Learn how to go to the Tower of Love in Hollow Knight!

Team Cherry’s Metroidvania action-adventure game, Hollow Knight, follows the journey of a nameless warrior called the Knight as he travels through Hallownest, a now-ruined kingdom because of a supernatural disease.
As the Knight journeys through Hallownest, he can unlock new abilities, spells, and charms that will help him traverse through different areas of Hallownest and defeat enemies.
In the game, there are a lot of areas with different environments, inhabitants, enemies, and items that the Knight can encounter. One of the areas in Hallownest that the Knight can explore is the Tower of Love.
The Tower of Love, a sub-area in the easternmost part of the City of Tears near the middle of Hallownest, is where the Collector lives and can be found. The Collector is a being of Void that loves to capture creatures and store them in glass jars.
In the Tower of Love, the Knight will be able to find and free three trapped Grubs and obtain the Collector’s Map, which is an item that marks all (46) of the Grubs on any of the Knight’s purchased maps. However, to free the Grubs and obtain the Collector’s Map, the Knight must first defeat the Collector that lives in the area.
Aside from the Collector, the Knight will encounter a few other enemies in the area, specifically Baldurs, Vengeflies, and Aspid Hunters.
Before the Knight can access the Tower of Love, the Knight must obtain the Love Key to unlock and access the area.
Love Key
A corpse holds the Love Key at the end of the room near the southeasternmost part of the Queen’s Gardens.
In the Queen’s Gardens, the Knight will encounter different kinds of enemies. However, the Knight will encounter these enemies on the way to the Love Key: Oomas, Uomas, Spiny Husks, Fool Eaters, Mossflies, Mantis Petras, and Mantis Traitors.
Before the Knight can head to the Queen’s Gardens and find Love Key, it is required that the Knight has the Isma’s Tear ability, which allows the Knight to swim in pools of acid, the Mantis Claw ability, which allows the Knight to cling to walls and jump off of them, and the Mothwing Cloak ability, which allows the Knight to perform a horizontal dash forward.
Although not required, it would also help if the Knight had the Monarch Wings ability, which allows the Knight to perform a secondary jump in mid-air. With these abilities, reaching the Queen’s Gardens area and finding the Love Key will be no challenge.
To find the Love Key in the Queen’s Gardens, this is what the Knight must do (assuming this is the Knight’s first time in the area):
- Starting from the Queen’s Station Stagway Bench, take the exit on the right, jump up the platforms, head to the top, then take the exit on the left.
- The Knight has now arrived in Fog Canyon. In this room, the Knight will encounter a lot of Uomas and Oomas. Be careful when attacking Oomas, as it will result in its shell popping, and its orange core will home in on the Knight and explode. Head upwards by jumping on the platforms, sticking to the left side of the room while heading up, and taking the next exit on the left, which is in the middle of the room.
- Next, head to the left, where there is a pool of acid and a wall of thorns. Drop down on the pool of acid, swim to the left (thanks to Isma’s Tear ability) below the wall of thorns, and jump towards the next platform where there is a gate, and the room will be filled with vegetation. Continue reading to the left, jump up the platforms, and take the exit on the left.
- Then, upon entering the room, the Knight has arrived in the Queen’s Gardens! Head to the left, where the Knight will encounter a Spiny Husk, drop down a few platforms where the Knight will encounter a Mossfly, and continue heading to the left, where the Knight will encounter two Mossflies, a Spiny Husk, and another separate Spiny Husk.
- As the Knight continues heading to the left, you will see that part of the floor is vines filled with thorns. Jump over the thorns with the help of the Monarch Wings ability or the Mothwing Cloak ability, head to the left, then take the exit on the left.
- After that, continue heading to the left, where the Knight will encounter a Mantis Petra, drop down on the gap on the left, then head downwards using the small dropping platforms (be careful not to fall to the bottom of the room where there are vines filled with thorns) where the Knight will encounter another Mantis Petra and another two Mossflies, then head for the exit on the bottom right of the room next to the vines with thorns.
- Next, head to the right, where there are several stable and dropping platforms with vines filled with thorns on the bottom. Upon getting to the middle of this part of the room, the path back and to continue will be closed, and the Knight must defeat the enemies in the room to open them. Here, the Knight will encounter three Mantis Petras.
- After defeating all the Mantis Petras, head to the right where the path is now opened, drop down the gap, head to the right, drop down another gap with a closed exit on the right, drop down the gap on the left towards a dropping platform, jump towards the next dropping platform on the left but be careful not to hit the thorns on the ceiling and below on the floor, and dash towards the safe ground on the left where the Knight will encounter a Fool Eater.
- Then, dash towards the next dropping platform on the left, jump and dash towards the safe platform on the left where the Knight will encounter another Fool Eater, and jump towards the shaft on the left where the Knight will encounter another Fool Eater at the bottom.
- Next, jump and dash towards the dropping platform on the right, jump and dash towards the safe ground on the right where the Knight will encounter a Mantis Petra, jump and dash towards the dropping platform on the right, jump and dash towards the platform on the right with a lever, and strike the lever to open the path to the exit above.
