Learn everything you need to know about the Rogue Altruists Random Event in GTA 5!

The Altruist Cult is a religious cult that consists mainly of baby boomers who follow moral practices aligned with Altruism. Altruists are friends of Trevor in GTA 5, which is why only Franklin or Michael can take on the Rogue Altruists Random Event in GTA 5.
In the Random Event named Rogue Altruists, Michael and Franklin encounter two Altruists about to attack a woman somewhere in Great Chaparral. Either character can save the woman and take her home to safety for reward.
This quick guide outlines everything you need about the Rogue Altruists Random Event.
What is the Rogue Altruists Random Event?
The Rogue Altruists Random Event is 1 of 60 Random Events you’ll encounter in GTA 5. Completing this Random Event will count towards the 14 Random Events you must complete to get 100% completion on your GTA 5 save file.
In this Random Event, you need to play as Michael or Franklin and save a girl attacked by a group of altruists. It would be best to kill every Altruist in the area and then take the girl home to complete this Random Event.
The Rogue Altruists Random Event is a Random Event that you’ll only encounter while playing as Michael or Franklin since Trevor is friends with the Altruist Cult and will generally help them instead of going against their practices.
Rogue Altruists Random Event Location
The Rogue Altruists Random Event on Bayree Canyon Road in the Grand Senora Desert can be found. This Random Event will only spawn when playing as Michael or Franklin, so change characters before going to the location.

As soon as you arrive at the Random Event’s location, you will spot a girl being attacked by Altruists. You need to kill the Altruists to free the girl, after which the girl will ask you to take her home.

Rogue Altruists Random Event Rewards
You will get $80 as a reward for helping the girl in the Rogue Altruists Random Event. The monetary reward seems small compared to the amount you get for delivering people to the Altruists. However, this is probably the only time you cannot take hitchhikers to the Altruist Cult for $1000.
Although the reward is minor, remember that you’ll check off 1 of 14 Random Events required to get 100% in GTA 5 by completing the Rogue Altruists Random Event.
Flesh Eating Cultists
The Rogue Altruists Random Event is one of only a few chances you have to go against the Altruists and their sick practices. Complete the Random Event by killing the Altruists, then deliver the girl home safely to get a small yet satisfying reward.