A difference between Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu/Eevee, and other Pokémon games is the change from Hidden Machines or HMs to Secret Techniques. Your partner Pikachu or Eevee, depending on which version you own, can learn these Secret Techniques outside of battle to help you clear obstacles and travel throughout the Kanto region. So, basically the HMs in the previous Pokémon games. In this guide, you will learn how to obtain the Light Up Secret Technique.

The Light Up Secret Technique allows your Pikachu or Eevee to literally light up the dark caves so that they are clear to see. With this Secret Technique at your disposal, you and your Pokémon partner are able to traverse through and explore dark caves that you initially could not explore.
The Light Up Secret Technique is this game’s equivalent of HM Flash. Every HM from the previous Pokémon games has been changed: Cut has been changed to the Chop Down Secret Technique, Surf has been changed to the Sea Skim Secret Technique, Fly to Sky Dash Secret Technique, and, finally, Strength to Strong Push Secret Technique.
Light It Up, Pikachu/Eevee!

Your Partner Pikachu or Eevee does not have this ability right from the get-go. Before trying to obtain it, you must first beat the Vermillion City Pokemon Gym.
To obtain the Light Up Secret Technique, This is what your trainer must do:
- From Vermillion City, head east to Route 11, and enter Diglett’s Cave.
- Upon entering, drop down the first ladder, make your way northwest, and, at the end of the cave, go up the ladder. Then, exit the cave.
- Upon exiting, you’ll find yourself on Route 2. Head a little bit to the south and you will see the house of Professor Oak’s Assistant.
- Talk to Professor Oak’s Assistant and he will teach your partner Pikachu or Eevee the Light Up Secret Technique!

You can use the Light Up Secret Technique once you’re in a dark cave. Once inside, a prompt will automatically appear. Select Yes and just like that you just used the Light Up Secret Technique!
I mean we all know Pikachu and Eevee’s charm and cuteness light up the whole room but who knew it can also be taken literally? Now that your partner Pokémon has the Light Up Secret Technique, it’s now easier to go to different parts of Kanto Region and continue your quest of catching ‘em all and being the very best like no one ever was!