Many people wonder how realistic Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 is, particularly newer players or players with basic knowledge of cars. It is a reasonable question. I’ve always liked this game, even with those questionable first releases. It gives players a basic understanding of how cars work and a way to expand their knowledge without being too complex or technical.

Is Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Realistic?
Simulation games won’t ever be an exact copy or a substitute for the real thing. Before explaining why this game is pretty realistic, I wanted to get that out.
Car Mechanic Simulator is pretty realistic. It has almost all the parts you can find on an actual vehicle; many can be openly manipulated or played with. However, I can’t say it is the most realistic simulator I’ve played, and I don’t think it ever will be.

The reason is cars are technical. Each part has a lot of complexity, and opening those possibilities to be manipulated is extremely difficult. Still, don’t get discouraged, as the fundamentals, and even beyond them, are covered in the game.
Read: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 | Fuel Pump Location
I can confidently say that after playing the game, you can do basic maintenance on your vehicle with relative ease.
Now, of course, some things aren’t covered in the game. One of them is tools. While I said that players who have played this game could do basic maintenance on their vehicle, most might still struggle to find the tools needed.
For example, take a car’s wheel system. Wheel nuts vary from car to car and will require different torque tools.
I’m trying to make the point that while the game captures the fundamentals and general gist of how working on cars feels, it is drastically simplified and slightly more optimized for a quicker pace.
Players won’t leave the game being able to take apart a whole V8 and put it back together; it is simply impossible. But will players leave knowledgeable and above-average about how cars work, what parts do what, and basic mechanical technologies? Yes.