Genshin Impact: Qiqi – How Old Is Qiqi



Writer and Storywriter


As you know, there are many playable characters in Genshin Impact. Most people have their favorite hero, and want to know the lore behind them. That’s why we wanted to know how old is Qiqi.

Genshin Impact: Qiqi - How Old Is Qiqi

We wanted to know this, because it provides a bigger insight into the game’s story and lore. Qiqi is a very special character which was a later addition to the game, and she is to go-to choice for some players.

Without further ado, let’s see how old is Qiqi.

What’s the Age of Qiqi – Genshin Impact

Qiqi is an example of how unique the characters are in Genshin. When players read her lore, they are often left speechless and in awe.

Apparently, she is an apprentice and an herb gatherer at the Bubu Pharmacy. She has been blessed or cursed by a body which cannot die. Which makes her a zombie.

So, how old is Qiqi in Genshin Impact? Unfortunately, no one knows.

We tried to pinpoint her age with different interactions, and reading everything connected with Qiqi to no avail.

She is one of the rarest characters in this game, scoring a five-star rarity level. We know that her birthday is on March 3rd, but as far as her actual age is concerned, it’s a secret.

We can only speculate her age based on her build. However, in the past we’ve found out that that’s not a good way of determining age in Genshin, since a lot of the characters which look young can be older than the Universe itself.

Nonetheless, she is a special character and her lore is worth reading about. She is also kind of an outsider, since all characters in Genshin are focused warriors, while Qiqi carries a notebook to write stuff so she doesn’t forget.

Funnily enough, on bad days she can also forget to look at her notebook. Additionally, if she needs to do something, she must give herself orders to execute it, otherwise Qiqi doesn’t do it.

She goes by a few titles, most notable are the Pharmacist and Icy Resurrection. Apart from her bizarre quirks, she is a fierce warrior, you won’t go wrong if you add her to your party.

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