Stuck in-game and can’t seem to get the next mission in GTA 5? Here’s what you should do.

GTA 5 allows you to explore Los Santos, San Andreas, and Blaine County after you complete the Prologue. In true open-world fashion, you can even start missions whenever you want.
GTA 5’s mixed free-roam and storyline gameplay gives it a true open-world feel. However, this can sometimes cause an issue where some missions don’t show up right after completing a prior mission.
If you’re stuck in Story Mode and have no idea where to go after you have completed your last mission in GTA 5, don’t worry. This guide will walk you through how to get to the next mission in GTA 5.
How Can I Find Missions in GTA 5?
When you open the map in GTA V, you will find a mix of colored letters, icons, and symbols. These icons represent the different missions in GTA V – Main Story, Strangers & Freaks, and Random Events, with other icons representing various establishments such as your garages, Los Santos Customs, barbershops, and others.
The first thing you must do when looking for the next main story mission in GTA V is go to any of the colored letter icons on the map. Typically, these will be F for Franklin, M for Michael, and T for Trevor. Letters on the map change depending on the protagonist you are currently playing.

Strangers & Freaks Missions for Franklin, Michael, or Trevor will also be represented by a “?” icon on the map. Strangers & Freaks are side missions in GTA V but are essential in pushing forward the game’s main story narrative.

How To Get the Next Mission in GTA 5
Missions in GTA V follow a linear progression, which means the order in which you complete main story missions is predetermined.
However, main story missions aren’t the only missions in the game, and you might not get the subsequent main story missions if you ignore the Strangers & Freaks missions side missions. For example, you must complete the “Pulling Favors” Strangers & Freaks mission with Franklin, or you won’t get any missions after the Father/Son Mission.

You should also note that most missions are separate for the game’s three protagonists. So, if you’re currently playing Franklin and are not seeing any new missions for him on the map, you should probably switch to a different character and complete missions on their end for a while.
You can also try the Quick Save method, where you load your save file in GTA V and then use the Quick Save option to save your game in a new slot. You might also find luck using the cab trick, taking the cab, and skipping the ride to trigger a load screen.
How many missions are in GTA 5?
There are 83 missions in GTA V, which includes all Main Story heists setup missions for alternate “Approaches.” However, since you can only pick one “Approach” for specific missions in the game, you will only play 74 missions in your playthrough.

The number above does not include the 65 Strangers & Freaks Missions, 60 Random Events, and the 5 Lester’s Assassination Missions.
How long is the GTA 5 Full Game?
You can complete GTA V’s story mode in around 50 hours, but this number only covers main storyline missions. Completing Strangers & Freaks, Random Events, Lester’s Assassinations, and getting Gold Medal in every main story mission will take another 80 hours for a total of 130 hours.
GTA V’s main storyline is relatively short, but if you want to get 100% Completion, expect to invest hundreds of hours in-game.
Final Thoughts
Many other role-playing games push main story chapters one after another, leaving little room for exploration. GTA V tries to avoid that by introducing a slight time gap between Main Story Missions, which helps make transitions from one mission to another more organic.
There will be times when main story missions will refuse to spawn in-game. If that happens to you, just try doing other stuff in-game, such as playing Golf or Darts while waiting for the next mission. If that still doesn’t work, you can also try completing Strangers & Freaks missions or switching to a different protagonist.