As you know, there are tons and tons of bosses which you will have to eliminate in Genshin Impact. Some of them are far more powerful than others.

For example, the Anemo Boss is amazingly potent, and it requires a lot of skill if you want a victory against him. You will get all of the juicy rewards once you beat him, so it’s all worth it in the end.
Since he is a pretty strong boss, we will tell you exactly how to beat the Anemo boss.
How to Beat the Anemo Boss in Genshin Impact
Initially, he is called Anemo Hypostatis, but he is known around the community as the Anemo boss. Hypostatis’s attacks are completely random and don’t follow the game’s usual attack style.
So, you will need to be ready to jump, evade, and dodge as much as possible. Furthermore, the chances are that you will need to fight this boss a couple of times until you get a victory.
As I said above, he has unique attacks, and you’ll need a couple of tries to learn his attack patterns and mechanics.
Nevertheless, there is no clear step-guide to beat this boss, but you can focus on the following things:
- Dodge as much as possible.
His attacks are very mighty, so once you see him attack, cease all your attacking and focus on evading.
- Attack him only when he doesn’t have the rock-like objects around him.
This will ensure that you get a clear shot, and those objects won’t block it. A common mistake is attacking him in this state, so be patient.
- Fight with Amber.
Use Amber, since her R ability is perfect. Aim for the middle of the diamond-like boss.
Switch to Aeries.

Switch to Aeries when you need to gather the things he puts up in the air.
If you focus on these particular things, you will defeat this boss with no issues. He will attack you from the sky, ground, left, and right, so emphasize dodging rather than attacking. Good luck!
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