Marvel's Avengers War for Wakanda Explained


Megan Smith

Writer and Storywriter


Are you ready for War in Wakanda?

The War for Wakanda, according to Crystal Dynamics, is the biggest free update to ever grace Marvel’s Avengers. If you’re new to this brawler or a veteran player with a variety of heroes you’ve already maxed out, this is your time to get back in the game and be a hero.

Marvel's Avengers War for Wakanda Explained

The story for The War for Wakanda is set in Crystal Dynamics Marvel’s Avengers universe and starts up after the events of A-day. T’Challa now rules over Wakanda and the borders have been closed to everyone – or have they?

Ulysses Klaw has found a way to invade and hopes to harvest Vibranium and get filthy rich from it. This has forced T’Challa to call upon the Avengers for help.

“Our team collaborated with Black Panther comics writer Evan Narcisse in crafting the original story. Narcisse is known for the popular ‘Rise of the Black Panther’ comic run” Said the Community Coordinator of Crystal Dynamics, Hunter Wolfe.

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The Black Panther

It wouldn’t be a Black Panther story if you couldn’t play as the Black Panther himself who brings all his own stunts to the fray.

Some of the moves which you’ll be able to pull off as this martial-arts based character are Pounce, which allows T’Challa to leap at and grapple-attack enemies, Percussive Blast, which will drain your intrinsic Meter with a blast of kinetic energy, and Devastating Daggers, which is a ranged attack which allows you to do even more damage to those with your daggers deep within them.

Black Panthers Assault Heroic is King’s Mercy which has him wielding his Vibranium Spear as he throws it at unsuspecting enemies. As for his Support Heroic, it’s called Kimoyo Beads which hover around to support allies or stun enemies. Finally, his Ultimate Heroic summons the spirit of the panther goddess giving Black Panther an incredible damage buff.

The enemies of Wakanda

There is a variety of new enemy types to battle during your time in Wakanda. These include Vibranium-armoured mercenaries, and grunts wielding sonic-powered weapons. Klaw also has an army of Crawlers on his side, not to mention two fights against Klaw himself in his sonic form, inspired by the comic books.

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If the enemies don’t kill you then the environment of Wakanda might just do it. This large biome is free for you to explore however, you’ll need to avoid the easy areas you can fall from, dodge defensive weapons and solve light puzzles to get past certain areas.

Not to mention getting to explore the Birnin Zana Outpost where you’ll meet some familiar faces like Shuri and Okoye.

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The entire cast of The War for Wakanda is voiced by some incredible talents such as Chris Judge, better known for voicing Kratos in God of War, who will be voicing The Black Panther. All these voice actors have worked with Beth McGuire, the vocal coach behind the accent in Marvel Studios’ Black Panther.

User interface changes

Last but certainly not least, there has been an overhaul to the way the UI looks in Marvel’s Avengers. Now all your character tabs have been put on one easy-to-navigate page. This was changed due to community feedback making it much easier to gear up and go – so they do listen to us.

There is still so much left to explore in Wakanda with this free expansion update, so download it today and get playing – Wakanda forever.

Source: PlayStation Blog.

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