A young woman is wearing armor over a maid outfit with dreams of joining the ranks of the Knights of Favonius in their ranks someday.

Noelle is a maid who faithfully serves the order of knights in the City of Freedom. Despite her skills and being a massive help to the people of Mondstadt, she was unable to pass the rigorous selection to be one of the official knights.
To most of the people of Mondstadt, Noelle is the maid of all maids and seems to possess the ability to be everywhere at all times. She does her best to help everyone in need and would always feel bad if she could not adequately help others.

Aside from her thoughtful and kind nature, Noelle is also known for being strong. Literally. Although she still does not see this and believes she still needs to train even more complex.
Act I: Chivalric Training
Chivalric Training is the title of the first act of Noelle’s hangout event. This unique quest is a story about Noelle and how helpful she is to everyone she meets and her troubles and challenges in reaching her goal to don the armor of the Knights of Favonius.

Noelle’s hangout event has six endings, and in this guide, we will walk you through the story to help you quickly reach all conclusions.
“Honorary Knight!”
On the road outside the City of Freedom, the path heading south towards Springvale, you suddenly hear a voice calling for you.

Upon checking, a lady in armor will introduce herself as Noelle, also known as the Maid of the Knights of Favonius. However, Noelle will clarify that she is not an official knight yet and is still undergoing training.

Since you, the traveler, was given the title “Honorary Knight,” Noelle would like to ask for guidance from you on her Chivalric Training. This explains the excitement she showed when she was calling for you earlier.

In this part, you must choose the line that says, “You know… it’s okay not to be a knight.” This choice will lead towards the route for Endings 1 and 2.
Ending 1: A Cold Reception
Step 1: When Noelle asks for your guidance regarding the Honorary Knight of the Knights of Favonius, select the choice that says, “You know… it’s okay not to be a knight”.

Step 2: You will then tell Noelle how important her help is to the people of Mondstadt, that the minor matters that she considers not very significant can be some form of training. After this discussion, walk with Noelle and head to the City of Freedom.

Step 3: Right at the entrance of the City, you suddenly hear someone crying for help, and without second thoughts, Noelle ran right towards the person in distress. Catch up with her and check what is going on.

Step 4: The stranger in trouble is a man named Alois. He claimed to be a traveling merchant who wanted to acquire Mondstadt’s reputed local wines to return to Liyue but ran into savage monsters. At least, that is what he claimed has happened.

As Noelle mentions the Knights of Favonius, Alois starts to act suspicious—he will act sick when asked about his luggage.

Go to the area where the traveling merchant said he was attacked by large monsters and lost his items.

Step 5: Upon checking the area, you will only find small Hydro Slimes, and no signs of a merchant’s belongings can be found.

Return to where Noelle and Alois are to report what you found and did not find.
Step 6: Although your suspicions only grew, Noelle decides to give Alois the benefit of the doubt and escort him to Mondstadt.

One knight also became suspicious of the traveling merchant at the City’s gate, but you should assure him that you will keep an eye on the visitor.

Step 7: Accompany Alois to Angel’s Share to rest and given that this tavern is one of the well-known pubs in the nation of Mondstadt.

Step 8: After you visit Angel’s Share, take Alois to the Good Hunter for a nice meal with the special drink you got from the pub.

Step 9: This time, you take your unique visitor to With Wind Comes Glory to get something for Alois as a souvenir during his stay here in the City of Freedom.

In all three visits, the traveling merchant will ask if how he was treated is what visitors of the City usually get. In these parts, choose the lines that say, “this one is made especially for you.”

Step 10: After seeing the insignia of the Knights of Favonius and Noelle’s affiliation with the order of knights, Alois will want to leave the City as soon as possible. Noelle will offer to escort, but you should insist on accompanying the purported merchant yourself.

Outside the city gates, Alois will confess that he planned to investigate Mondstadt’s Dandelion Wine to imitate it. Not after the hospitality that Noelle showed him. He felt guilty and would not want to do any fraudulent actions towards Mondstadt again.
Step 11: Return to the City and talk to Noelle, who will worry that she was negligent in the way she has treated a visitor because he did not stay too long in the City and even left without saying farewell.

Ending 2: “Goodbye, Miss Maid!”
Step 1: Follow steps 1 to 5 of Ending 1.
Step 2: Although your suspicions only grew, Noelle decides to give Alois the benefit of the doubt and escort him to Mondstadt.

At the City’s gate, one knight also became suspicious of the traveling merchant. In this part, to assure the knight, tell him to “Leave it to Noelle. She can take care of the situation“.

Hearing the knight say that Noelle is “most reliable” will excite her, and she promises to try to live up to that.
Step 3: Go with Noelle as she gives Alois a city tour. She will specifically bring him to Angel’s Share to try a refreshing drink, the Good Hunter to have a taste of a Mondstadt specialty dish, and then With Wind Comes Glory for a souvenir.

