Even though Shadowlands has been out since November of last year, fly mounts weren’t still available for the Shadowlands realms. That is set to change after the biggest patch for the Shadowlands expansion gets released. The patch that will change that is called Chains of Domination, and it is possibly the biggest content patch in the Shadowlands expansion. Let’s get you prepared to unlock some fly mounts though.

How to Unlock Fly Mounts – WoW Shadowlands
The biggest question that’s on everyone’s mind on this topic, is whether Shadowlands will have a Pathfinder. Well, it will. It will have the Pathfinder achievement, and conveniently, it will be account-wide, making flying possible on all characters that are above level 50.

This can only happen after the patch gets released though, and players can unlock mounts as soon as seven weeks pass after the launch of the patch.
To unlock fly mounts players will need to obtain Memories of the Sunless Skies, which unlocks only if you reach 59 Renown, while also finishing the last stage of the Covenant Campaign.
What are some of the rewards for unlocking flying in Shadowlands?
Well, apart from being able to actually use fly mounts, players will also get a new fly mount. These mounts are themed based on the Covenant. There are quite a few Covenant-themed mounts that will be released in the patch.
I’m sure that most of you know where the main flying trainers are for both factions, but for convenience seek here are both of their locations:
- For Alliance – Bralla Cloudwing, Stormwind 70,74
- For Horde – Maztha, Orgrimmar 49,59
Along with all of the new additions to the game, there have been fundamental changes to some of the classes, dungeons, raids, and more.
One thing that is important to mention is the fact that flying will not be allowed in the whole Shadowlands area. Spots which players cannot fly are: Oribos, The Maw, and Korthia.
Follow Caffeinated Gamer for more World of Warcraft Shadowlands news, and guides. For the Alliance!
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