Elden Ring has a lot of difficult bosses and enemies that can easily send your controller or keyboard flying.

Encountered in the Deeproot Depths. Crucible Knight Siluria is an optional boss that resides deep inside The Lands Between. Though she is a daunting obstacle, Crucible Knight Siluria can be easily beaten with good reads, leveled equipment, and decent soul level.
Crucible Knight Siluria Overview

Crucible Knight Siluria is a melee boss with ranged faith spells that can reach you from miles away. Though she is a single-phase boss, do not let that bring your guard down. She will lay you flat if you are not paying attention.
Like all Crucible Knights, she has deceptively long reach with her pokes and spectacular spells that send her flying across the arena to get within melee range of you. On top of all that, she can shoot out a hard-hitting ‘Comet Azur’ spell if you stay out of her melee range for a bit too long. That or she will ascend to the heavens and come crashing down on you.
This guide will help you discover 3 different ways to defeat Crucible Knight Siluria.
Do you need to fight Crucible Knight Siluria?
The short answer is no. Crucible Knight Siluria is completely optional and does not need to be defeated to complete the Elden Ring story.
That being said, defeating her nets you Runes and items that are not obtainable otherwise. And of course, you get the pleasure of adding another notch to your belt. But enough preamble; let us see how to get to Crucible Knight Siluria in the first place.
Elden Ring Crucible Knight Siluria location
You can find her northeast of The Nameless Eternal City site of grace. Head west from the Site of Grace on Torrent. Once you come to the chasm edge, look down and you will see a small dropdown. This drop will not kill you, thankfully.
You will see a Spiritspring jump pad across the way (the columns of wind that launch you skyward). Before taking it though you should make sure your gear and setup are complete as the knight is up on the plateau. If you’re a visual learner (we definitely are), here is a map to help you get there.
Pre-Fight Strategy

There are three ways to tackle Crucible Night Siluria; melee, magic, and of course a third option that we will be explaining later.
So, there is no correct way of defeating any boss in this game, but there are streamlined methods of beating her. Here is what you need to do before going toe to toe with the boss:-
Go Rune farming
Though she is not as difficult as the Fire Giant or the Godskin Duo fight, being prepared in advance is best when dealing with any FromSoftware games. Regardless of melee or magic, making sure you have a decent number of stats is the first step.
If you need a location to farm runes, look no further than north of Farum Greatbridge, just north of Caelid where you will encounter tiny creatures called the Vulgar Militiamen.
These little suckers are very easy to farm as their attacks are easily telegraphed, which means that you can get quick backstabs.
Since there are more than a dozen of these little guys, with each netting 1000 Runes, you should be able to make light work of them in no time. Once you get a farm route established, they can net you about 15k Runes each run.
Just make sure to be careful as they do cause crazy bleeding damage, and are difficult to deal with when they gang up on you. Here is where you can farm Vulgar Militiamen.
Invest in your stats
Now that you have got your runes, let’s make sure you are around level 80 to 90 before making your way down to the Deeproot Depths. If you have anything less, even getting through the area can be difficult, as there are many giant ants, Basilisks, and Mausoleum Knights/soldiers to ruin your day.
Although you can just run past everything on Torrent, there is nothing more frustrating than getting one-shotted, right as you see a sight of Grace ahead.
Also, ensure that you have 30 to 40 Vigor before walking into the Crucible Knight Siluria boss fight. Much like Starscourge Radahn, Crucible Knight Siluria can hit extremely hard. Your Tarnished being able to take more than one hit from this boss will mean the difference between a swift ‘You Died’ and a ‘Great Enemy Felled’ popping up on your screen.
Having 30 to 40 points in Vigor ensures a large enough health pool. And even if you get snagged by one of her attacks, you can live long enough to use a flask of Crimson Tears.
Endurance is another stat you should not skimp on, as you’ll be doing tons of doing and rolling here. Make sure you have at least 25 to 30 in Endurance before getting into the fight, ensuring that you have enough stamina to dodge her attacks, both as melee and magic build.
