How to beat Stormterror Dvalin in Genshin Impact




Writer and Storywriter

Dvalin is the boss monster you must defeat in the Confront Stormterror domain. It is one of the weekly Trounce Domain battles in the game that you can fight anytime you want.

How to beat Stormterror Dvalin in Genshin Impact

This domain will only be accessible after completing Archon Quests Prologue, Act III: Calm Before the Storm.

Stormterror Dvalin
Stormterror Map location

Stormterror Dvalin is the first boss you will encounter while still in the early adventure ranks, so he’s pretty difficult to defeat. His boss domain has several mechanics you need to know to defeat him.

Stormterror Difficulty

Also note that this domain comes in different difficulty levels, and each level will only be available once you meet the level requirement.

Special Mechanics

Below Dvalin’s HP bar is a white bar that represents the strength of his shield. Breaking this will cause him to fall on the platform stunned, giving you several seconds to deal damage to his HP.

You must strike the crystal on his back by climbing up to it and hitting it with melee attacks or using aimed shots with your archer character.

Stormterror Crystal 2

At some point in the battle, the platform you’re standing on will crack, and you’ll need to glide to other platforms. Standing on a cracked platform steadily drains your HP.

Dvalin Crack 2 GIF

Stormterror Attacks

Dvalin will do several moves repeatedly, and the moves will change as his HP drops.

One of Dvalin’s common moves is a sweeping attack where he flies back, then swoops towards you. Quickly sprint to the side to avoid getting hit.

Dvalin Sweep GIF

Dvalin will also do a bite attack where he jerks his head back and then lunges forward suddenly. When he’s hovering at close range, keep an eye on his head to anticipate and dodge the attack.

Dvalin Bite GIF

After attempting a bite attack, his claws will be briefly lodged in the platform, giving you a few seconds to attack and reduce his shield’s strength.

Another move is the wind breath attack. Dvalin will fly a little higher than normal before slamming into the platform and gripping it with his claws.

Dvalin Breath Attack GIF

Dvalin will produce a cyclone from his mouth that moves from side to side. Look where his head is positioned and run to the opposite side to avoid getting hit. Attack the claw on the safe side to break his shield.

Dvalin Breath Attack Angle2 GIF
Dvalin’s breath attack viewed from another angle.

Dvalin has two types of projectile attacks. In the first type, Dvalin shoots two small orbs twice. These are easy to dodge.

Before firing the orbs, he slightly flies up into the air and sways from side to side. He releases one pair from each direction as he flies off the screen. If you pay attention to this motion, it’s not hard to predict where the orbs will hit and dodge them.

Dvalin Orbs GIF

Sometimes, he’ll fly farther back to shoot a bigger, more powerful orb.

Dvalin Orb Big Prep GIF
Dvalin Orb Big Shoot GIF

You can dodge this by moving to the far end of the platform and picking up an Anemograna to trigger a wind current that will carry you up and out of harm’s way.

Dvalin Orb Big Glide GIF
You can ride the wind current before the huge orb hits.

This dragon boss can also summon meteors to fall on you. You’ll know this is coming when you see Dvalin flying around, and eruptions of light will appear on the horizon. Circles will appear on the platform to indicate where the meteors will soon hit. You only have a few seconds to get out of the way, so think fast!

Dvalin Meteor GIF

The trickiest mechanic of this Trounce Domain is when Stormterror roars and the platform cracks. As noted, standing on a cracked platform will slowly damage your active character.

Dvalin Crack 1 GIF

All you have to do is run to one side, collect the Anemograna to trigger a wind current, and glide to the next platform.

Dvalin Crack 2 GIF 1

When two platforms break simultaneously, glide through these to get to a safe platform. Make sure to defeat Dvalin before he cracks all the platforms. The battle will become much harder because your HP will gradually drain no matter where you’re standing.

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