Learn about the best Motivity weapons and build in Lies of P!

Lies of P, a soulslike entry from Neowiz Games and Round 8 Studio, shows a dark and gritty version of the famous story of Pinocchio. The game plays out in a dark Belle Époque atmosphere, and the player takes on the role of Pinocchio, or just P, a mechanoid puppet in the city of Krat.
As P, the player will hack and stab his way to Gepetto and transform into a human being. In the game, players can set P in a specific way that will mesh with their play style. The player can have a strength-based build, a dexterity-based build, and more.
This guide will discuss the best possible weapons and build for a Motivity-type playstyle in Lies of P. So, prepare to fight through a slew of opponents with this built-in Lies of P! Consider this a spoiler warning for some plot details!
What is Motivity?
In Lies of P, Motivity is just one of the stats players can select to level up. This stat is equivalent to the strength stat in other games. To level up the Motivity stat, the player must use Ergo, which the player collects throughout the game. The player can select the Path of the Sweeper build at the start of the game to gain an early start on a Motivity Build.
Then, as you go through the game, you would want to prioritize putting Ergo in the player’s Motivity stat to boost the player’s attack, defense, and capacity to carry heavier weapons. When pursuing a Motivity build, you won’t need to level up the Technique stat because this stat is primarily utilized for lighter weapons.
Best Motivity Weapons

When pursuing a Motivity build, look for Greatswords or Large Blunt weapons, which scale well with Motivity. The recommended weapons for a Motivity build are the Holy Sword of the Ark, the Seven-Coil Spring Sword, the Exploding Pickaxe, the Big Pipe Wrench, and the Noblesse Oblige.
Holy Sword Of The Ark
The Holy Sword of the Ark is one of the special weapons that P can use in the game. According to the game’s lore, this weapon is a rare greatsword sleeping in St. Frangelico Cathedral. It can change from a unique greatsword to a glaive.
The weapon of the Ark Saintess was recreated for puppet use and made an appearance during Krat festivities. Its renowned holiness, however, was unable to be duplicated. The player cannot disassemble this weapon.
This weapon inflicts a lot of damage and can be the player’s sole weapon for the rest of the game. The move set of this weapon is traditional for a greatsword, but its handle makes it unique. This will save the player weight because the player will not have to switch to anything else. The player can then use the available weight for other items.
Basic Information
The Holy Sword of the Ark has a Durability of 100 and a Weight of 21.2. This greatsword possesses a Slash Attack Type with a “=” symbol. This signifies that this weapon’s primary attack type is Slash and inflicts much Slash damage. It also features a Stab Attack Type with a “-” mark. This signifies that this sword has 0 attacks that deal Stab damage.
This greatsword has a Physical Attack of 140+128, Charge Pulse Cells of 11.50, and a Fable Charge of 528. The Holy Sword of the Ark has a Motivity rating of B and a Technique rating of C.
This weapon has two Fable Arts: Patient Smash and Alter. The Patient Smash allows the player to gather strength for a powerful hit. To do that, hold down the attack button to launch a powerful attack. One Fable charge is required for this Fable Art. On the other hand, Alter changes the length of the weapon’s handle. Stamina consumption is briefly lowered after this happens. One Fable charge is required for this Fable Art.
The Holy Sword of the Ark also has a Block Ability. This weapon has a 71.87 chance of reducing damage when blocking using this weapon.
Lastly, this weapon also has a hidden mechanic. The following attack of the Holy Sword of the Ark will be enhanced after re-casting Alter to reduce the sword’s length. Doing so will result in the weapon glowing red.
How to Get
To acquire the Holy Sword of the Ark, the player must first defeat the King’s Flame, Fuoco. This is a mandatory boss that the player can find after the control room in the Center of Venigni Works. After defeating King’s Flame, Fuoco, the player will get the King’s Flame Ergo.
After getting the King’s Flame Ergo, the player must exchange this item for the Holy Sword of the Art weapon with Alidoro. The player can find this NPC outside the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library. The player may also find him on the ground floor of Hotel Krat.
Seven-Coil Spring Sword
Another one of the special weapons that the player can use in the game is the Seven-Coil Spring Sword. According to in-game lore, this greatsword is a valuable sword kept in the Workshop tower. Even Geppetto couldn’t match this magnificent work. The words that remained carved on the eastern relic influenced the experts at the Workshop to create an outstanding piece.
