Learn everything you need to know about the Security Vans Random Event in GTA 5!

You can expect any Grand Theft Auto game to have a thievery theme. Heck, the franchise even has the word on the title itself. GTA 5 is no exception – acts of theft are not confined to the main storyline missions only, as there are Random Events that allow you to steal from various sources around the map for a quick buck.
One of these Random Events is the Security Van Random Events that recur regularly around the game. Hunt down and steal from these Security Vans roaming around the city and get decent cash. This Random Event gives out one of the largest payouts of any Random Event in-game, so it is important to know where these Security Vans spawn.
We have outlined everything you need to know to steal from the Security Vans Random Event in GTA 5 in this guide.
What are the security vans in GTA 5?
Security Vans are Random Events that involve armored vehicles that are either parked or driving around Los Santos. These vans carry varying amounts of cash you can collect by blowing open the vans’ rear door or killing guards while they load the money onto the van.
There are ten unique Security Van spawn points around Los Santos, all of which can spawn randomly at any time of the day in-game.
How to steal money from a security van in GTA 5
You’ll typically find security vans driving around town or parked in random locations around the map. Depending on the situation, you will either have to kill the guard while they load the money onto the van or drive alongside it and blow open the rear doors by shooting at them or blowing them up with a Sticky Bomb.
Switch to your Sticky Bomb:

When playing as Franklin, use your Special Ability to slow down time and make aiming easier:

Blow up the rear doors of the Security Vans. Ensure no other vehicles are near the Security Van when you blow up the doors or risk triggering a chain explosion.

Take out the guards if you have to:

Take the money and run away from the area as quickly as possible. LSPD will be on its way the moment you detonate the Sticky Bomb.

You can get anywhere from $3000-$8000 from a single van, and since these Random Events respawn infinitely in-game, you can get a steady stream of income by hunting down these Security Vans in GTA 5.
Security Vans Random Event Locations
Nine different Security Van spawn locations are spread across the map in GTA 5. Scroll through each one below to better understand where to find the Security Vans in-game.
Security Van 1
This Security Van is parked at a gas station between Innocence Boulevard and Alta Street in La Puerta. Take out the guard and steal the money.
Security Van 2
Along Vespucci Boulevard in Little Seoul, you will find a Security Van parked at the Lucky Plucker restaurant. Take out the guard and steal the money.

Security Van 3
A Security Van can be found on Paleto Boulevard. Like the first and second Security Vans, you will find a security guard about to load the money onto the van. Take him out and take the money for yourself.

Security Van 4
In a small parking lot on Adam’s Apple Boulevard in Little Seoul, you will find a parked Security Van and a guard about to load the money onto the van. Take out the guard and take the money.

Security Van 5
Unlike the first four Security Vans above, this next one requires you to drive alongside it and blow up the rear door to take the money. This also applies to the remaining Security Van Random Events on this list.
Security Van 5 can be found driving along Prosperity Street near the Vespucci Canals. Use your Sticky Bomb or shoot the rear doors to force them open.

Security Van 6
You can find the next Security Van driving along San Andreas Avenue. Use your Sticky Bomb or shoot at the van’s rear door to force it open.

Security Van 7
Yet another Security Van is heading north along the Chianski Passage in the San Chianski Mountain Range. As with the previous Security Vans, use your Sticky Bombs or shoot the doors to steal the money.

Security Van 8
Drive along the Great Ocean Highway near Tongva Hills to find the next Security Van. You should spot the van near Route 68. Use your Sticky Bomb or shoot the van’s rear doors to release the money.

Security Van 9
Drive west on El Rancho Boulevard; you should see another Security Van driving in the area. Use a Sticky Bomb to blow up the van’s rear doors or shoot it down with your favorite weapon to release the money.

Security Van 10
Another Security Van can be spotted along Supply Street near Popular Street in La Mesa. Use your Sticky Bombs to blow open the rear doors or break them using your favorite gun to release the money.
Easy Money
Security Van Random Events can spawn anywhere in-game, so it helps to know all nine different spawn locations on the map. As soon as you see the Security Vans, use your Sticky Bomb to blow the rear doors, remove the security personnel, take the money, and run away from the area as quickly as possible. You can get anywhere from $3000 to $8000 per Security Van.