In all three visits, the traveling merchant will ask if how he was treated is what visitors of the City usually get. In these parts, choose the lines that say it is just Noelle’s way of showing hospitality.
Step 4: After experiencing Noelle’s kindness and generosity, Alois decides to leave Mondstadt feeling guilty of the scheme he was planning.

Ending 3: A Defender’s Will Is Their Strength
At the beginning of this Hangout Event, when Noelle asks for your guidance regarding the Honorary Knight of the Knight of Favonius, I tell her, “Of course, where do you want to start?.“

Step 1: Noelle will share how she feels like her progress has been slow and that despite all her strength and endurance training, it feels like something is still missing. Tell Noelle that what she lacks is strength.

Step 2: Noelle will object and tell you that she thinks she is strong enough, sharing with you how she showed her strength on several occasions. You will ask Noelle to show you how strong she is, but since she does not want to raise her sword against the Honorary Knight, she suggests you go to the training ground at the Knights of Favonius Headquarters to use training dummies instead.

Step 3: Go with Noelle at the training ground and talk to Ellin to ask for spare training dummies so that Noelle can showcase her strength in battle. Ellin will prepare the equipment, and you will play as Noelle.

Step 4: In this part, you will play as Noelle, and the goal is to destroy the training props within the time limit of around 3 seconds. There will not be a visible timer, but the timer will start by the time you hit one of the props. If it takes longer than 3 seconds, Ellin will reset the training props.

The trick here is to make a charged attack, making Noelle spin around while holding her claymore.
Step 5: After showcasing strength, Noelle will receive praises and feel shy about it. She will also express how she feels she still lacks something but can not figure it out. In this part, ask Noelle if it maybe is because she lacks real-world fighting experience.

Step 6: Noelle will realize how she has always stayed within the city gates and only did maid chores. She will then ask you where she can get first-hand combat experience. Tell her to either start training in the areas around Mondstadt or start by hunting Slimes.

Step 7: For Noelle’s live training, go with her to the area north of Wolvendom so she can hunt Slimes.
Step 8: You will have to play as Noelle again when you get to the area. You will have to defeat three types of enemies, each within a certain time limit.

The Geo Slimes are easy to defeat, but the Dendro Slimes will take too long for Noelle to defeat. The third monster is the Eye of the Storm, which floats around a lot and does not allow Noelle’s attacks to hit it. It will eventually disappear, and Noelle will fail this fight.

Step 9: Noelle will get disappointed, but you will remind her that the Knights of Favonius existed with camaraderie and solidarity of its members as its backbone.

You then let Noelle choose a suitable target for her final training and let her decision based on her strengths and weaknesses. She will then check an area reported as a hilichurl camp where traveling merchants are often attacked.

Go to that area and drive the monsters away together with Noelle.
Step 10: You will hear a man calling for Noelle when you get to the area. He is a hunter named Henning, who said he is one of the people in Mondstadt who got used to calling for Noelle whenever they needed help.

Ending 4: A Maid Above Ground
At the beginning of this Hangout Event, when Noelle asks for your guidance regarding the Honorary Knight of the Knight of Favonius, tell her, “Of course, where do you want to start?.“

Step 1: Follow steps 1 to 4 of Ending 3.
Step 2: After showcasing strength, Noelle will receive praises and feel shy about it. She will also express how she feels she still lacks something but can not figure it out. In this part, tell Noelle that she still needs more strength.

Step 3: Noelle will ask you how you, the Honorary Knight, usually train. Tell her that you use your sword for mining all over Teyvat. At first, she will find it funny but realize that there is more to mining than just swinging your weapon to hit rocks. Noelle will then decide to try mining.

Step 4: Head to the mining site with Noelle, which is southwest of Windrise. The location will be marked on the map, and the easiest way to get there is to teleport to the Waypoint in the camp at the foot of Dragonspine and then walk down the hill.

Step 5: When you arrive at the area, you will again play as Noelle, and your task is to mine by shattering the nearby metal ore deposits. While doing your task, Geo Slimes will appear, and you have to defeat them. After beating the monsters up, continue through the valley and look for more mining sites.

Step 6: As you look for more mining sites, you will encounter a Crackling Axe Mitachurl, which you must defeat. After this, rocks will fall and block the road up ahead.

Upon checking, a knight named Belinda will be at the rockfall zone and explain that rockfalls have been happening in the area, but this one is greater in magnitude than the ones she has seen during her patrols.
Step 7: Since Belinda mentioned that there are more ore veins beyond the boulders blocking the path, Noelle should help the knight clear up the rocks so that mining, a.k.a. training, can continue.

Step 8: After shattering the rocks into pieces, that path will be cleared and at the same time reveal a Stonehide Lawachurl is behind all the rockfalls.