- After that, jump and dash towards the platform on the right, jump up the wall on the right, head up the shaft with the help of the Mantis Claw ability where at the top on the left, wooden barriers are holding up the wall, strike the wooden barrier several times to break it and reveal a path, jump up towards the platform above, and take the exit on the right.
- Then, jump across the gap towards the platform above on the right, head to the right, dash across the gap with the help of the Mothwing Cloak ability, continue heading to the right, drop down the gap, head down using the dropping platforms where the Knight will encounter two Mossflies, then take the next exit on the right.
- Next, head to the right where the Knight will encounter a Mossfly, drop down the small platform below on the right where the Knight will encounter another Mossfly, drop down another small platform below on the left where the Knight will encounter another Mossfly, drop down the small platform below on the right, and jump towards the platform on the right where there will be a Geo Deposit.
- After that, jump up the elevated platform on the right, head to the right, drop and swim on the pool of acid to the right through the very low ceiling, jump up the platform, and head to the right where the Knight will encounter two Mantis Traitors.
- Finally, head to the right, and at the end of the room, the Knight will find a corpse holding something glowing. Inspect the glowing thing, and the Knight will obtain the Love Key!
Hollow Knight’s Tower of Love
Now that the Knight has obtained the Love Key from the Queen’s Gardens, the Knight can access the Tower of Love. As mentioned above, the Tower of Love is a sub-area on the easternmost part of the City of Tears but is accessed through the middle of the Kingdom’s Edge.
In the City of Tears and Kingdom’s Edge, the Knight will encounter different kinds of enemies. However, the Knight will encounter these enemies on the way to the Tower of Love: a Husk Hornhead, a Husk Dandy, a Gluttonous Husk, Vengeflies, Belflies, Booflies, Hoppers, and Primal Aspids.
There are no required abilities or spells before the Knight can reach the Tower of Love. Still, it is recommended that the Knight has the Isma’s Tear ability, which allows the Knight to swim in pools of acid, the Mantis Claw ability, which allows the Knight to cling to walls and jump off of them, the Mothwing Cloak ability, which allows the Knight to perform a horizontal dash, and the Monarch Wings ability, which allows the Knight to perform a secondary jump in mid-air. With these abilities, reaching the Tower of Love will be no challenge at all.
Related: How To Leave City of Tears in Hollow Knight
For the Knight to reach the Tower of Love in Hollow Knight, this is what the Knight must do:
- Starting from the Bench in the King’s Station Stagway Station, take the exit to the left; the Knight will be in a room where they will encounter a Husk Hornead, a Husk Dandy, and a Gluttonous Husk, drop to the bottom and take the exit on the right which will have another Stagway sign.
- Upon entering, the Knight will see a broken Bench in half, a flooded Stagway Station, and two Vengeflies. Kill both Vengeflies and drop down on the water.
- Next, keep swimming to the right, where the Knight will go through a hidden passageway.
- Upon entering, you will immediately encounter a dive-bombing Belfly, so dodge or hide below an elevated platform to avoid being damaged.
- Then, jump up the platform, head to the right, where the Knight will encounter two Belflies, and take the exit at the end of the path.
- Upon entering, the Knight will be on the central cliff of Kingdom’s Edge! If the Knight has not learned Isma’s Tear ability, then the Knight would have to take the exit on the bottom right of the room, take the next exit that leads upwards, and then continue heading upwards if the Knight did learn Isma’s Tear ability. Head to the right from the entrance to the central cliff of Kingdom’s Edge, where the Knight will encounter a Boofly; jump towards the small platforms and follow it upwards until you see the next ledge and exit on the right.
- Next, continue to the right, drop down the pool of acid (thanks to Isma’s Tear ability), swim to the right below the narrow opening, jump up towards the small platform, head upwards of the room with the help of the ledges and the platforms where the Knight will encounter a Primal Aspid, a Boofly, another Primal Aspid, another Boofly, and another Primal Aspid, then take the next exit on the left.
- Then, the Knight will return to the central cliff but higher than before. Head to the left, where the Knight will encounter a Hopper and a Boofly; jump towards the small platform below on the left, where the Knight will encounter a Primal Aspid and a Belfly; jump towards the small platform below on the left, jump towards another small platform below on the left, jump towards the small platform on the left, and jump towards the platform on the left where the Knight will encounter another Belfly.
- After that, head to the left, down the platform, down the shaft on the left, where the Knight will encounter another Hopper, and then take the large exit on the left.
- Finally, the Knight is now at the entrance of the Tower of Love! Head to the left, jump across the gap, inspect the locked door at the end of the path, and confirm on the prompt to use the Love Key. The path will be opened for the Knight to access the Tower of Love completely!
It is recommended to open the shortcut that can be accessed just past the King’s Station by heading down the previous shaft before the door inside the Tower of Love, then strike the switch on the right side near the bottom of the area.
With this shortcut, the Knight does not need to traverse using all of the steps above and instead use the exit above before the exit at the end of the path on the fifth step. It is worth noting, however, that using this shortcut requires the Knight to have the Mantis Claw ability, which, again, allows the Knight to cling to walls and jump off of them.
Now that the Knight has accessed the Tower of Love, the Knight can find and fight the Collector, find and save three Grubs, and obtain the Collector’s Map!