Crafting materials, currencies, and cosmetics for the seasoned warrior.

Crafting materials and currencies such as Aspirant’s Keys and Hilts are essential for keeping your characters in tip-top shape in Diablo Immortal. Fortunately, players can expect a consistent stream of loot from the seasonal Battle Pass in Diablo Immortal.
The Season 6 Battle Pass offers more of the same rewards from previous seasons but adds in a sand-themed Weapon and Armor Cosmetic for Empowered Battle Pass owners.
Here’s all the loot you can expect from Diablo Immortal’s Season 6 Battle Pass.
Diablo Immortal Season 6 Battle Pass Rewards
Battle Pass Level | Normal Battle Pass | Empowered Battle Pass |
Level 1 | Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Fervent Fang Levendary Gem Below The Sands Weapon Cosmetic |
Level 2 | Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Scoria x5 |
Level 3 | Enchanted Dust Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Normal Gems x3 |
Level 4 | Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Rare Crest x3 |
Level 5 | Rare Crest x3 Hilts x150 | Seled’s Weakening Legendary Gem |
Level 6 | Hilts x500 | Scoria x5 |
Level 7 | Normal Gems x3 | Normal Gems x3 |
Level 8 | Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Aspirant’s Keys x6 |
Level 9 | Hilts x500 | Scoria x5 |
Level 10 | Legendary Helm (Choose One) | Legendary Crest |
Level 11 | Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Normal Gems x3 |
Level 12 | Rare Crest Hilts x150 | Aspirant’s Keys x6 |
Level 13 | Hilts x500 | Scoria x5 |
Level 14 | Normal Gems x3 | Normal Gems x3 |
Level 15 | Hilts x150 Seled’s Weakening Legendary Gem | Hold On Chat Emoji |
Level 16 | Charm x4 Hilts x150 | Rare Crest x3 |
Level 17 | Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Scoria x5 |
Level 18 | Rare Crest Hilts x150 | Normal Gems x3 |
Level 19 | Hilts x500 | Aspirant’s Keys x6 |
Level 20 | Legendary Crest Hilts x150 | Seled’s Weakening Legendary Gem |
Level 21 | Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Scoria x5 |
Level 22 | Rare Crest Hilts x150 | Normal Gems x3 |
Level 23 | Hilts x500 | Aspirant’s Keys x6 |
Level 24 | Normal Gems x3 | Scoria x5 |
Level 25 | Rare Crest Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Legendary Crest |
Level 26 | Reforge Stone x3 Hilts x150 | Normal Gems x3 |
Level 27 | Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Rare Crest x3 |
Level 28 | Rare Crest Hilts x150 | Scoria x5 |
Level 29 | Hilts x500 | Normal Gems x3 |
Level 30 | Mystery Reforge Stone Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Approval Chat Emoji |
Level 31 | Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Aspirant’s Keys x6 |
Level 32 | Rare Crest Hilts x150 | Scoria x5 |
Level 33 | Hilts x500 | Normal Gems x3 |
Level 34 | Normal Gems x3 | Aspirant’s Keys x6 |
Level 35 | Rare Crest Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Seled’s Weakening Legendary Gem |
Level 36 | Charm x4 Hilts x150 | Scoria x5 |
Level 37 | Scrap Materials x150 Hilts x150 | Normal Gems x3 |
Level 38 | Rare Crest Hilts x150 | Rare Crest x3 |
Level 39 | Hilts x500 | Scoria x5 |
Level 40 | Fervent Fang Legendary Gem | Fervent Fang Legendary Gem Below The Sands Armor Cosmetic |
Note: Players who purchase the Empowered Battle Pass will receive both the ‘Normal Battle Pass’ and the ‘Empowered Battle Pass’ rewards by progressing through the Battle Pass ranks. In addition, Empowered Battle Pass owners will receive the Below the Sands Weapon cosmetic at rank one and the Below The Sands Armor cosmetic at rank 40.
The Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass will come with access to all rank rewards from the Empowered Battle Pass, the Below The Sands Frame, a new Below The Sands Portal cosmetic, and an instant ten-rank jump in your current battle pass level.
In addition, you can collect the Gift of Renown Chest for every 180 Battle Pass Points you earn after Level 40.
Below the Sands
As with every Battle Pass since Season 1, players can get a similar number of valuable loot such as Hilts, Scrap Materials, and Crests, plus a seasonal weapon and armor cosmetic from the Season 6 Battle Pass. And if you can progress through the Battle Pass fast enough, you can get even more loot from the Gift or Renown Chest after every 180 Battle Pass Points past level 40.