nest, and A-Belt are probably the safest spots to play from.

Depending on how the round goes, you might play from the A-Pipes area. In that case, we have a simple post-plant Molly lineup that can help delay the Spike plant while you and your team come up with a retake plan.
- Align yourself with the A-Nest rightmost corner:

2. Turn around and look up towards the ceiling:

3. Aim for the point of intersection of this tile on the ceiling:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

When done properly, the Brimstone molly should land at A-Default with no issues:

Icebox A-site Default Post-plant Molly Lineup (A-Rafters)
Forced to play from A-Rafters on post-plant? Here is a Brimstone Molly lineup to stall the Spike defuse.

A-Rafters is a common Defender rotation spot for A-site. However, there will be weird times when you find yourself playing post-plant from A-Rafters.
In that case, a simple Brimstone molly lineup should help delay the Spike defuse while you think about the best course of action for post-plant.
- Stand anywhere at the A-Rafters stairs:

2. Aim along this line on the wall. Place your crosshair just under the gray paint on the wall:

3. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

This lineup is pretty easy but very effective for defending the A-Default plant:

Icebox B-site Default Post-plant Molly Lineup (B-Green)
Plant the Spike at B-Default, then play post-plant from B-Green. Simple, right?

A majority of Spike plants on Icebox B-site will be B-Default plants that are great for post-plant play from B-Green.
You can not go wrong with this plant spot, especially if you took the B-Green route to B-site. B-Default offers the fastest Spike plants and a strong post-plant game from B-Green.
- Stand in this corner at B-Green:

2. Look towards the Yellow container:

3. Aim for the upper middle part of the container’s stripes. Make sure you aim for a protruding one (lighter color stripes).

4. Fire Brimstone’s Molly:

This lineup is pretty failproof as long as you aim for one of the protruding middle stripes on the Yellow container.

Fire and Ice
There are many plant spot choices around Icebox, but we decided to create lineups that will play around with the Spike Plant spots that we outlined in our article: The Best Spike Plant Spots (All Maps) in VALORANT.
With that in mind, while there are only really three Spike plant spots featured in this article, there are at least four different variations that you can use depending on where you end up playing from post-plant.
So, there you have it! We hope you liked this guide on Brimstone Molly Lineups on Icebox (Post-plant). Interested in learning other Brimstone Lineups? Check out this article on Brimstone Molly Lineups on Ascent (Post-plant)
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