Fun yet risky heists with tempting rewards are what gamers have loved about the GTA series since its 1997 introduction. In GTA 5, we received an exciting update – heists are now available in the multiplayer game and can be completed with friends. Who would have thought that GTA could be even more entertaining than ever before?

We’ve got your back if you’re wondering how to start a heist in GTA 5 Online. This guide explains how to start heists with friends, solo and offline. Additionally, we’ll list all heists currently available in the multiplayer game.
How to Start a Heist Solo in GTA 5
All heists in GTA 5 Online require at least two players. None of them can be started solo. Some players suggest creating two accounts from different computers and recruiting yourself to fill the empty crew spot. However, this doesn’t make much sense since the reward will be divided into two anyway.
Someone would only follow this advice to test their skills in solo heists. Even in this case, we should warn you that all heists in GTA 5 involve teamwork at some stage, and completing them alone is nearly impossible.
How to Start a Heist With Friends in GTA 5

The best thing about GTA 5 Online is that you can play with friends rather than random people. But inviting friends for a heist you’ve started is far from straightforward.
Many players expect to see the “Invite” option on the screen before they begin the heist. The game doesn’t work like that, though. Instead, you should enable the Auto-Invite option and select friends through the game settings. Here’s how to do that:
- Head to the GTA 5 Online settings.
- Navigate to “Confirm Settings” at the bottom of your screen.
- In the “Invite” tab, select “Open” next to “Matchmaking.”
- Turn on the “Auto-Invite.”
- Scroll down to “My Friends” and select the friends the game will automatically invite when you start a heist.
How to Start a Heist Offline in Story Mode in GTA 5
You don’t necessarily have to play GTA 5 Online to get a proper heist experience. Offline game missions also involve major thefts and huge rewards. After all, that’s one of the main themes of the entire GTA series. Here’s how to start “The Jewel Store Job” in GTA 5 Offline:
- To unlock the mission, complete the main story Mission 10, “Friend Request.”
- Head to the garment plant and talk to Lester.
- After talking to Lester, get the necessary equipment and follow his instructions to complete the quest.
The next Story Mode heist is “The Merryweather Heist.” It’s the first heist the three protagonists will work on together – what a moment! Here’s how to start it:
- Complete the main story Mission 31 “Minisub” and 33 “Cargobob” to unlock the mission.
- Develop Michael’s pilotage skills by attending flight school.
- Head to Floyd’s apartment and talk to your peers.
- Follow the in-game instructions to set up and complete the mission.
To begin “The Paleto Score Heist,” follow the steps below:
- Complete the main story Mission 49, “Minor Turbulence.”
- Head to the meth lab and talk to Trevor.
- Follow in-game instructions for further actions.
The next heist in the GTA 5 Offline Story Mode is “The Bureau Raid.” To start it, follow the instructions below:
- Complete Missions 66 “Getaway Vehicle” and 67 “Fire Truck.”
- Contact Lester and go to his base, the clothes factory.
- Talk to Lester at the factory and follow his instructions to set up and complete the mission.
The last heist in the game is “The Big Score.” The score is massive; each character receives up to $41 million! No heist in GTA 5 Online can compete with “The Big Score” regarding reward. Here’s how to start the mission:
- Complete the main storyline Mission 73, “Meltdown.”
- Go to Trevor’s strip club.
- Talk to your peers and Lester and agree on the next mission steps. You’ll get two options – either to drill a tunnel to a vault with money or to seize armored guards and enter the vault dressed in their clothes.
- Follow the agreed instructions to complete the mission.
How to Start a Doomsday Heist in GTA 5
“The Doomsday Heist” can bring your crew up to $3.5 million, which is very tempting. But to complete it fully, you’ll need to go through three acts, each with specific setup requirements. Here’s how to start the first act:
- Head to “Internet” and select “Maze Bank Foreclosure.”
- Purchase a facility. Bear in mind that facilities are costly, starting at $1.25 million.
- Once you complete the purchase, a cut scene will play, showing Lester contacting you for a heist.
- Follow Lester’s instructions to set up and complete the first heist act.
Once you’ve completed the first act, wait for Lester’s call regarding the second act. He will tell you to steal a riot van at a gas station.
The gas station will be full of police, so you want to get your best armor.
After you complete this requirement, the game will guide you through the following steps. All you need to do is wait for Lester’s call, receive the instructions, and follow them. Repeat the process with the third act.
How to Start a Casino Heist in GTA 5
“The Diamond Casino Heist” is one of the best-paying heists in the game; it can bring you up to $2,843,500. No wonder nearly every GTA 5 player wants to complete it. But first, you need to start it, and this step may be confusing due to the wide variety of activities in the game.
Follow the steps below to start this lucrative heist:
- Ensure that you have the latest version of GTA 5.
- Wait for a text from Lester suggesting a meeting at Mirror Park.
- Head to Mirror Park and wait for Lester. Watch the dialogue cut-scene.
- Wait for the next call from Lester. This may take some time, so be patient.
- Buy an Arcade cabinet following Lester’s instructions. You can do this by opening the “Maze Bank Foreclosure.”
- Enter your Arcade’s cabinet and head to the fortune-teller at the back wall. You’ll see stairs to the basement, where you’ll find the heist’s planning board. Continue to follow in-game instructions to complete the heist.
Additional FAQs
How Many Heists Are There?
Currently, Rockstar Games has introduced seven GTA 5 Online heists. Here’s a list of the available heist missions, the required number of players, and rewards:
1. The Fleeca Job – requires two players; the take is $143,750.
2. The Prison Break – requires four players; the reward s $500,000.
3. The Humane Labs Raid – requires four players; the reward is $675,000.
4. Series a Funding – requires four players; the take is $505,000.
5. The Pacific Standard – requires four layers; the reward is $1.25 million.
6. The Doomsday Heist – consists of three acts. You’ll need two players for the first act; the potential take is $812,500. The second act has a crew allotment of two to four players with $1,187,500 in total rewards. In the last act, you’ll need two to four players and can receive $1.5 million.
7. The Diamond Casino Heist – requires two to four players; the reward is up to $2,843,500.
How Do You Join a Heist in GTA 5 Online?
Follow the steps below to join a heist created by Lester as a crew member:
1. Open the Quick Job menu.
2. Click “Play Heist.”
3. Wait for a call from Lester to receive instructions regarding your Setup Mission.
4. After the Setup Mission completion, wait for a second call from Lester to receive details on the next part of the heist. This may take a while.
5. Follow Lester’s instructions to complete a heist.
What Do You Need to Host a Heist in GTA 5?
Your character must be at least Rank 12 and reside in a high-end apartment to host a new heist with friends in GTA 5 Online. If you do not meet the requirements, you can only join heists created by your friends who do meet them.
What’s the Total Cost of the Doomsday Heist Prep?
The Doomsday Heist is one of the best-paying missions in the game, but it also requires significant investments. However, the total cost of this heist is hard to estimate.
First, you’ll need to buy a facility that ranges from $1.25 million to nearly $3 million. Additionally, you’ll need to purchase equipment for $65,000 for the first act, $95,000 for the second act, and $120,000 for the third. However, some of the equipment can be stolen to save a lot of cash if you’re not opposed to theft.
The Big Score
Hopefully, our guide has helped you figure out the heist mechanics in GTA 5. Such missions are a great way to earn cash and are highly entertaining. Keep your fingers crossed that the game devs will roll out more heist missions at some point and, perhaps, add a few solo heists. Or maybe they should focus on developing the next GTA instead.
What’s your favorite heist in GTA 5? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.