Defeat this monster so that Noelle can continue her mining training. After all the ores have been mined, continue with the rest of the dialogues to reach this ending.

Ending 5: A Conundrum Called Love
At the beginning of this Hangout Event, when Noelle asks for your guidance regarding the Honorary Knight of the Knight of Favonius, choose to tell her, “Of course, where do you want to start?.“

Step 1: Noelle will share how she feels like her progress has been slow and that despite all her strength and endurance training, it feels like something is still missing. Tell Noelle that she may need some more rest.

Step 2: Noelle feels guilty and will be hesitant to take a rest, but you have to convince her that even a true knight needs sufficient rest. Now, go back to the City with Noelle to rest and have some tea.

Step 3: When you arrive at the Good Hunter, Beatrice, one of the city folk, will ask Noelle’s help to solve her problem. Although you already agreed for her to take a rest, Noelle still insists on helping Beatrice first.

Bea is not on good terms with a guy named Quinn and would want you to help her make up with him. However, Noelle does not know how to solve this problem and will ask you, the traveler, for help instead.
Step 4: Noelle will suggest that Bea send a little gift to Quinn to show that she wants more than just small talk this time. When Noelle asks what kind of gift to suggest, telling her that “it shouldn’t matter, it’s thought that counts” will remove one heart from the relationship bar with Noelle.

Select this line to get the suggestion of using some grilled fish to try to touch Quinn’s heart. This will then lead to the route that leads to ending 5.
Step 5: Cook a serving of Mondstadt Grilled Fish and then hand it to Beatrice so she can give it to Quinn.

Step 6: After a few moments of resting, Noelle would want to check up on Beatrice and see how things have gone. She will be standing by a tree behind Quinn’s store near the City’s main gate.

Sadly, Beatrice could not give the grilled fish to Quinn after hearing him say that he does not have the appetite to eat. Noelle bothered that she could not help her friend, decided to go to the Knight of Favonius Library to research matters related to Beatrice’s troubles.
Step 7: Go to the Knight of Favonius Library and look for Noelle.

She will be busy reading about love to help people when they have problems regarding this matter.

Ending 6: Whisper of the Paper Rose
At the beginning of this Hangout Event, when Noelle asks for your guidance as the Honorary Knight of the Knight of Favonius, choose to tell her, “Of course, where do you want to start?.“

Step 1: Follow steps 1 to 3 of Ending 5.
Step 2: Noelle will suggest that Bea send a little gift to Quinn to show that she wants more than just small talk this time. When Noelle asks what kind of gift to suggest, tell her that gifts convey our intentions and that you should care.

Since Quinn is considered one of the Four Drunkards of Mondstadt, Noelle suggests the gift be something related to wine.
Step 3: Go to Marjorie’s store, the With Wind Comes Glory, to see what is available that will make a good gift for Quinn.

Marjorie will present two items that you can get as a gift for Quinn. One is the Frostening Bottle that can keep the drink cold and fresh for an extended time, and a Squirrel Wood Carving is a lovely ornament for Quinn’s stall.

Choosing the bottle will make Noelle happy because it is a fitting gift for the Four Drunkards of Mondstadt, meaning you remembered what she said about Quinn being one of those who own the title.
If you choose the ornament, this will remove one heart from the relationship bar with Noelle. She will also be worried that this gift might just be thrown in a drawer and forgotten by Quinn. Noelle will then choose to get the Frostening Bottle instead.
Step 4: Hand Beatrice the gift you picked for Quinn. This time she will ask for another help thinking of a place to have a date with Quinn because she was too worried about the gift. She forgot to think about where they would go if she convinced him.
Step 5: Noelle will suggest checking Cape Oath, so you should travel there and scout the location.

Step 6: Once you get to the marked spot, take a photo of Falcon Coast from this cliff in Cape Oath.

Step 7: Go to Starsnatch Cliff to scout it as the second location option for Beatrice and Quinn’s date.

Step 8: When you get to the top of Starsnatch Cliff, adjust the in-game clock between 7 pm and 12 midnight (19:00 – 24:00). Now, take a photo from the top of the cliff facing Stormbearer Point.

Step 9: Go to Windrise and check the giant tree to see if it is a good dating spot.

Step 10: Take a photo of the area at an angle that captures the river and shades of the trees.

Step 11: Go back to Mondstadt’s The Good Hunter and show Bea the tree locations you scouted so that she can finally decide where to go on a date with Quinn to.

Noelle will suggest Windrise, but Beatrice thinks it is too cliché or outdated and will choose to go to one of the other two locations.
Step 12: Noelle personally likes Windrise because of a book she read about the big tree and Lady Vennessa. Invite Noelle to go back to Windrise with you and spend the rest of her break there.

In Windrise, Noelle will thank you for taking her out and helping her help Bea. She will give you a rose, her favorite flower, as a token of appreciation.