Learn how to defeat the Navi Squad Star Base in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is an open-world game where the player is a transferee in a huge school in the Paldea Region. In the game, the player and the player only gets to decide whatever they want to do: whether to defeat the nefarious Team Star, defeat all the Pokemon Gyms, become the champion, and become the very best like no one ever was, to track down Titan Pokemon, or simply just complete the Pokedex and catch them all!
Here, we will discuss defeating Star Bases, part of the ‘Starfall Street’ quest line. This guide will discuss defeating the Navi Squad, also known as the Poison Crew, Star Base!
The Team Star’s Navi Squad Base can be found in the southwestern part of Tagtree Thicket (or north of Zapapico or south of Glaseado Mountain), which the player can reach by following the path north of Levincia, turning right to the path that leads to the East Province (Area Three) Watchtower, then following the path until the player reaches the East Province (Area Three) Pokemon Center and the entrance to Tagtree Thicket.
Gate Battle
Upon arriving in the Navi Squad’s Star Base, head towards the gate where the player will see a kid talking to the grunt that guards the gate. The grunt will tell the kid to go home, but the kid will refuse and say that he wants to see Atticus, the boss of the Navi Squad.
However, as they are not allowed to let outsiders inside the base, the grunt will refuse, but the kid will persist and say that he will not leave until he talks to Atticus. Select any of the choices from the prompt, and the kid and the Grunt will recognize the player as the one who picked a fight with Team Star.
Select any of the responses on the prompt, and the grunt will say that the situation is not good as everyone else in the base is still asleep as they were up all night playing video games. However, the kid will offer to buy some time for the grunt to wake up the others.
Select ‘Bring it on’ from the prompt (or ‘wait a sec!’ if you want to do something else first, like heal or change your Pokemon), and a battle against the kid named Youssef will commence! The grunt will ask the kid why he is willing to do this, and the kid will explain that Atticus will be in danger if no one is there to defend the base, and he owes Atticus, his dear compadre, his life. The grunt will then thank the kid and go inside the base.
Pokemon Trainer Yousseff will only use two Pokemon: a Level 30 Gulpin and a Level 31 Shroodle. With that in mind, it is worth mentioning that Gulpin is a Poison-type Pokemon which means that it has a weakness to Ground-type and Psychic-type moves (super effective) and resistance to the Bug-type, Fairy-type, Fighting-type, Grass-type, and Poison-type moves (not very effective) and that Shroodle is a Normal and Poison-type Pokemon which means that it has a weakness to Ground-type and Psychic-type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Fairy-type, Grass-type, and Poison-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Ghost-type moves (no effect).
After defeating Yousseff, he will think that he has failed Atticus, and then Clive will appear and say that he wants to talk to Yousseff, who looks like he is not a member of Team Star. Yousseff will confirm that he is not part of Team Star and must see his compadre, Atticus, no matter what. Clive will then tell the player to go on inside the base while he talks to Yousseff.
Cassiopeia will then explain that inside this base is Team Star’s Poison Crew called the Navi Squad, and their boss is named Atticus, who designs the outfits for the team. Cassiopeia will say that Atticus is a bit of an eccentric, and you can never tell what he is going to do next. Because of Atticus’ unpredictability, Cassiopeia will continue to tell the player to take out as many of the Navi Squad’s Pokemon as the player can until Atticus appears. After that, a small cutscene will play out where Cassiopeia will call the player and compliment the player for taking care of the guards.
Star Barrage
In this next part, the player must battle many Pokemon within the allotted time. To do this, the player must send out multiple Pokemon, specifically the first three Pokemon in the player’s party, using the R button and have them battle the Grunts’ Pokemon simultaneously. The player will lose if all of the player’s Pokemon get worn out to battle or the timer runs out. The player can retreat and give up by pressing the Y button before the timer runs out.
Read: Pokemon Scarlet/Violet: Segin Squad (Dark Crew) Rematch Guide
As previously mentioned, this is the base of Team Star’s Poison Crew, so all of the Grunts in the base will use a Poison-type Pokemon (some Pokemon will have dual types, but one of those will be Dark-type). With that in mind, it is worth mentioning that Poison-type Pokemon have a weakness to Ground and Psychic-type Pokemon (super effective), so ready up Pokemon with these types to trounce the grunts.
It is recommended that the player use Level 34 and above Pokemon to defeat the Grunts’ Pokemon easily inside the Poison Crew’s base.