This weapon is an excellent pick as it has a tremendous damage output and a long range. Because it is a weapon that needs to defeat one of the initial bosses, this greatsword is a great weapon that the player can obtain early on in the game. Its move set is suitable for general use and has a large wave strike. This makes it ideal for fighting multiple adversaries at once.
Basic Information
The Seven-Coil Spring Sword has a Durability of 100 and a Weight of 18.7. This greatsword has a Slash Attack Type with the symbol “=.” This indicates that this weapon’s primary attack type is Slash, which deals much Slash damage. It also has a Stab Attack Type with a “-” symbol. This means that this sword has 0 Stab-damaging attacks. The player will not be able to disassemble this weapon.
This greatsword has a Physical Attack of 129, Charge Pulse Cells of 12.40, and a Fable Charge of 562. This weapon also has a Motivity rating of B and a Technique rating of C.
This weapon has two Fable Arts: Seven Explosion and Guard Parry. The Seven Explosion Fable Art allows players to perform a powerful downward attack. Multiple explosions damage the adversaries in front of the player when the player cuts downward. ]Three Fable Charges are required for this Fable Art. On the other hand, the Guard Parry Fable Art allows the player to deflect the attack and perform a powerful counterattack when timed to the enemy’s attack correctly. One Fable charge is required for this Fable Art.
The Seven-Coil Spring Sword also has a Block Ability. This weapon has a 61.34 chance of decreasing damage when blocking using this greatsword.
How to Get
To obtain the Seven-Coil Spring Sword, the player must first eliminate the Parade Master. This boss is the first boss that the player encounters in the game. The player can find this boss in the Krat Central Station Square. Once the player defeats the Parade Master, the player will obtain the Parade Leader’s Ergo.
Once the player has the Parade Leader’s Ergo, they can exchange it with Alidoro to get the Seven-Coil Spring Sword.
Exploding Pickaxe
The Exploding Pickaxe is another weapon the player can obtain in the game. The player can disassemble this weapon to get the Exploding Pickaxe Blade and the Exploding Pickaxe Handle. According to in-game lore, the Exploding Pickaxe Blade is the mining tool blade of a Workshop laborer puppet.
A device that explodes has been attached to the blade to break apart the solid rock in the Ergo Mines. The Exploding Pickaxe Handle is also the handle of a mining tool that the Workshop laborer puppets use. It is solid and weighty because it is a tool for puppets rather than humans.
The Exploding Pickaxe can perform a strong downward swing followed by a blast. This can clear several enemies and apply a passive burning effect to the weapon for the following several strikes. This Large Blunt type weapon can infuse itself with elemental damage. This element is fire, which makes this weapon great when fighting Carcasses. Its strikes are largely overhead smashes that are also quite fast.
Basic Information
As mentioned, the Exploding Pickaxe is a Large Blunt weapon type. It has a Durability of 100 and a Weight of 18.11. This weapon has a Slash Attack Type with the symbol “=”. So, this weapon’s primary attack type is Slash, delivering quite a bit of Slash damage. It also features a Stab Attack Type with a “-” sign. So, this weapon has no attacks with stab damage.
This weapon has a Physical Attack of 132, Charge Pulse Cells of 13.15, and a Fable Charge of 525. Also, this weapon has a Motivity rating of B and a Technique rating of D.
This weapon has two Fable Arts: Flamestrike and Conserve Energy. The Flamestrike Fable Art allows the player to perform a rush forward, leap, and inflict a downward strike. Explosions deliver Fire damage to foes when the player swings downward.
After an attack, the weapon is briefly infused with Fire. Three Fable Charges are required for this Fable Art. On the other hand, the Conserve Energy Fable Art briefly reduces the player’s Stamina consumption. One Fable charge is required for this Fable Art.
The Seven-Coil Spring Sword also has a Block Ability. This weapon has a 57.99 chance of lessening the damage when blocking using this weapon.
How to Get
The player can get the Exploding Pickaxe at the bottom floor of the Estella Opera House. To find it, the player must do the following:
- First, enter the Estella Opera House via the Stargazer and proceed up the stairs on the left. This path leads to a red-carpeted hallway.
