While Overwatch 2 is going to be bringing back a lot of heroes from the first game, fans are still expecting some new heroes to join the fray.

Though Blizzard surely had a timeline planned for their reveals, a recent leak of the next Overwatch animated short has given a look at incoming support character Kiriko. Check these out:
The leaked short was actually uploaded at Daily Motion (password: overwatch), but I suggest you just hold on to that and just wait for the official video to be released. Also, I guess it’s worth mentioning that the leaked video is dubbed in Spanish.
We don’t know when Blizzard plans to officially reveal Kiriko, but fans online are already excited to see what kind of hero she’s going to be. Seeing that she’s support, a lot of fanart is already pitting her against Mercy, but when it comes to the quality of Overwatch ‘waifus,’ you can say that Kiriko definitely checks a lot of boxes when it comes to audience appeal. Now all Overwatch needs to do is add a loli to the roster, and they would have completed the Infinity Gauntlet of anime waifus.
With a release set for next month, it’s possible Kiriko will have her official reveal soon. You think she’ll be unveiled during the game launch? You’d think they’d want the spotlight on more characters than just here. How about Junker Queen and Sojourn?
Overwatch 2 is expected to launch for free this Oct. 4 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC, PlayStation 4|5, and Nintendo Switch.