Monster Hunter Rise recently introduced new monsters in the latest game of the Monster Hunter franchise from Capcom. Even with high-tier armor, monsters like Magnamalo and Crimson Glow Valstrax are tricky to deal with. Armor and weapon damage don’t have too big of an impact in this game, but the game’s difficulty demands you take all the help you can get.

If you keep getting carted despite having top-tier armor and weapons, it’s time to upgrade your overall stats. Of course, skills and precision will carry you for the most part. But there are certain items besides armor and weapons to aid you in your hunts.
These items aren’t advertised, so normally, you would need to figure it out on your own; that’s where we come in – keep reading, and we will help you out; there is also a not-so-secret tip at the end, so pay close attention.
Spoilers Ahead!
You need to buy two items to help you become stronger before you are ready to enter the High-Rank quests. These two items can eventually be combined with a specific monster drop to craft an even stronger item. Spoilers may be ahead for those new to the game; we will discuss a late-game monster required to craft the items. You have been warned.
The items we need in Monster Hunter Rise are the Powertalon and the Armortalon. These items simply increase your attack and defense by keeping them in your inventory. But before we can obtain these, we will first need to collect the required materials to craft them. Rightfully named the Powercharm and Armorcharm.
The Powercharm and Armorcharm
The Powercharm can be purchased from the merchant in Kamura Village. You can unlock this by completing the Apex Arzuros urgent quest. You can buy the Powercharm for 36,000 zenny; it’s not cheap, but very well worth the price.
The Armorcharm can be purchased from the merchant in Kamura Village. You can unlock this by completing the Apex Arzuros urgent quest and then buy the Armorcharm for 24,000 zenny. You will find this worth every zenny spent.
Acquiring the Powercharm and Armorcharm can be a little difficult for new players to the franchise. The Apex Arzuros is hard to deal with and cannot be trapped. It also does more damage than regular Arzuros and takes longer to exhaust. But once you overcome the urgent Apex Arzuros quest, the reward is worth all the trouble.
Stats from the Powercharm and Armorcharm in Monster Hunter Rise
The Powercharm and Armorcharm don’t tell you how much it increases your attack and defense. The Powercharm reads, “An amulet that strengthens attacks. Just carrying this gives you demonic strength.” In actuality, it increases your attack by 6. You can check this by checking your stats. Press the “+” button and go to the second page by pressing Zr.
Read: Fire and Ice: The Unique Duel Blades in Monster Hunter Rise
The Armorcharm, on the other hand, reads, “An amulet that increases defense. Just carrying this makes your skin stone hard.” Carrying this item in your inventory increases your defense by 12. You can check this by checking your stats. Press the “+” button and go to the second page by pressing Zr.
Carrying the Powercharm and Armorcharm increases your attack and defense. If you find the boost offered by these items lacking, there is more sad news. You can’t carry more than one Powercharm and Armorcharm. So stat bulking by carrying multiple charms is out of the question.

The Monster Drop
As we said, these items can be combined with a late-game monster drop. The Powercharm and Armorcharm can only be combined with this one item and nothing else. The monster is none other than the Wind Serpent Ibushi. This monster is an Elder Dragon.
It cannot be trapped or captured. However, you can blind it mid-air to make it fall to the ground. Once it’s grounded, aim your attacks to break its parts. Breaking its parts is the only way to acquire the materials needed.
The item you will need is the Ibushi Claw. You can acquire this by fighting the Wind Serpent Ibushi in the Rampage. You cannot find the Wind Serpent Ibushi on the High-Rank quests. It would be best to take this quest in multiplayer; playing with other people will give a higher chance of breaking parts of the Wind Serpent Ibushi. With more broken parts, the higher the chance of getting an Ibushi Claw.
Breaking the wingarm of the Wind Serpent Ibushi, you get an 80% chance to get an Ibushi Claw. Depending on your execution, the Wind Serpent Ibushi may flee due to the time limit. This yields a smaller chance of having the Ibushi Claw drop.
If you damage the Wind Serpent Ibushi enough, it will drop a few feathers on the ground. Don’t forget to carve these feathers, as each feather has a chance to drop an Ibushi Claw. You need two claws, one for the Powertalon and another for the Armortalon.
Crafting the Powertalon and Armortalon in Monster Hunter Rise
To craft the Powertalon and Armortalon, you will need to have a Powercharm and an Armorcharm. You won’t need to go to a merchant or blacksmith to craft either. This can be crafted straight from your inventory.
To make the Powertalon, open the menu by pressing the “+” button. Select Crafting List and find the Powertalon in the list of items in the menu. You can make finding the Powertalon easier by pressing L or R to change the menu to Healing/Support. You can find this in the last of the list under this window.
To make the Armortalon, press the “+” button to open the menu. Select Crafting List and find the Armortalon in the list of items in the menu. You can make finding the Armortalon easier by pressing L or R to change the menu to Healing/Support. You can find this in the last of the list under this window.
The same with the Powercharm and Armorcharm; you can only carry one of each. By keeping this in your inventory, you can increase your attack and defense. The Powertalon increases your attack by 9, while the Armortalon increases your defense by 18.
The carry limitations are restricted to your pouch. Your Box, however, can hold multiple Powercharms, Armorcharms, Powertalons, and Armortalons. The charms and talons inside the box do not contribute to your attack and defense boost. So purchasing and crafting multiple amounts of these is a waste of resources.
Once you purchase a Powercharm for 36,000z, you can sell this back to the merchant for only 3,600z. Likewise, you can buy the Armorcharm for 24,000z. The resale value of this item to the merchant is 2,400z.

Using Powertalon and Armortalon
Trading items in Monster Hunter Rise are restricted to items with Rarity 3 and below. This only includes some basic ammo and some less-potent health items. So avoid purchasing extra Powercharms and Armorcharms to save your hard-earned zenny.
Once you have crafted the Powertalon and Armortalon, put them in your pouch. Other than carrying it around during the hunt, no extra steps are needed. The item effects will automatically increase your attack and defense. However, note that this takes up inventory space in your pouch.
Leaving these talons in your box may be a good idea when you are on an expedition hunt for materials. This will give you that much-needed pouch inventory space for farming plants, ores, insects, and other items.

Not-So-Secret Tip!
It has been pointed out that you can only carry one Powercharm and one Armorcharm. This goes the same for the Powertalon and Armortalon. Although Powertalons and Armortalons exceed the basic Powercharms and Armorcharms, they can be carried together.
Save four slots in your pouch to carry a Powercharm, Armorcharm, Powertalon, and Armortalon. Carrying all of these items in your pouch stacks the damage and defense. Carrying a Powercharm and a Powertalon together gives you a stacked increase of 15 damage. At the same time, carrying an Armorcharm and an Armortalon yields an increase of 30 defense!

Having a Powercharm, Armorcharm, Powertalon, and Armortalon can greatly affect your survival and success in hunts. But this modest boost in stats doesn’t amount to anything if your skills and tactics in hunts are lacking. Stat-boosting items like charms, talons, and even consuming Dango can only go far. There is no substitute for training and experience. Hunters, take arms! The fate of Kamura village rests with you!