Back 4 Blood has just been released in time for Halloween, and now, we can all play this spiritual successor to the highly touted Left 4 Dead series. The game is surprisingly more complex and difficult than its predecessor, and many fans are currently struggling to survive against the hordes of zombies.

While the core principles of Back 4 Blood remain the same, some new gameplay mechanics make it more complex. As such, it’s always best to sit back first and understand a few tips and tricks to make the game easier for you and your pals. Here’s a quick beginner’s guide to getting started in the game.
Clear Special Zombies First
Like Left 4 Dead (and most zombie games, honestly), there will be special zombies in Back 4 Blood. Zombies aren’t usually a problem unless they are in big hordes; special zombies, however, are different.
They can easily ruin your team’s day if you just leave them be. It’s much better to first look for these special zombies in a horde. Here are the special zombies in the game:
- Hockers – Four armed zombies that spit a gooey substance on players. This substance can lock any player in place, immobilizing them until the spit is melee attacked by other players. Hockers can also stick to walls, so watch for them.
- Retches – These zombies can spit acid that deals damage to anyone it comes in contact with; aside from getting spat on directly, you should avoid the general area where the acid is on as it can pool on the floor, which can also deal damage. Once killed, Retches can explode as well, so make sure to move away once it falls.
- Bruiser – Bruisers can be distinguished by their freakishly tall physique and deformed right arm. They can use this right arm to deal heavy damage to players and knock them back. The arms are troublesome, but they are also Bruiser’s weakness.
- Snitch – These zombies aren’t a major threat on their own. However, it’s what they do that can be bothersome. They will alert zombie hordes of your location by screaming. It’s very important to take out the Blood Snitch before it sees you so it doesn’t alert a horde.
- Ogre – These are the big boss of the zombies. These are large, highly durable, and very strong monsters that can wipe out your team if you aren’t careful. The good news is that the weakness of Ogres can be seen very easily. When Ogres appear, make sure to go all out on them, as they will be tough and durable.
Pick Your Cards Right
One of the unique features of Back 4 Blood is the card system. This card system allows you and your allies to start a level with buffs to help you in the game. The AI also uses cards, which are focused on giving you a disadvantage. Don’t ignore these cards, as these can effectively make or break your run through a level.
Simply put, the cards can customize your character to fit your preferred playstyle. For instance, having one team member be more adept when using healing items would be a good idea. Equipping them with these can turn them into a medic very easily. Some cards focus on this.
The key to winning the game is to master the card system. Make sure that your team is as balanced as possible. There should always be someone more capable of using healing items. On the other hand, there should also be people who can dish out major damage.
Turn On Your Comms
A very important aspect of Back 4 Blood is communication. You’ll need to communicate with your allies to complete objectives and finish games more easily. The game offers voice chat options whether you’re playing on a PC or console, and you must take advantage of this feature.
The game has various quick chat options, but talking with your teammates directly is a better idea. This will allow you to set up plans better. Most importantly, though, it will be easier for you and your team to also call out for help. That being said, it’s often better to play the game with friends so that you are more in sync with them.
Explore The Map… But Be Wary Of Traps
Back 4 Blood is about killing zombies, but it’s more than that. It pays to explore the game’s levels as you can find various rewards, including weapons, ammo, and other supplies. However, it would be best to take caution when exploring the world, as various traps can lead a horde of zombies in your general direction.
These “traps” are birds, car alarms, Snitches, and security doors. Traps don’t necessarily hurt your team, but they will cause a loud sound that will draw zombies to your area. You can’t always avoid these traps as they often block your progression. You can only prepare for the incoming horde once the traps are triggered.
Invest In Team Upgrades
There are various ways you can strengthen your team. Others would choose to focus on getting new weapons and more items, but it’s often better to invest in team upgrades. For instance, instead of going for a larger inventory of grenades or medkits, go for upgrades that increase the effectiveness of these items instead.
You can always pick up new gear, but team upgrades provide indefinite bonuses. Many team upgrades will focus on the effectiveness of the items, but some will help strengthen your team in terms of damage and durability. Invest in these early on, as it will make your early runs in the game easier.
Sidearms Are Your Friend
While dropping into missions with a sizeable amount of ammo, it doesn’t take much to fully deplete your reserve, especially when using high-fire rate weapons. Using your sidearm for minor hordes is a good way to save up on ammo. In the game, you can equip a pistol or melee weapon as a sidearm. These aren’t as powerful as rifles or shotguns, but they are still effective against a small group of zombies.
It’s best to conserve your ammo for your primary weapons, as you never really know when special zombies will charge you in the game. Your ammo is best reserved for these tight spots. Ammo can become even more scarce in higher difficulties, so it’s best to know how to conserve it as soon as possible.
Don’t Rush The Game
Left 4 Dead players might be used to simply rushing through a level. This was possible back in Left 4 Dead, as there were always choke points on the map where you and your friends could easily fend for yourself against a hoard. In Back 4 Blood, however, levels are designed differently. You must always take a methodological approach to the levels in Back 4 Blood.
If you rush through the maps, you’re most likely to get easily swarmed by zombies. The key is to clear out a wave first before proceeding. Chokepoints are very few in between in the game. Each level is designed to house countless zombies, so the best way to proceed is to thin out the herd when you can and ensure that your team doesn’t get overwhelmed later.