Diablo Immortal: Season 3 Battle Pass Rewards



John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.

Numerous rewards are up for grabs in the Diablo Immoral Season 3 Battle Pass.

Diablo Immortal: Season 3 Battle Pass Rewards

Diablo Immortal’s Season 3 Battle Pass is finally here, and you are probably excited to know the type of rewards you can get your hands on this season.

Several Crafting Materials, Normal Gems, Legendary Gems, Scoria, and Keys, are up for grabs. Blizzard added an exclusive weapon and armor cosmetic for Empowered Battle Pass owners to spice things up.

Below is a complete list of Normal and Empowered Battle Pass rewards for Diablo Immortal Season 3.

How Long Will Diablo Immortal Season 3 Run For?

The Diablo Immortal Season 3 Battle Pass will run until September 1, 2022, at 3:00 a.m. This should give players enough time to rank and collect every reward in the Season 3 Battle Pass.

If you think you will be short on time, you might want to consider buying the Empowered Battle Pass, which will give you exclusive Empowered Battle Pass rewards + Normal Battle Pass rewards so that you can collect as much loot as possible from the Season 3 Battle Pass.

In addition, there is also the Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass, which can help you get a headstart, along with some exclusive cosmetics.

Diablo Immortal Season 2 Battle Pass Rewards

Battle Pass LevelNormal Battle PassEmpowered Battle Pass
Level 1Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Fervent Fang Levendary Gem
Aspect of Justice Weapon Skin
Level 2Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Scoria x5
Level 3Enchanted Dust
Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Normal Gems x3
Level 4Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Rare Crest x3
Level 5Rare Crest x3
Hilts x150
Seled’s Weakening Legendary Gem
Level 6Hilts x500Scoria x5
Level 7Normal Gems x3Normal Gems x3
Level 8Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Aspirant’s Keys x6
Level 9Hilts x500Scoria x5
Level 10Mystery Legendary ShouldersLegendary Crest
Level 11Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Normal Gems x3
Level 12Rare Crest
Hilts x150
Aspirant’s Keys x6
Level 13Hilts x500Scoria x5
Level 14Normal Gems x3Normal Gems x3
Level 15Hilts x500
Seled’s Weakening Legendary Gem
Discovered Emoji
Level 16Charm x4
Hilts x150
Rare Crest x3
Level 17Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Scoria x5
Level 18Rare Crest
Hilts x150
Normal Gems x3
Level 19Hilts x500Aspirant’s Keys x6
Level 20Legendary Crest
Hilts x150
Seled’s Weakening Legendary Gem
Level 21Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Scoria x5
Level 22Rare Crest
Hilts x150
Normal Gems x3
Level 23Hilts x500Aspirant’s Keys x6
Level 24Normal Gems x3Scoria x5
Level 25Rare Crest
Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Legendary Crest
Level 26Reforge Stone x3
Hilts x150
Normal Gems x3
Level 27Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Rare Crest x3
Level 28Rare Crest
Hilts x150
Scoria x5
Level 29Hilts x500Normal Gems x3
Level 30Mystery Reforge Stone
Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Shocked Chat Emoji
Level 31Scrap Materials x150, Hilts x150Aspirant’s Keys x6
Level 32Rare Crest
Hilts x150
Scoria x5
Level 33Hilts x500Normal Gems x3
Level 34Normal Gems x3Aspirant’s Keys x6
Level 35Rare Crest
Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Seled’s Weakening Legendary Gem
Level 36Charm x4
Hilts x150
Scoria x5
Level 37Scrap Materials x150
Hilts x150
Normal Gems x3
Level 38Rare Crest
Hilts x150
Rare Crest x3
Level 39Hilts x500Scoria x5
Level 40Fervent Fang Legendary GemFervent Fang Legendary Gem
Aspect of Justice Armor

Note: Players who purchase the Empowered Battle Pass will receive both the ‘Normal Battle Pass’ and the ‘Empowered Battle Pass’ rewards by progressing through the Battle Pass ranks. In addition, Empowered Battle Pass owners will receive the Aspect of Justice Weapon cosmetic at rank one and the Aspect of Justice Armor cosmetic at rank 40.

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The Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass will come with even more perks – access to all rank rewards from the Empowered Battle Pass, the Aspect of Justice Avatar Frame, a new Portal cosmetic, and an instant ten-rank jump from your current battle pass level.

Looting Season

The Normal Battle Pass can be a quick and easy way to collect various loot such as Scrap Materials, Hilts, Crests, and more. But if you have some extra cash, opting for the Empowered Battle Pass will net you both the Normal and exclusive Empowered Battle Pass rewards.

Diablo Immortal Season 3 will only run until September 1, 2022, so start grinding to collect all these Battle Pass rewards in Diablo Immortal.

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