- Next, continue to the end and up the stairs on the right that lead to another red-carpeted hallway.
- Then, here, the player will find a giant ballerina puppet. The player must now eliminate the ballerina puppet guarding a room.
- Finally, enter the room at the end of the hallway to find the safe with the parts of the Exploding Pickaxe!
It is important to mention that the player can combine Handles and Blades to create a weapon when using or resting at a Stargazer. In addition, the player can speak with Eugénie at Hotel Krat to mix components.
Big Pipe Wrench
The player can also get and use the Big Pipe Wrench for a Motivity build. The player can disassemble this weapon to get the Big Pipe Wrench Head and Big Pipe Wrench Handle. According to in-game lore, the Venigni Company made the Big Pipe Wrench Head.
This abandoned tool has indications that it was utilized as a weapon. After the puppets attacked unexpectedly, technologists hurried to create weaponry. They turned to the pipe wrench when they needed something strong.
As for the Big Pipe Wrench Handle, the Venigni Company also made this with strong materials to withstand heavy loads. However, none of the technicians could effectively use a blunt weapon until they were all murdered.
You can tell this weapon is powerful simply by looking at it. The Big Pipe Wrench is a slow but powerful weapon. It is recommended even just for the Fable Arts it offers, and both the head and the handle are excellent choices. The player can swap out each part should you like one over the other.
Basic Information
The Big Pipe Wrench is also a Large Blunt weapon type. It has a Durability of 117 and a Weight of 23.8. This weapon’s primary attack type is Slash, which deals much Slash damage. Furthermore, this weapon has no attacks that deal with stab damage.
This weapon has a Physical Attack of 156+119, Charge Pulse Cells of 15.10, and a Fable Charge of 604. In addition, this weapon has a B Motivity grade and a D Technique grade.
The Big Pipe Wrench, as mentioned, has two Fable Arts: Patient Smash and Payback Swing. The Patient Smash Fable Art allows the player to collect strength for a powerful hit. The player must hold the attack button to launch a more powerful attack.
One Fable Charge is required for this Fable Art. On the other hand, the Payback Strength Fable Art enables the player to perform a powerful forward slash. For more power, the player must utilize it soon after guarding an assault. Two Fable charges are required for this Fable Art.
The Big Pipe Wrench also has a Block Ability. When blocking using this weapon, this weapon has a 73.92 chance of reducing the damage received.
How to Get
The player can get the Big Pipe Wrench inside a chest in the Center of Venigni Works at the end of the third chapter. To find this weapon, the player must do the following:
- To begin, head to the Center of Venigni Works using the Stargazer.
- Next, head straight through a hallway and enter the doorway at the end of the path.
- After that, the player will find a gap with a ladder inside. Climb down the ladder and follow the trail past multiple minecarts. The player will also encounter multiple enemies along the way. At the end of the path, the player will reach a big cave.
- Then, follow the wooden path on the right and pass through the narrow wooden bridge. On the right, the player will find another ladder.
- Next, head up the ladder, and the player will discover a chest near the wall ahead. There are also a few enemies in this area.
- Finally, after clearing the enemies, open the chest to obtain the parts of the Big Pipe Wrench!
It is vital to note that the player may combine Handles and Blades to build a weapon when using or resting at a Stargazer. Alternatively, the player can also talk to Eugénie at Hotel Krat to combine parts.
Noblesse Oblige
The player can obtain another special weapon called ‘Noblesse Oblige’ in Lies of P. According to in-game lore, the Noblesse Oblige is a supernatural cudgel formed from an Ergo crystal tree. It emits spores when pounding foes, enhancing the Ergo acquisition rate. To obtain a cudgel, the Stalker, who craved wealth, made a deal with a devil who adored music. He was also endowed with abundant Ergo and the Petrification Disease.
This weapon deals the highest raw damage of any special weapon. It still has the limitations of other Motivity weapons, such as slow wind-ups and an over-reliance on single attacks. However, the limitations are not in vain if you land the hits. The Noblesse Oblige is unquestionably one of the most powerful weapons if you want a Motivity build. It is only accessible, however, near the conclusion of the game.