Not only that, but stamina is in a lot of ways tied to your DPS. No stamina means no attacks or dodging. Now let us get onto the builds that you can use to beat Crucible Knight Siluria.
Get Flame of the Redmanes Ash of War
Crucible Knight Siluria is weak to fire and there is a weapon art in Caelid that will shred poise as well as deal a hefty amount of fire damage to her. Crucible Knight Siluria is also weak to lighting, but for purposes of this guide, we will be doing fire damage.
The reason being is the weapon art we will be using is key to an easier takedown of the boss. The Ash of War is also very accessible to players by this point in the game. This devastating weapon art unleashes a wave of fire in front of the player, dealing massive poise damage, even when blocked.
Even tough bosses like Radagon of the Golden Order and Maliketh, the Black Blade can be crumbled into a riposte with just two uses of the weapon art. On top of that, you can place it on any melee weapon of your choosing. Not bad!
The Flame of the Redmanes Ash of War can be found just a couple of meters east of the Fort Gael North Site of Grace. There is a squirrely, invisible scarab running around the ground. Just look for the sparkling tracks it leaves behind and chase him down with Torrent to end the scarab. We have circled the map to show you where you can find this spicy Ash of War.
The magic of Broadsword and Brass shield
Now, the melee weapon is ultimately up to you to choose. Go with whatever you feel most confident with. For the purposes of this guide, we will be running with Broadsword and Brass shield. The Broadsword is great for a quality build as it only requires 10 Strength and 10 Dexterity to wield.
The Broadsword swing animation is quite fast, allowing you to get your hits in on Crucible Knight Siluria between her attacks. Moreover, the Broadsword has the highest attack power of the straight swords and can have the Ash of War Flame of the Redmanes added to it. If you went with the Confessor start, then congratulations, Tarnished! You have already got the Broadsword and are half the way there.
If you do not have it, however, do not fret. You can just head west from The First Step site of grace and make your way to a nomadic merchant that sells the sword for 1800 runes. Make sure you are leveled up to at least 10+ on your weapon before engaging Crucible Knight Siluria. Of course, the weapon stats will be much better with more levels, thus leading to a swifter defeat of the boss. Here is a map on where to purchase the Broadsword should you want it for this build.
Now for the Brass Shield. We chose this shield for a number of reasons. It takes 16 Strength to wield, which isn’t too bad, considering that at 25+ it has a Guard Boost stat of 69 (nice), which is the most out of all the medium shields. It also has 100 guard resist, which is great for a medium shield.
The only downside is that it is a random drop from the Godrick Soldiers. There is a simple farm route near the start of the game that you can use to obtain the Brass Shield. Head to the Gatefront site of grace and you will be right next to a whole bunch of Godrick Soldiers. Make sure you’re leveled to at least 10+ on the Brass Shield before facing Crucible Knight Siluria.
Rocking a magic build? You’re in luck
A magic build is straightforward and easier compared to its melee counterpart, as Crucible Knight Siluria is mostly melee and weak to magic. You do need a bit of preparation, however, if you are going to go magic. Being a mage can be a glass cannon built after all.
First are the stats; you are going to need to put points into FP and Intelligence to make this work. We would recommend at least 25 to 30 Mind as well as at least 30 Intelligence. This ensures you have enough FP to cast your spells comfortably while the Intelligence ensures you deal enough damage to Crucible Knight Siluria. We would give your stats at least 16 Strength, so that you can block with the above Brass Shield.
If you are confident in your dodge game, you can forgo the Strength for more FP or Intelligence, as the soft cap on those stats is quite high.
The magic build we went with involves the Meteorite Staff and Rock Sling. These are both easily obtained as they are both in Caelid, and literally in the same spot. The Meteorite staff has a whopping S scaling to Intelligence! This is on top of the fact that it boosts gravity sorcery by 20%. With Rock Sling it melts enemies in just a few casts.
