Learn how to obtain the Shape of Unn Charm in Hollow Knight!

Team Cherry’s Metroidvania action-adventure game, Hollow Knight, follows the journey of a nameless warrior called the Knight as he travels through Hallownest, which is now a kingdom in ruins because of a supernatural disease. As the Knight journeys through Hallownest, he can unlock new abilities, spells, and charms that will help him traverse through different areas of Hallownest and defeat enemies.
In this guide, we’ll learn about the Shape of Unn charm. In the game, special items give the Knight different abilities and bonuses called Charms. To equip or unequip these Charms, the Knight must sit on a Bench, and the Knight must have enough unused Notches to equip them.
One of the 45 Charms in the game is the Shape of Unn Charm, which requires and takes up only two Charm Notches. When equipped, the Shape of Unn charm allows the Knight to move around while healing or using Focus.
Although the Knight can move around while Focusing, the Knight will not be able to jump or use any abilities, so the Knight will only be limited to moving to the left and right while using Focus if the Shape of Unn charm is equipped. Not only that, but the Shape of Unn charm also makes the Knight shorter and smaller, reducing the height of the Knight’s hitbox.
Because of the charm’s effect of making the Knight smaller and shorter and, therefore, a smaller hitbox, it would be possible to avoid attacks from enemies and certain bosses by simply walking under them while the Knight is using Focus or healing. With the Shape of Unn charm, the Knight can move while healing or using Focus!
The Shape of Unn charm can be found at the bottom of a room southwest of Lake of Unn in the western part of Greenpath.
On the way to acquiring the Shape of Unn charm in the Greenpath area, the Knight will encounter a few enemies, specifically a couple of Maskflies, a Moss Knight, and an Aluba.
Before the Knight can find the Shape of Unn charm, it is required that the Knight has the Isma’s Tear ability, which allows the Knight to swim on pools of acid without taking any damage, the Mantis Claw ability, which enables the Knight to cling to walls and jump off of them.
And the Monarch Wings ability, which allows the Knight to perform a secondary jump in mid-air, or the Mothwing Cloak ability, which enables the Knight to dash forward horizontally. The Knight must also purchase the Lumafly Lantern from Sly in Dirtmouth to light up dark rooms. Acquiring the Shape of Unn charm will be no challenge with this item and these abilities.
To find the Shape of Unn charm in Greenpath, this is what the Knight must do (assuming this is the player’s first time in the area):
- Starting from the Bench in the Greenpath Stagway Station, head to the right to exit the room, head up by jumping up the small platforms, and take the exit at the top.
- Next, head to the left, jump up the small platform, then jump towards the exit above on the left.
- Then, head to the left, jump across the gap, jump up the next platform, continue to the left, drop down the next platform on the left, head to the right, drop down the next gap on the right where there are pools of acid, head to the left, then take the exit at the end of the path on the left.
- After that, continue heading to the left, then take the large exit at the end of the path on the left.
- Drop down on the pool of acid and swim to the left with the help of Isma’s Tear ability where there is an Aluba above the pool of acid; then, at the end of the path, swim towards the small opening below the wall on the left to reveal a hidden path. Head up the newly revealed path with the help of the Monarch Wings or the Mantis Claw ability, then take the exit on the left. Next, continue to the left, and the Knight will arrive at the Lake of Unn and what looks like a metal dock where the Knight will encounter a couple of Maskfies, which will fly away and not attack the Knight, and a Moss Knight.
- Then, head to the left, swim in the pool of acid while heading to the left, jump up the next platform, and drop down the gap on the left.
- After that, swim in the next pool of acid while heading to the right, jump to the next platform, drop down the gap on the right where the Knight will fall into another pool of acid, jump up the next platform on the left, drop down the gap on the left where the Knight will fall into another pool of acid, jump to the next platform on the left, then drop down the gap on the left and head down the path.
- Next, head to the right, drop down the gap on the right where the Knight will fall into another pool of acid, swim to the left, jump up the next platform, then drop down the gap on the left.
- Then, the Knight will fall into a large pool of acid. Swim to the right, then jump up the platform on the right where the screen will rumble, and Unn herself will emerge from the large pool of acid and spit out something glowing to give to the Knight. Unn will then dive back into the pool of acid. Inspect the glowing thing that Unn just spat out, and the Knight has now obtained the Shape of Unn charm!
To exit this area, simply head to the right, head up the shaft with the help of the Mantis Claw ability, and then, at the top, a wooden barrier is holding up a wall. Strike the wooden barrier several times to break it and reveal a path back to the previous pool of acid.
Related: How To Get the Quick Slash Charm in Hollow Knight
Swim on the pool of acid while heading to the left, jump to the next platform, and jump across the gap that leads back to the large pool of acid. Swims on the pool of acid while heading to the left, head up the shaft with the help of the Mantis Claw ability.
Then, another wooden barrier is holding up a wall at the top. Strike the wooden barrier several times to break it and reveal another path back. Then, the Knight can just follow the path up, with the help of the Mantis Claw’s ability to leave the area.
There is a Charm that goes well with the Shape of Unn charm, specifically the Quick Focus charm, which allows the Knight to use Focus or heal faster, and if paired with the Shape of Unn charm, the movement speed of the Knight while using Focus or healing will be doubled from 6 to 12.
Now that the Knight has the Shape of Unn charm, the Knight can equip it while sitting down on a Bench, and the Knight will be able to move around while healing or using Focus!