Basic Information
The Noblesse Oblige is another of the Large Blunt weapon types. It has a Durability of 84 and a Weight of 24.7. This weapon’s primary attack type is Slash, which does much Slash damage. Also, this weapon has no stab attacks. Killing foes with the Noblesse Oblige offers bonus ergo that stacks with other effects. The Ergo boost is at least 10%.
This Large Blunt weapon has a Physical Attack of 153, Charge Pulse Cells of 16.15, and Fable Charge of 569. In addition, this weapon has a great Motivity grade of A and a Technique grade of D.
The Noblesse Oblige has two Fable Arts: Ergo Release and Endure. The Ergo Release Fable Art enables the player to perform a downward strike. This will consume a set number of Ergo to inflict huge damage to adversaries. Three Fable Charges are required for this Fable Art. On the other hand, the Endure Fable Art permits the player to briefly endure the enemy’s attacks. One Fable Charge is required for this Fable Art.
This weapon also has a Block Ability. When used to block, this weapon has a 69.90 chance of lowering the damage taken.
How to Get
The player must first beat Simon Manus, Awakened God, before the player gets the Noblesse Oblige. The player must head to the Arche Abbet Cradle of the Gods to find this boss. The fight against Simon Manus is divided into two phases: his Arm of God form and his Awakened God form. After eliminating this boss, which is near the end of the game, the player will get the Fallen One’s Ergo.
After the player obtains the Parade Leader’s Ergo, they can exchange it with Alidoro to get the Noblesse Oblige.
Related: Best Proof of Humanity Build for Lies of P
Best Motivity Build

Lies of P offers a plethora of items that can assist the player in building a strong, Motivity-based character. With a diverse arsenal of weapons and amulets at your fingertips, the player may craft some of the game’s most powerful builds centered on Motivity. The following are the ideal stats for a Motivity build:
Vitality | At least 30 |
Vigor | At least 20 |
Capacity | At least 25 |
Motivity | 40 |
Technique | 5 |
Advance | 6 |
As mentioned above, the player should choose the ‘Path of the Sweeper’ at the beginning of the game to jump-start the build. The player should prioritize Vitality and Motivity, increasing both to at least 20.
Once that is accomplished, concentrate on increasing Capacity to 20 while periodically adding to Vigor. Vigor should be raised to at least 10, with additional points invested for using heavier weapon combos and special weapons. Then, give as many points as possible again to Motivity and Vitality.
The player must ensure the character can withstand enemy strikes because Motivity will experience frequent fighting. This entails increasing the player’s HP through enhancing the Vitality stat. This stat and Motivity will give the player a significant quantity of HP while giving off a decent amount of damage output.
The player’s Vigor, which corresponds to Stamina, must also be high to enable the player to strike more often and evade with speed.
In addition, hefty weapons, like the ones listed above, need extra weight. Also, the player should not deplete stamina after every strike. Because of that, it is also important to improve the Capacity stat. Maintaining the player’s weight below 80% helps retain stamina and allows for successful dodging. At most, the player should be “Slightly Heavy“.
Legion Arms
The following are the recommended Legion Arms to equip on a Motivity-focused build:
Puppet String
The Puppet String Legion Arm can unleash a wire. The player can wrap this wire around an adversary to drag it toward the player or propel the player toward the enemy.
The Puppet String has a Physical Attack of 60+50 and a Weight of 8.5. This Legion Arm has a Motivity rating of C, a Technique rating of A, and an Advance rating of D.
Once the Puppet String is enhanced the first time, this Legion Arm can perform ‘Trace.’ With this, the player can track an enemy. The player must press and hold down the Legion Arm button to do that. To enhance the Puppet String to this level, the player must first have one Legion Caliber.
When it reaches the second level, the Puppet String Legion Arm can now use ‘Dodge.’ This enables the player to dodge after a hit. The player must have two more Legion Calibers to upgrade to this level.
Then, once it is fully enhanced, the Puppet String will gain an ‘Attack Link.’ With this, the player can trigger a link attack if the player pulls or wire traces the enemy while holding the Legion Arm button. Also, once it gets to this level, its Motivity rating will become B, its Technique rating will become S, and its Advance rating will become C. The player must have three more Legion Calibers to upgrade this Legion Arm once more.