To obtain the Meteorite Staff, head to Caelid and the Aeonia Swamp Shore site of grace. From there, head Northeast to the Street of Sage Ruins. You’ll see a body hanging out the window of the broken ruins, the glowing item is the Meteorite Staff. Easy pickings!
Now the Rock Sling spell is in the same area, believe it or not. Run around the ruins till you will find a pathway that leads into the underground. Inside is a chest that contains the spell Rock Sling. You can supplement your Rock Sling with Glintstone pebble for quick hits of damage. Here is the map where your staff, and spell are (a lot of these are in Caelid!)
Be very picky with your talismans
As for equipment, armor is completely up to you and your fashion souls taste. However, for talismans, those would need to be specific as they are lifesaving in this fight.
For a melee build, we would recommend the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman for damage negation, the Green Turtle Talisman for increased Stamina recovery, and the Starscourge Talisman for the extra Strength.
In the case of a magic build, we would recommend the Graven-School Talisman for boosting your sorceries, the Radagon Icon for quicker spell casting, and the Cerulean Seed Talisman to get more mileage out of your Cerulean Flask uses. Each of these can be obtained before the Deeproot Depths. Now that equipment is handled, let us get down to Fight Strategy.
Fight Strategy

Crucible Knight Siluria has quite the array of attacks, many of which she can chain together. Reading her correctly is the name of the game. This fight is a game of rock, paper, scissors.
Dodge and then dodge again
Her first attack is a forward thrust with her great spear. It comes out fast and she advances slighting during the attack. As it’s a thrust, do not try blocking it as it will eat your stamina bar in an instant. Rather, you should dodge to either side to avoid it.
Be wary of her wide spear swings
Another melee attack she has is the wide swing with her spear. Block and then attack quickly as a melee user. If you are rocking a magic build, do a backstep to avoid it. Just be warned that she likes to do a follow-up swing after the first, so look out for it before attacking with either build as you will be left open to a punish.
Know when to retreat
When Crucible Knight Siluria raises her foot, you should retreat backward as she is preparing an explosive stomp. You can also jump straight up to avoid the move. Although jumping is risky as she can follow up with a thrust as you’re landing. The move is easy to telegraph so as a magic user, make sure to get a spell cast in once they are out of range. Likewise, if you are a melee user you can use Flame of the Redmanes during the opening. The Ash of War will crumple her into a riposte state.
Look out for Siluria’s Woe
At medium to long-range, Crucible Knight Siluria will prepare an attack called Siluria’s Woe. Her spear spins with golden light, which is your queue to get ready to dodge left or right. The blast covers quite a bit of distance quickly and will knock you down, so make sure to time the dodge after she’s done channeling the attack.
Roll dodge the flying dash
At range, she will use a flying dash that she telegraphs by rising high into the air. The timing of this attack is tricky as she gains speed as she comes crashing down at you. Make sure to roll dodge right before she dashes, or she will slam into you and leave you vulnerable to subsequent attacks.
Defend against her melee attacks
There are only two other attacks to worry about at the melee range: her Manifest Horns and her Horn Impalement. The Manifest Horns is literally that, she manifests horns on her shoulders and swiftly barrels into you. There is a slight delay on this attack so you can dodge early to avoid it.
The Horn Impalement is a very short-range grab that can be devastating if she hits you with it. It comes out fast and is difficult to avoid, so not staying too close to her is key. Watch her hand glowing and dodge to avoid the attack as it cannot be blocked.
Despite your build, keep your distance
The key to Crucible Knight Siluria is distance and baiting. You want to stay just out of reach of her attacks as a melee user, but close enough that you are a few steps from your own melee/Flame of the Redmanes. Or alternatively, as a magic user, keep your distance whilst avoiding her dive and beam attacks.
As a melee user, we would recommend circling her to her left (your right) as her attacks lead with her left hand. Magic users would have an easier time atop Torrent, using the speed to keep distance and sling spells at Crucible Knight Siluria from afar.
