GTA 5: Hotel Assassination Mission Guide (Gold Medal)


John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.


Learn how to complete the Hotel Assassination mission in GTA 5!

GTA 5: Hotel Assassination Mission Guide (Gold Medal)

Throughout GTA 5, Lester will send Franklin on missions to eliminate VIPs around Los Santos strategically. By doing so, Lester can manipulate the stock market and milk it for every penny he can for profit.

The Hotel Assassination mission in GTA 5 is the first of many VIP assassination jobs that Lester gives to Franklin. In this mission, Franklin takes out Bilkinton Research’s CEO, Brett Lowrey, at the Von Crastenburg Hotel.

We have outlined everything you need to know about the Hotel Assassination Mission in GTA 5 and how you can get a Gold Medal for completing the mission.

GTA 5 Hotel Assassination Synopsis

Lester meets up with Franklin at Vespucci Beach, and the pair have a chat about the Life Invader incident that left Jay Norris dead. Franklin is shocked to learn that Lester and Michael were behind the incident. Despite not believing Jay Norris to be a very good person, Franklin believes he didn’t deserve to have his head blown up on television.

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Lester expresses his disdain for people like Franklin, who try to act like they’re less dirty than they are. Franklin defends himself by saying he doesn’t mind killing people, but it has to be for a good cause.

Lester explains that he has a few jobs lined up for Franklin, which involve killing people for a “good cause.” Lester knows Franklin could use some money, so he offers him the first job – assassinating Bilkinton Research’s CEO, Brett Lowrey.

Lester tells Franklin that Brett Lowrey has been paying off the FDA to continue selling drugs that have been known to give users heart attacks. He wants Brett Lowrey killed so people go back to using Mollis instead of Brett Lowrey’s drugs, bumping up the stock price for BETA Pharmaceuticals in the process.

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Lester leaves Franklin to his own devices and entrusts the assassination to him. In the meantime, Lester will make the appropriate investments so they can ride the stock when the price rises after Brett Lowrey is dealt with.

Franklin leaves the area and heads to a parking complex next to the Von Crastenburg Hotel. He waits until Brett Lowrey exits the hotel before he pulls the trigger. Franklin eventually completed the job and immediately left the area before security or the LSPD spotted him.

GTA 5 Hotel Assassination Gold Medal Objectives

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  • Time: Time taken to complete mission.
  • Sniper Boy: Kill the target using Sniper Rifle.
  • Money Earned: Money earned from the hit.

All Gold Medal objectives for this mission can be completed through multiple replays. You can return another time and replay the mission to get the rest of the Gold Medal objectives.

GTA 5 Hotel Assassination Mission Guide

Note: Create a save point before starting the Hotel Assassination mission to maximize the profit you gain from the stock.

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Put some money into Betta Pharmaceuticals before talking to Lester at Vespucci Beach. Simply go to the Bawsaq site on your phone and invest all your money in (BET).

After killing Brett Lowrey, just wait a few days and watch as BET stock rises before selling it off. You can speed up time in GTA 5 by sleeping.

Go to the designated hotel in Rockford Hills marked yellow on the map.

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Park your car at the yellow spot in the parking complex.

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A countdown timer will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen. This will signal the time you have before the target shows himself.

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Switch to your Sniper Rifle, preferably one that has a Suppressor attachment.

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While waiting for the Checkout Timer to run down, park your car to face the south exit. This will help speed up your escape after the job is complete.

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The target will be wearing a pink shirt. You can shoot him as soon as he goes out of the Hotel or just wait until he’s seated in the back of the car.

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Take your shot, then quickly escape the area.

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Market Manipulation

The Hotel Assassination is just one of many assassination jobs between Franklin and Lester. Eventually, the pair will make enough money between themselves but never mention anything to either Michael or Trevor.

Getting a Gold Medal for completing Hotel Assassination is very easy. You do not have to do anything special to finish the mission, as simply killing Brett Lowrey with a sniper rifle is enough to finish the task with a Gold Medal.

Lastly, just remember to invest all of Franklin, Michael, and Trevor’s money into BETA Pharmaceuticals before you start the assassination mission with Lester. The trio can make a decent amount of cash from this investment when the stock shoots up a few days after Brett Lowrey’s assassination.

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