How to Get
The player will get this Legion Arm early on in the game. To get the Puppet String, the player must first arrive at Hotel Krat for the first time. To obtain it, the player must talk to Eugénie for the first time. Then, the game will automatically equip this Legion Arm for the player.
Aegis is a Legion Arm that uses the player’s left arm to block enemy strikes. When this is struck, the built-in device explodes and damages the opponent. The Aegis Legion Arm develops into a versatile device with multiple uses as the player goes through its enhancements.
This Legion Arm possesses a Physical Attack of 100+78 and a Weight of 12.4. Also, this Legion Arm has a Motivity grade of B, a Technique grade of B, and an Advance grade of D.
After upgrading the Aegis Legion Arm to its first level, it will gain a ‘Guard Attack.’ This upgrade can make weapon attacks while the player is guarding. The player must have one Legion Caliber to upgrade Aegis to this level.
On its second level, this Legion Arm gains ‘Guard Parry.’ This upgrade allows the player to parry by pressing the Fable button when the Fable slot remains. To upgrade the Aegis Legion Arm to this level, the player must have two more Legion Calibers.
Finally, the Aegis Legion Arm will get ‘Counter Charge’ upon reaching its third and last level. This upgrade enables the player to charge and unleash a stronger attack while executing a Guard Counter. The player must have three more Legion Calibers to reach this level.
How to Get
To get the Aegis Legion Arm, the player must craft it using the Venigni Machine at Hotel Krat. Before the player can craft this Legion Arm, however, the player must first have one Legion Plug.
There are a lot of Amulets that can help the player when in a Motivity-focused build. The recommended Amulets are the following:
Arm of God Amulet
The Arm of God Amulet temporarily boosts the physical damage of the player after a successful attack. This Amulet also has a Weight of 9.3.
This Amulet grants a 5-second damage bonus if the player strikes an enemy. If the player strikes an enemy again inside this time frame, this Amulet will increase the buff’s efficacy, and the 5-second duration will be reset. The player’s damage output is multiplied at around 15% at the maximum efficacy 4.
To get the Arm of God Amulet, the player must first defeat Champion Victor. The player can find this mandatory boss in the Grand Exhibition. Once Champion Victor is eliminated, the player will get the Reborn Champion’s Ergo. The player can exchange the Reborn Champion’s Ergo with Alidoro to get the Arm of God Amulet.
Carrier’s Amulet
The Carrier’s Amulet increases the player’s weight limit. This enables the player to equip heavier items than usual by raising the threshold of when the player is carrying more than they should. Maintaining the player’s weight as light as feasible is critical to conserve stamina and dodging effectively.
In the base game, the Carrier’s Amulet will add 15% to the player’s weight limit. In New Game +, on the other hand, the Carrier’s Amulet will add 30% to the player’s weight limit. This Amulet has a Weight of 3.3 in the base game and 4.1 in New Game +.
In the base game, the player can get the Carrier’s Amulet after eliminating a Steampunk Puppet. This enemy will crash down on the player when the player attempts to exit the Venigni Works Control Room to head to Moonlight Town.
In New Game +, however, the player can find the Carrier’s Amulet inside a tall chest in the Trinity Sanctum in the Krat Central Station. The player must first have the Trinity Key to enter the area. The player must go up the stairs from the Krat Central Station Lobby Stargazer. Afterward, go through the doors on the left to discover the green door down a couple more stairs.
Extreme Modifications Amulet
The Extreme Modifications Amulet boosts the weapon’s attack in proportion to the player’s active number of Fable Slots. The boost in damage increases progressively with each filled Fable slot. This Amulet increases the player’s damage output by 4% for each Fable slot filled.
This also stacks with other forms of damage multiplication, such as other Amulets. The damage boost increases by 20% when 5 Fable slots are filled. This Amulet’s Weight is 9.3.
The player must first beat the Scrapped Watchman to get the Extreme Modifications Amulet. The player can find this boss in the Krat City Hall Courtyard. After defeating the Scrapped Watchman, the player will get the Broken Hero’s Ergo. Once the player gets this item, they can trade it with Alidoro to get the Extreme Modifications Amulet.
Iron Wall Amulet
The Iron Wall Amulet reduces the damage the player receives by increasing the player’s defense against physical damage. This Amulet is a great item, especially since the Motivity build requires the player to always be near enemies. The Weight of this Amulet is 3.4.
