With the release of Dragonspine, the icy mountain region of Mondstadt, a new weapon was also added to Genshin Impact. The weapon is the Dragonspine Spear which you can forge with the town smithy. However, you can only do so with the right materials, including the Vitalized Dragontooth. It is a Dragontooth infused with vitality, and it is believed that its luster and texture are enough to make one uneasy.

A Vitalized Dragontooth can only be obtained in Genshin Impact by extracting the vitality of a Strange Tooth via the Dragon’s Core in a cave in Wyrmrest Valley.

To craft, you must complete the world quest, The Festering Fang. Completing it will reward you with a Dragonspine Spear and the blueprint to forge one.
Where to find Strange Tooth
There are a total of 4 Strange Teeth that you can collect in Dragonspine, and they will spawn every 48 hours. Each one can be found in a specific spot in this icy region.
Small Island

This small island is located at the center of the river north of Wyrmrest Valley. You can simply travel to the Teleport Waypoint and follow the waters northeast, and you will see the islet.
You must also be careful and prepared because a Cryo Abyss Mage lurks around the area. A Hydro Abyss Mage will also appear when you step onto the island. These two will attack you, and their respective elements can freeze you to death.
Fatui Camp

The next Strange Tooth can be found west of Wyrmrest Valley. It is on a path where Fatui Skirmishers are making camp. You can cross the river to the previous Teleport Waypoint and travel south until you see a Fatui Pyro Gunslinger getting himself warm by a torch fire.
Read: How To Equip Food in Genshin Impact
You can fast-travel to the Teleport Waypoint near the Cryo Hypostasis and follow the path north until you see the Fatui Skirmisher. Just beside that torch is where you will find the Strange Tooth.
Southeastern Shore

For this Strange Tooth, you must travel to the Teleport Waypoint on an island far east of Dragonspine. It is the only Teleport Waypoint off the shore.
Once there, cross the waters and go to the shore, where you will find large bones and teeth-like structures. The Strange Tooth you must collect is the middle of such a structure.
Dragon’s Core Cave

The fourth and last Strange Tooth is located in the cave where the Dragon’s Core is. As you enter this cave, go to the left side, and next to the first large teeth is the Strange Tooth you are looking for. Choose to collect this one last since this area will also be where you need to do the next step.
Extracting Vitality with Dragontooth
Once you have collected all available Strange Tooth, you must bring them to the Dragon’s Core in Wyrmrest Valley and offer them to the Core. This will extract the vitality that the Dragontooth has absorbed.

Take note that you need 4 Strange Tooth to start the extraction process. Do not worry because you will still receive 4 Vitalized Dragontooth. You now have Vitalized Dragontooth in Genshin Impact!