Should you download or buy video games on an Xbox or PlayStation? My answer, it’s all a matter of personal preference. When you insert a new game disc into your Xbox or PS, it installs to your consoles hard drive. It’ll also require the disc while playing.

When you download a game from the Microsoft or PlayStation digital store it also gets installed to your hard drive. So, when selecting digital download or buying the physical product, it comes down to whether you want it now or you want to wait and have a product in your physical possession.
Buying a Game Disc
From personal experience, I’ve noticed that if you wait long enough a price drop will happen much sooner on a physical video game disc than a digital download of the same game. To get discounts or sale prices on a digital game, you’ll usually have to wait for a special or sale.
Another thing that’s great about buying a physical copy of a video game is being able to trade it in as well as sell it and get some money back once you’ve completed the game. That’s the main reason I prefer a physical video game disc.
Plus, if you don’t like the video game you’ve bought you can resell it and not be completely out of luck with it stuck on your consoles hard drive.
Then, there are those of us that like to see our collection of Xbox or PlayStation games displayed nicely in our gaming library. A second reason I like having a physical video game in my possession.
Downloading Video Games
There are times that you’ll also consider downloading a video game. If it’s a game that is at a ridiculously good price and you’ve been waiting for it then, of course, you’d grab it and be playing shortly.
Also, as I said already, you may want it now. And to get instant gratification, you’re willing to slap it on your Xbox or PlayStation hard drive without hesitation. I’ve also done this. Plus, if you really need hard drive space you could delete other content or applications you’re done using.
Maybe you prefer digital downloads of video games because you’re short on space in your home or you like to keep things neat and tidy. In this instance downloading games is probably your preferred route.
Besides downloading directly on your Xbox or PlayStation, you can also get digital downloads of games from Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop and possibly other locations. These other video game sellers may have a better price so, it’s worth checking out.
Once you purchased the digital version of a video game, you’ll then receive a code to input into your console that confirms your purchase. Then, you’ll be able to download and install your video game.
If you’re an Xbox Gold member or a PSN subscriber, you’re going to get discount offers on certain digital copies of video games. You’ll also get some free games to download with that paid membership.
Whether you like to have a physical disc of a video game or rather download it is all a matter of personal choice. If you’re a video game collector or like to trade or sell your games once you’ve completed them, then, you probably prefer a physical disc.
If you’re trying to stay organized and get rid of clutter in your life then, you’ll probably be more of a digital downloader. Having a paid subscription with your Xbox or PlayStation entitles you to get special digital downloads as well. So, there’s also that factor to consider.
Maybe you do both and that’s okay too. There is no right or wrong way for you to buy video games for your Xbox or PlayStation console. It’s up to you as a gamer.