The player must eliminate the huge Soldier Puppet in the Relic of Trismagestus to acquire the Iron Wall Amulet. This opponent will appear immediately after going some distance ahead from the Stargazer at the entrance of the area.
Patience Amulet
The Patience Amulet increases the rate at which the player recovers Stamina. This Amulet works better if the player has less weight and more stamina. When this Amulet is equipped, the player will not have to wait long before initiating attacks or dodging when necessary. The further away the player is from the ‘heavy’ classification, the faster natural regeneration is mixed with a larger pool. The Weight of this Amulet is 2.7.
The player can obtain the Patience Amulet from the dead body of a huge Carcass. This is the opponent who will rush after the player in the Malum District near a lit-up sign of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood.
Recharged Amulet
The Recharged Amulet will help the player by automatically restoring a small amount of the player’s health when taking damage. In the base game, the Amulet restores 1 HP per second. The Weight of the Amulet in this version of the game is 2.9. In New Game +, on the other hand, the Amulet restores 2 HP per second. The Weight of the Amulet in this version is 4.1.
In the base game, the player can obtain the Recharged Amulet inside a chest in the Barren Swamp. The player must keep traveling forward from the Stargazer at the Barren Swamp Entrance until they reach a wooden bridge. Then, the player must proceed up the tower and exit at the top. Then, turn right to find a ladder that leads to the chest. A powerful Junk Centurion Puppet carrying a flaming sword guards this chest.
In New Game +, the player can get the Recharged Amulet inside a chest in a basement. The player must proceed down the steps to the left from the Lorenzini Arcade Stargazer. Turn left just before the doorway to locate the chest.
Strength Amulet
The Strength Amulet adds a few points to the player’s Motivity stat. Doing so will increase the player’s weapon’s Physical Attack and Legion Arm and a small increase in defense to Physical, Fire, Electric Blitz, and Acid. In the base game, this will add 4 points to the player’s Motivity stat and weigh 1.7. This Amulet will add 6 points and will have a Weight of 2.4 in New Game +. In New Game ++, however, the Strength Amulet adds 9 points to the player’s Motivity stat and will weigh 3.4.
The player can get the Strength Amulet in the base game after beating a huge Police Trooper Puppet. Players must travel to an initially unreachable area of the Grand Exhibition’s courtyard to locate this foe.
The player can then gain entry to this region after accessing the Grand Exhibition and ascending to an upper level. Then, the player must proceed outside to a balcony strip. A ladder will lead down to where the player will find the Police Trooper Puppet lurking.
In New Game +, the player can find the Strength Amulet inside a chest near a cliff. The player must proceed up the stairs to get out the door past the Wandering Merchant from the Abandoned Apartment Stargazer. Then, on the right, take the white sign bridge and proceed through the arches. Then, proceed across the white sign bridge and the enemy to locate a chest near the end.
In New Game ++, the player can acquire the Strength Amulet inside another chest. This Chest is in the tall room next to the Trinity Sanctum. The player must descend the ladder from the Arche Abbey Outer Wall Stargazer and enter the doorway. Next, enter the lift at the last point of the path and ascend. After defeating the enemy, the player will locate a chest in the upper right corner of the room.
Technique Amulet
Depending on the game’s version, the Technique Amulet adds points to the player’s Technique stat. This Amulet adds 4 points to the player’s Technique stat in the base game and weighs 1.7. In New Game +, this Amulet adds 6 points to the Technique stat and has a Weight of 2.4. This Amulet adds 9 points and weighs 3.4 in New Game ++.
In the base game, the player can acquire the Technique Amulet inside a chest in the Estella Opera House. The player must enter the Estella Opera House Entrance Stargazer and proceed up the left stairs. Then, proceed to an opening to the left and continue to the end of the path. Next, travel down the steps on the right, then turn left to find the chest in a darker area.
In New Game +, the player can get the Amulet inside a chest near a dumpsite. The player must take the trail with the tracks from the Barren Swamp Entrance Stargazer and take the first right. Then, proceed down the walkway. Turn left to discover a campfire and a faceless puppet at the dump. The player will find the chest at the end of this trial.
In New Game ++, the player can find this Amulet inside a chest in the Black Rabbit Brotherhood Tower. The player must take the elevator down from the Path of the Pilgrim Stargazer. After that, take the right route under the bridge and then the left through the wooden fences.