Just be careful if you chose to use the Torrent strategy. If she catches you, you’ll be left vulnerable on the ground for a moment. Otherwise, just stay back and watch for her dive and beam attacks as they are your main threat if you’re going with a magic build.
Parry the boss only if you’re confident
If you’re confident with your parries, we would recommend it over blocking, as knights have high poise and stamina. As a melee user, you’ll mostly be baiting attacks, getting a Flame of the Redmanes in during openings. The poise damage on the Ash of War will be enough to leave her in a riposte state, giving you plenty of opportunities to deal massive critical damage. Crucible Knight Siluria has several openings after her stomp, dive, and swings. Take advantage of these windows to get your weapon art/spells in.
Magic users have it even easier as you can attack her and get a few spells in atop Torrent before she can get close to you. Mages can also jump onto the nearby ledge to fire spells at her from a distance. You see Crucible Knight Siluria is not very agile, and her jump animation is slow and awkward, giving you ample time to fire a Rock Sling at her. Once she comes at you then jump off the ledge and summon Torrent to make a beeline across the arena. Rinse and repeat.
How to cheese Crucible Knight Siluria?
The Cheese Method 1
You’ll be using the Rejection spell with this method to push Crucible Knight Siluria off the nearby ledge, ensuring an easy, if cheesy, win. When you get on the ledge with Torrent, instead of engaging Crucible Knight Siluria immediately, go to the ledge that is on your right. Jump up onto the rocks and dismount Torrent and wait for the knight to jump onto the ledge with you.
Once she is up there, immediately jump down and try to get her to fall between you and the ledge. Once she lands, get close and start spamming Rejection. The spell will stun-lock her and nudge her back on each cast. Make sure to walk forward slightly between each casting as Rejection does not have a lot of range to it. Eventually, she will be pushed off the ledge, granting you the spear and her runes. It should not take too much FP to do this as Rejection is only 9 FP to cast.
If you started as a Confessor or Prophet, you already have the Fingers Seal. If you don’t have it, you can purchase the seal from the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold for 800 Runes. The Rejection incantation is also found in the Roundtable Hold, sold by Brother Corhyn for 1,500 Runes.
The Cheese Method 2
That is right; like the Draconic Tree Sentinel, Crucible Knight Siluria can be cheesed with Poison Mist as well. All you need is the Fingers Seal and Poison Mist.
When you get atop the ledge, immediately get off Torrent and sneak your way around the left of Crucible Knight Siluria. If you sneak without being seen, you can get behind her and cast Poison Mist to slowly kill her without even alerting her.
Keep in mind that this method takes a little more FP and time to kill. Poison Mist costs 18 FP to cast and it may take a few extra casts to apply the poison. However, the method is flawless with enough FP as you can allow yourself all Cerulean Flasks and spam Poison Mist without even having to take any damage!
The incantation Poison Mist can be found by killing a Teardrop Scarab in the forest Southeast of Castle Morne Rampart site of grace. Here is the location on a map.
The fight is short but can be brutal, as are all the Crucible Knight battles. However, the rewards for the battle are well worth it. Here is the breakdown of what you get:
- 25,000 Runes
- Siluria’s Tree: A great spear with D Strength, E Dexterity, and D Faith. It deals Holy damage and has Siluria’s Woe as the weapon art. It is a great weapon art with tons of damage that scales with Faith. Although the channel animation is lengthy and hence risky to use against fast-moving bosses. All in all, an awesome-looking spear that compliments any Faith/Strength build you have going on.
- Crucible Tree Set: A heavy armor set that caters well to strength/endurance builds, providing decent resistances all around. Besides looking freaking amazing, it also buffs aspects of the Crucible incantations. Each piece gives a 3.5% increase for a total of 15%. In case you were dabbling with Aspect of the Crucible Incantations.
We hope that this guide has been of help to you in dealing with Crucible Knight Siluria in Elden Ring. If we missed on something essential, be sure to let us know in the comments section.