In Supergiant Games’ Hades, the gods of Olympus or Olympians will help Zagreus in his pursuit of escaping the Underworld. The Olympians help Zagreus because they believe that Zagreus wants to leave the Underworld to join them in Olympus, which is not true at all but what they don’t know won’t hurt them. Besides, Zagreus would probably not be able to escape the Underworld without their help.

One of the Olympians that helps Zagreus in his Underworld escape attempts is Poseidon. Poseidon, the god of the sea, is Zagreus’ uncle. In this guide, you’ll get to know Poseidon’s boons to help you in your Underworld escape attempts.
The Olympians help Zagreus by giving him boons which are upgrades that can make him stronger in battle. A boon can be obtained from completing chambers as a reward or by purchasing it from Charon’s Shop for 150 Obols. These boons, however, are only effective on the current escape attempt they were obtained and will disappear once Zagreus dies and goes back to the House of Hades.

Poseidon’s Boons cause Zagreus’ abilities to inflict Knockback, which can knock enemies around and can deal extra damage through traps and wall slam, while greatly increasing the damage he inflicts. Poseidon’s Status Curse is Ruptured, which affects the foe’s movement while rapidly dealing damage as they move.
Poseidon also has boons that offer Artifact currencies and raise the acquisition rate. Poseidon is one of two gods that offer these kinds of boons with the other being Dionysus.
Here is a list of Poseidon’s Boons:
Boon | Description | Rarity | Boon Requirement |
Tempest Strike | Your Attack deals more damage and knocks enemies away. | Common: Attack Damage: +30% Rare: Multiplier: 1.3–1.5 Epic: Multiplier: 1.8–2.0 Heroic: Multiplier: 2.3–2.5 | None |
Tempest Flourish | Your Special deals more damage and knocks enemies away. | Common: Special Damage: +70% Rare: Multiplier: 1.3–1.5 Epic: Multiplier: 1.8–2.0 Heroic: Multiplier: 2.3–2.5 | None |
Flood Shot | Your Cast damages foes in an area and knocks them away. Damage Radius: 500 Impact Velocity: 2500 Cannot be combined with Aspect of Beowulf | Common: Cast Damage: 60 Rare: Cast Damage: 72 Epic: Cast Damage: 84 Heroic: Cast Damage: 96 | None |
Flood Flare | Your Cast damages enemies around you and knocks them away. | Common: Cast Damage: 60 Rare: Cast Damage: 72 Epic: Cast Damage: 84 Heroic: Cast Damage: 96 | Unique to Aspect of Beowulf |
Tidal Dash | Your Dash damages foes in an area and knocks them away. Damage Radius: 300 Impact Velocity: 2500 Sometimes stuns foes on impact. | Common: Dash Damage: 35 Rare: Dash Damage: 42 Epic: Dash Damage: 49 Heroic: Dash Damage: 56 | None |
Poseidon’s Aid | Your Call makes you surge into foes while Impervious for 1.2 Sec. Max Gauge Bonus: 7.2 Sec. Duration Impact Velocity: 3500 | Common: Impact Damage: 250 Rare: Impact Damage: 300 Epic: Impact Damage: 350 Heroic: Impact Damage: 400 | None |
Typhoon’s Fury | You deal more damage when slamming foes into barriers. Will only proc with Boon-enabled knock-away. Will not proc on shield attack, sword lunge, etc. | Common: Slam Damage: +200% Rare: Slam Damage: +250% Epic: Slam Damage: +300% Heroic: Slam Damage: +350% | Either Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid |
Hydraulic Might | Your Attack and Special are stronger in the first 10 Sec. of Encounter(s). | Common: Initial Damage Bonus: +50% Rare: Multiplier: +62.5 Epic: Multiplier: +75% Heroic: Multiplier: +87.5% | None |
Ocean’s Bounty | Any Gemstone, Darkness or Obols chamber rewards are worth more. This boon cannot be upgraded via poms. | Common: Reward Bonus: +50% Rare: Reward Bonus: +55% Epic: Reward Bonus: +60% Heroic: Reward Bonus: +65% | None |
Sunken Treasure | Gain an assortment of Gemstone, Darkness, Obols and Health. This boon is consumable and cannot be upgraded via poms. | Common: Obols Awarded: 50–70 Health Awarded: 1–3 items Darkness Awarded: 50-100 Chance of Nectar: 10% Chance of Diamond: 0.03% Rare: Multiplier: 1.3–1.5 Epic: Multiplier: 2.0–2.2 Heroic: N/A | None |
Razor Shoals | Using knock-away effects also Rupture foes. Will only proc with Boon-enabled knock-away. Will not proc on shield attack, sword lunge, etc. | Common: Rupture Damage: 10 every 0.2 Sec. Rare: Rupture Damage: 15 Epic: Rupture Damage: 20 Heroic: Rupture Damage: 25 | Either Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid |
Boiling Point | Your God Gauge charges faster when you take damage. | Common: Faster Gauge Gain When Hit: +40% Rare: Faster Gauge Gain When Hit: +50% Epic: Faster Gauge Gain When Hit: +60% Heroic: Faster Gauge Gain When Hit: +70% | Either Aphrodite’s Aid, Ares’ Aid, Artemis’ Aid, Athena’s Aid, Demeter’s Aid, Dionysus’ Aid, Poseidon’s Aid, or Zeus’ Aid |
