Diablo 4 Vendors List


John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.


We have listed all the Vendors in Diablo 4 in this guide.

Diablo 4 Vendors List

Vendors are specific NPCs that offer a variety of items and services in Diablo 4. Vendors in Diablo 4 can mostly be found in main cities such as Kyovashad and occasionally in nearby villages and camps and are necessary for keeping your character in tip-top shape.

We have listed all the Vendors in Diablo IV, including their services and where you can find them in-game in this quick guide.

All Diablo 4 Vendors List

There are six types of Vendors in Diablo IV. Each type of Vendor will offer a different set of services and charge an appropriate amount of money for these services.

  • The Alchemist
  • The Blacksmith
  • The Jeweler
  • The Occultist
  • The Purveyor
  • Red Dust Vendors
You will find most vendors in Diablo IV in Kyovashad.

The Alchemist

The Alchemist is first on this Diablo IV Vendors List – your one-stop shop for Healing Potions, Elixirs, and Incense in Diablo IV. Here, you can upgrade your potion to increase the healing you get from it. You can also craft various Elixirs that provide various buffs such as Fire Resistance, Poison Resistance, and others. Various Incense is also available at the Alchemist.

The Alchemist is one of six Vendors in Diablo IV.
A screenshot showing the upgrade potion screen in Diablo 4

Aside from Healing Potion upgrades, Elixirs, and Incense, you can also Refine Resources at the Alchemist, which allows you to convert some Resources into a different resource type.

You can unlock the Alchemist when you reach Level 10 and receive the quest that requires you to visit the Alchemist in Kyovashad.

The Blacksmith

For all your Gear and Equipment needs, the Blacksmith is the one you’ll heed. At the Blacksmith, you can upgrade and repair gear or salvage useless equipment and convert them into valuable materials.

The Blacksmith is one of the most important Vendors in Diablo IV.
A screenshot showing where to find the blacksmith in Diablo 4

Repairs will be the most common reason to visit the Blacksmith in Diablo IV. Your Gear will lose 1/10 of its Durability whenever you die in the game, and if your Gear loses all its Durability, the item will lose most of its bonuses, which results in a much lower DPS.

You can also perform Gear Upgrades at the Blacksmith to improve your Gear’s Item Power. However, you can only upgrade specific Gear a limited amount of times, and you will need a lot of Gold and materials as upgrade requirements increase every time you upgrade Gear in Diablo IV.

Lastly, you can Salvage all the unused items in your inventory and convert them into valuable crafting materials at the Blacksmith. You will pick up a ton of Gear, such as Weapons and Armor, as you play through the game, many of which will be left sitting in your inventory. Instead of dropping these items and getting nothing from them, you should take them to the Blacksmith for repurposing.

Like the Alchemist, you can start using the Blacksmith’s services when you reach Level 10 and receive the quest to visit Zivek the Blacksmith in Kyovashad.

The Jeweler

The Blacksmith isn’t the only way to get more out of your Gear in Diablo IV – you can also socket special Gems to improve Gear bonuses such as Damage, Resistance, Life, and Damage Reduction through the Jeweler, provided your Gear has slots for these Gems.

A screenshot of the Jeweler in Diablo 4

Aside from Socketing Gems, you can also Unsocket Gems at the Jeweler. Unsocketing lets you remove Gems from Gear, allowing you to upgrade the Gem or socket it into a different type of Gear.

You can also add a Socket to your specific Gear at the cost of 1 Scattered Prism. However, you can only add a Socket to the following types of Gear:

  • Cap
  • Tunic
  • Pants
  • Amulet
  • Ring
  • 1-Handed Weapon
  • 2-Handed Weapon
  • Bow
  • Focus
  • Shield

The Jeweler will be available as soon as you get to Level 20. You should receive a Priority Quest that requires upgrading a Crude Ruby to a Chipped Ruby at the Jeweler in Kyovashad.

The Occultist

Alongside the Blacksmith and Jeweler, you can also go to the Occultist to enhance your character’s Gear in Diablo IV. Some of the services from The Occultist include enchanting your Gear for a chance to change its stats, Imprinting Legendary Aspects to your Gear, and Crafting Sigils to enter Nightmare Dungeons.

A screenshot of Demyan, the Occultist in Diablo 4

Imprinting and extracting Legendary Aspects is The Occultist’s most important service. The Occultist can extract Legendary Aspects from Gear, which you can then Imprint on another gear of your choice. Imprinting allows you to imprint Aspects from the Codex of Power or Legendary Aspect into a Rare or Legendary item, giving you a chance to turn a Rare item into a more powerful Legendary item.

A screenshot showing the Imprint Aspect screen in Diablo 4

Crafting Sigils is also a very important service you can only avail of at The Occultist. You can think of Sigils as tickets that transform normal Dungeons into Nightmare Dungeons, where you can get Legendary, Unique, Sacred, and Ancestral Items.

Lastly, the Occultist allows you to re-roll affixes you normally won’t find for your class. This allows you to re-roll affixes from your alt-character to get them on Gear for your main character.

The Purveyor of Curiosities

The Purveyor is Diablo IV’s gambling shop. It is here where you spend Obols to get a chance to win equipment of random quality.

A screenshot of Lizveth in Diablo 4

Get Obols by participating in the following special Events in Diablo IV:

  • Completing Local Events with Mastery
  • Completing Quests with a Cache Reward
  • Cursed Object Event in Dungeons
  • Gathering Legions Zone Events

You can use the Obols you have collected from the events above to buy a chance to win an item type of your choice. The item you get, however, will be of random quality.

Red Dust Vendors

Red Dust Vendors are the last type of Vendors in Diablo IV. These Vendors only accept Red Dust – a type of currency that you can get from Shards of Hatred in PvP zones in the game.

You can use Red Dust to buy the following items from the following Red Dust Vendors in Diablo IV:

  • Cursed Scroll Vendor: Cursed Scrolls
  • Odds and Ends Vendor: Cosmetic Armor Equipment
  • Unconventional Steed Armor Vendor
  • Unsavory Oddities Vendor: Unrevealed Equipment

It is worth noting that you have to bring Seeds of Hatred to the Altar of Extraction to turn them into Red Dust.

Where to find Vendors in Diablo IV?

You can find Vendors in the main cities in Diablo IV, such as Kyovashad. Many villages and camps should also have some Vendors in the area.

Open the World Map and look for greyed-out icons within main cities and around camps. This should give you a good idea of the type of vendors available for that map area. That said, Kyovashad is home to all five Vendors in Diablo IV, so it might be worth traveling back to that city if you want to rotate between the five Vendors in one go.

Are all Vendors the same in Diablo IV?

Yes, all Vendors in Diablo IV will be the same regardless of location. To be more specific, Vendors such as the Blacksmith will typically carry the same services whether you talk to them in Kyovashad or some other location. The same applies to all the other Vendors, such as the Alchemist, Jeweler, Occultist, and Purveyor.


The forces of Lilith will only get stronger in Diablo IV, so make sure you keep up by collecting the right gear and upgrades for your character. Look for any of the five Vendors in the game to get the necessary upgrades or improve your character’s gear in Diablo IV.

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