When LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga was first announced, players thought they would be getting their hands on the game in 2019, but after multiple delays, the game is finally set to come out this April.

Just in, Traveller’s Tales has officially announced that their reboot of LEGO Star Wars has gone gold, and things should be going smooth-sailing until the release. Here’s the announcement:
Originally fans thought that the game would be releasing alongside Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but the film had just come and gone with no update on LEGO Star Wars. Some suspect the delay could be due to the heavy changes made to TROS, but I’d like to be more optimistic and think that the devs just wanted to make a complete, finished experience.
With the original LEGO Star Wars games paving the way for modern LEGO titles like Avengers and Harry Potter, there is a lot of hype surrounding the return to the OG LEGO adventure title. We don’t know what improvements TT has added to the title specifically, but seeing that the original game was chockfull of secrets and Easter Eggs, there is a lot of pressure for this reboot to deliver.
While I know that there are a lot of adult fans that are expecting a lot out of this game, I just hope that this will be another great jumping off point for fans who are new to Star Wars, because the franchise will always and forever be about kids first.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga launches this April for the Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Nintendo Switch.