Breaking Wave | Slamming foes into walls or corners creates a watery blast in the area. Will work without Boon-enabled knock-away. Will proc with shield attack, sword lunge, etc. | Common: Stun Duration: 100 Rare: Multiplier: 150 Epic: Multiplier: 200 Heroic: Multiplier: 250 | Either Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid |
Wave Pounding | Your boons with Knock-Away effects deal bonus damage to bosses. Will only proc with Boon-enabled knock-away. Will not proc on shield attack, sword lunge, etc. | Common: Bonus damage: +20% Rare: Bonus damage: +30% Epic: Bonus damage: +40% Heroic: Bonus damage: +50% | Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, Poseidon’s Aid |
Rip Current | Your Call pulls in foes and the effect lasts longer. | Common: Longer Duration: +1s Rare: Longer Duration: +1.25s Epic: Longer Duration: +1.5s Heroic: Longer Duration: +1.75s | Poseidon’s Aid |
Huge Catch | You have a greater chance to find Fishing Point in each Chamber. Fish Spawn Chance: +20% This boon also removes the ‘Chambers Since Last Fishing Point’ spawn requirement. Your first encounter with this boon will be scripted to appear in the first chamber as the only choice, ignoring prerequisites. This happens only once. | Legendary | Ocean’s Bounty and Sunken Treasure or Conch Shell |
Second Wave | Your knock-away effects shove enemies a second time after the first. Second Knockback Delay: 0.7 Sec. Will only proc with Boon-enabled knock-away. Will not proc on shield attack, sword lunge, etc. | Legendary | One of: Breaking Wave or Typhoon’s Fury And one of: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid |
Sweet Nectar | Any Poms of Power you find are more effective. Bonus Lv. from Poms: +1 | Duo (Aphrodite) | One of Poseidon’s: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid And one of Aphrodite’s: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish,Crush Shot, Passion Dash, or Aphrodite’s Aid |
Curse of Drowning | Your Cast is a pulse that deals damage to foes around you. Pulses per Cast: 3 Cannot be combined with Mirage Shot or Blizzard Shot. Cannot be combined with Aspect of Hera | Duo (Ares) | One of Poseidon’s: Flood Shot And one of Ares’: Curse of Agony, Curse of Pain, Blade Dash, or Ares’ Aid |
Mirage Shot | Your Cast fires a second projectile, though it has reduced damage. Secondary Shot Damage: 30% Cannot be combined with Curse of Drowning | Duo (Artemis) | One of Poseidon’s: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, Poseidon’s Aid And one of Artemis’: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, True Shot, Artemis’ Aid |
Unshakable Mettle | You cannot be stunned, and resist some damage from Bosses. Boss Damage Reduction: +10% Bosses include the Furies, the Bone Hydra, the Heroes of Elysium, the Secret Boss, and Final Boss. | Duo (Athena) | One of Poseidon’s: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid And one of Athena’s: Divine Strike, Divine Flourish, Phalanx Shot, or Athena’s Aid |
Blizzard Shot | Your Cast moves slowly, piercing foes and firing shards around it. Shard Damage: 20 Cannot be combined with Aspect of Beowulf Cannot be combined with Curse of Drowning | Duo (Demeter) | One of Poseidon’s: Flood Shot And one of Demeter’s: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash, or Demeter’s Aid |
Exclusive Access | Any Boons you find have superior effects. Minimum Boon Rarity: Epic | Duo (Dionysus) | One of Poseidon’s: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid And one of Dionysus’: Drunken Strike, Drunken Flourish, Trippy Shot, Drunken Dash, or Dionysus’ Aid |
Sea Storm | Your knock-away effects also cause foes to be struck by lightning. Lightning Damage: 40 Will proc without Boon-enabled knock-away. Will proc on shield attack, sword lunge, etc. | Duo (Zeus) | One of Poseidon’s: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, or Poseidon’s Aid And one of Zeus’: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Electric Shot, Thunder Dash, or Zeus’ Aid |
Final Thoughts
Poseidon’s Boons are great to have as they offer the third highest raw percentage damage increase in the game. This damage increase plus the ability to knock enemies back to deal damage from wall slams and traps makes Poseidon’s Boons one of the must-have boons.
Additionally, it is worth mentioning that if you prefer to prioritize your Cast, Poseidon’s Flood Shot (Cast boon) is a frequent requirement for Duo boons.
It is also important to note that accepting all of Poseidon’s Boons at least once will complete one of the prophecies in the Fated List of Minor Prophecies called God of the Sea which will reward 150 Gemstones once completed.