In the latest version of Minecraft, Minecraft update 1.19, bee and honey farming has become even more crucial.

If you are wondering how to farm honey, build an efficient auto honey farm, or get bees into your beehive, this Minecraft 1.19 bee and honey farming guide are for you.
This guide covers everything you need to know about bees, honey, and honeycomb in Minecraft 1.19. The following ideas include finding and farming honey, safely harvesting honey, building an auto honey farm, and everything about honey and honeycomb.
This guide is perfect for both Java and Bedrock players, and it’s a must-read for anyone looking to maximize their bee and honey farming skills.
Honey is a pretty valuable item in Minecraft. It was first introduced in the 1.15 update. It can come mainly in two forms: honeycombs and honey bottles.
These versions of the same general item have different uses but are very useful. Honeycombs can be used to craft candles and beehives and for waxing copper blocks. Honey bottles are edible Minecraft items that can remove poison and craft a honey block or sugar.
Honey is a liquid material in Minecraft that can be used and drunk differently. You must be careful enough to farm them from bee nests and even create a fully automatic farm to obtain them.
When players roam during their adventure, some can find bees flying around their bee nests in various biomes.
Honey might not seem extremely useful initially, but it can be used in several ways. For example, it can be drunk to remove any poison effect and even replenish hunger and health.
Honey blocks crafted with honeycomb can also be used to create redstone contraptions. Here are some ideas on how you can easily farm honey in Minecraft.
Two ways of farming honey in Minecraft in 2023
1. Manual farming

One of the effective ideas is to do manual farming by finding a bee nest and extracting honey using a glass bottle. First, you must find bee nests, usually seen on tree trunks in several green biomes like plains, forests, and many more.
One of the easiest ways to spot a bee nest is to look for bees themselves flying around the area. The bee spawning and roaming around bee nests that can be found connected to one of the two trees.
Nests full of honey can be recognized by observing the bee nest block, whether the honey is dripping out, and if it is, then the nest is filled to the brim.
The player can then move on to harvest the honey by right-clicking on the nest with a glass bottle in their hand, and if they wish to harvest honeycombs, they need to right-click the nest with shears in their hands.
Once a bee nest is found, do not be hasty and use a glass bottle on it, as it will anger the bees inside. If angry, they will chase you for several seconds before calming down. The trick to safely extracting honey or honeycomb from bee nests without angering bees is to place a campfire beneath the nest.
After placing a campfire underneath, you can use a glass bottle or shears without any risks and extract honey or honeycomb. Since bees have a random flying pattern, they can accidentally fly into the campfire and burn.
And you must put a carpet above the campfire to prevent bees from going near it. You can also place several flowers around the bee nest to make it easier for them to obtain nectar.
If players cannot find these beehives, then some of them spawn naturally by planting a sapling of a Birch or Oak tree and planting a flower near that place.
Then the players should use bone meal on the tree to get a 5% chance of spawning a nest. After the bee nests have been spawned, the player must harvest the honey and honeycombs from them.
2. Automatic farming

After creating a big enough hive, gathering enough materials, and breeding many bees, the players can create their own automated harvesting bee farm. The first thing to remember is to create this farm in the Nether Biome or the End, as this region has no darkness or rain.
Minecraft adds a certain amount of realism to the game, which applies to bees in this situation. Bees do not work during the night and the rain in reality and the game, so this method will work.
Since Minecraft is an old game, players have found some ideas to build farms for practically any item. This also usefully applies to honey and honeycomb.
With a few redstone components, dispensers, hoppers, powered rails, and many more, some players can quickly build a honey farm that automatically stores honey and honeycomb in their respective chests.
Players must create a collection area connected to a constantly moving hopper on a minecart to collect every dropped honey bottle and honeycombs from above.
The upper layer of blocks will consist fully of bees trapped in an area that is one block long, where they will have access to the bee nests and flowers planted on dirt blocks.
Right above the bee nests, dispensers will face the nests containing glass bottles or shears to extract honey or honeycomb. The entire contraption will be connected with redstone dust and a redstone comparator.
As soon as the bee nests are filled with honey, dispensers will activate and shoot out honey bottles and honeycomb, which can then be collected by the hopper on the minecart and eventually stored in a chest. This method will help you make your life easy and have fast production at the same time.
Another tip to remember for every player is that bees are needed to produce honey, just like in the real world, and they will die once they sting the player, similar to how real-life bees work.
In these situations, the players will have to breed the remaining bees to increase their bee count, which can be done by leading one bee to another and breeding them using a flower.
To lead one bee to another, the player just needs to keep a flower in their hand near the bee they want to breed to make it follow them and simply feed each bee with a flower.