Next, continue along the path until the player reaches the stone bridge and the gates with the Black Rabbit Brotherhood emblem. Enter the tower and head down the platforms with caution. The chest is on a platform near the bottom.
Puppet Destroyer’s Amulet
When fighting puppets, the Puppet Destroyer’s Amulet boosts the player’s damage output. When equipped, this Amulet increases the damage the player inflicts when battling puppets by 10%. It is recommended only to equip this item if the player is planning or about to fight puppets. The Puppet Destroyer’s Amulet has a Weight of 2.0.
The player can get the Puppet Destroyer’s Amulet inside a chest in Krat City Hall’s lobby. The player will find the chest in an alcove to the left of the entryway. On the way, the player will pass through numerous Puppet enemies.
Murderer Puppet’s Amulet
The Murderer Puppet’s Amulet boosts the player’s damage output when fighting human enemies. This Amulet is helpful when dealing with aggressive NPCs. Because of that, it is advised only to equip this Amulet when the player is planning to or knows they are about to fight human enemies. This Amulet has a Weight of 2.0.
The player can get the Murderer Puppet’s Amulet after eliminating a huge Tail-Stinger Carcass in the Krat Central Station. The player must leave the area to the right of the Stargazer on the Krat Central Station Platform and proceed to the end of this area.
Then, proceed to the gate on the right by crossing the narrow steel bar. Afterward, proceed to the end of this area and head down the ladder. Next, proceed to the right to locate the Tail-Stinger Carcass on the huge platform in the center of the room.
Carcass Butcher’s Amulet
The Carcass Butcher’s Amulet boosts the player’s damage output when fighting enemies with the Petrification Disease called Carcasses. This Amulet increases the player’s damage by 10% when fighting Carcasses. The Carcass Butcher’s Amulet has a Weight of 2.0.
The player can get the Carcass Butcher’s Amulet after buying it from Pulcinella in Hotel Krat. However, the player can only purchase this Amulet at Pulcinella’s shop after handing him 1 Venigni Collection box.
The player can also use Grindstones to briefly infuse special effects on the player’s weapon. The following are the recommended Grindstones that the player uses with a Motivity build:
Flame Grindstone
The Flame Grindstone, just like the Fire Abrasive, wraps the player’s weapon in fire. This improves the weapon’s damage output and causes the Overheat status effect on the enemy. This Grindstone can be particularly useful in the middle to late parts of the game.
The player must first defeat King’s Flame, Fuoco, to get the Flame Grindstone. The player can find this boss after the Center of Venigni Works control room. Once that is cleared, Venigni will give the player the Flame Grindstone.
Electric Blitz Grindstone
Like the Electric Blitz Grindstone, the Electric Blitz Abrasive charges the player’s weapon with electricity. This Grindstone also boosts the damage output of the player’s weapon and causes the Electric Blitz status effect to inflict on the enemy. The player can find this Grindstone useful in the early parts of the game.
To obtain the Electric Blitz Grindstone, the player can buy it from Pulcinella in Hotel Krat. The player can purchase this Grindstone for 1000 Ergo, which is available from the start of the game.
Acid Grindstone
The Acid Grindstone, just like the Acid Abrasive, momentarily infuses the player’s weapon with acid. When used, this Grindstone increases the damage output of the player’s weapon and causes the Decay status effect to accumulate on enemies. The player can use this Grindstone when fighting human enemies.
The player can also purchase the Acid Grindstone from Pulcinella in Hotel Krat. Before the player can buy this item, the player must first give Pulcinella one Venigni Collection Box. After that, Pulcinella will start selling this item. The player can buy the Acid Grindstone for 1000 Ergo.
We have unraveled the intricacies of selecting the best weapons and optimizing your character’s stats for a Motivity build in Lies of P. With this build at your disposal, you’ve harnessed the power of brute strength, making P a force to be reckoned with.
As you embark on your journey, remember that your choice of weapons and the synergy with your character’s build can define victory and defeat. Keep honing your skills, experimenting with different weapons and items, and adapting to the challenges. From this point forward, enjoy the satisfaction of defeating your enemies to a pulp using a Motivity build in Lies of P!