Learn Lizzie’s Bar exact location in Cyberpunk 2077 with this quick guide!

Lizzie’s bar will appear in your Cyberpunk 2077 journey several times. It has many quests associated with this place, so it is pretty important to know its location.
Overall, this place has quite a unique history, like everything implemented into the game. The developers have done a perfect job of creating a narrative for their players and ultimately increasing immersion as much as possible.
Lizzie’s Bar Location – Cyberpunk 2077
Lizzie’s Bar is located in Night City, specifically the Watson District. You will find this bar in the sub-district Kabuki.

Some History About Lizzie’s Bar
This bar was formerly owned by a successful woman called Elizabeth Borden. She was an ex-prostitute who fought to eradicate the harassment of prostitutes.
After some time, she decided that she needed to open a strip club to successfully finish her mission. Soon after, the Lizzie bar was established.
Unfortunately, she passed away in 2076, and soon after, a gang called the Moxes started running the place. Despite what you might think, they did a good job of protecting workers in their establishment, particularly from violent clients.
They like to be perceived as “those who protect working girls and guys” from harassment and abuse.
This strip club is open from 6 PM to 6 AM.
As I said, a couple of quests will bring you to this location. The “Automatic Love” and “The Information” missions are most notable.

The only objective in Automatic Love, which will require you to go to Lizzie’s bar, is the first one, i.e., to meet with Evelyn Parker there.
On top of these quests, if you want to learn more about the game, Elizabeth Border, or the strip club itself, you will need to find the three readable shards located here.
This place won’t be that important in the game’s main campaign. But it is always good to know about some places in this game because they can be rich with details.
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