Once the player is ready, head towards the base’s gate, interact with the bell with the glowing button, and confirm on the prompt to challenge Team Star’s Poison Crew. Clive will then enter the Poison Crew’s base with the player, and a Grunt will talk on the speakers and say that if the player can defeat 30 of the Poison Crew’s Pokemon within 10 minutes, then their boss, Atticus, might deem the player worthy to meet in person. After that, the Star Barrage will start! The Team Star Poison Crew Grunts in the base will use a lot of Galpin, Clodsire, Foongus, Wooper, Amoonguss, Gastly, Haunter, Grafaiai, Grimer, Shroodle, Seviper, Swalot, Venonat.
This Star Barrage is easy to complete given that the player has three Pokemon that are strong or super effective against Poison-type Pokemon and that these Pokemon are on the recommended level or strong enough.
When the player’s Pokemon are low on health, the player can head back to Clive near the entrance and talk to him so he can heal the player’s Pokemon, or the player can interact with any of the vending machines inside the base.
Poison Crew Boss Atticus
After defeating 30 of the Poison Crew’s Pokemon within 10 minutes, Atticus, the Boss of Team Star’s Poison Crew, will appear on top of a Starmobile. Then, a battle against Atticus will commence!
Atticus will use four Pokemon. The first one is a Level 32 Skuntank, which is a Dark and Poison-type Pokemon that has a weakness to Ground-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Dark-type, Ghost-type, Grass-type, and Poison-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Psychic-type moves (no effect). Atticus’ Skuntank will use the following moves: Venoshock, Sucker Punch, and Toxic.
The second Pokemon that Atticus will use is a Level 32 Muk, a Poison-type Pokemon with a weakness to Ground-type and Psychic-type moves (super effective) and resistance to the Bug-type, Fairy-type, Fighting-type, Grass-type, and Poison-type moves (not very effective). Atticus’ Muk will use the following moves: Sludge Wave and Mud-Slap.
The third Pokemon that Atticus will use is a Level 33 Revavroom, which is a Poison and Steel-type Pokemon that has a weakness to Fire-type and especially Ground-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Dragon type, Flying type, Ice-type, Normal type, Rock-type, Steel type, and especially Bug type, Fairy type, and Grass-type moves (not very effective), and immunity to Poison-type moves (no effect). Atticus’ Revavroom will use the following moves: Assurance, Bulldoze, Iron Head, and Sludge.
The fourth Pokemon that Atticus will use is the Navi Starmobile, a Level 32 Poison-type Revavroom. As the Navi Starmobile is also a Poison type, it also has a weakness to Ground-type and Psychic-type moves (super effective) and resistance to the Bug-type, Fairy-type, Fighting-type, Grass-type, and Poison-type moves (not very effective). The Navi Starmobile has the Ability called Toxic Debri. The Pokemon with the Ability will scatter Toxic Spikes on the opposing Pokemon’s field when a physical move hits the Pokemon with the Ability. The effect of this Ability can be activated for a maximum of only two times. Atticus’s Navi Starmobile will use the following moves: Noxious Torque, Swift, Spin Out, and Brick Break.
After defeating Atticus, a flashback cutscene will play out about Atticus and the other Team Star crew bosses. Then, Atticus will give the player a Star Badge for defeating Team Star’s Poison Crew and TM102, a move called Gunk Shot. Gunk Shot is a physical Poison-type move that, if used, deals damage and the opposing Pokemon has a 30% chance of being poisoned. Gunk Shot has 120 Power, 80 Accuracy, and 5 PP. Atticus will then say that the player beat him, but he does not feel bitterness.
After that, Clive enters the scene along with Yousseff, whom Atticus will recognize as his compadre. Yousseff will then tell Atticus that he came to help Atticus, as Atticus will be expelled from the academy if he does not start going to class again. Yousseff will then continue and say that Atticus and the rest of Team Star saved them when they were being bullied badly.
Thanks to Atticus, Yousseff and the other bullied kids could go to school again, so it would be the worst thing ever if Atticus got expelled for being the good guy. Atticus will apologize, and Yousseff will ask if they have heard anything from the big boss, to which Atticus will reply that they have not.
They could not carry on without the big boss, and without Team Star, the student life they sought was beyond their reach, so they had no choice but to defend their bases until the big boss returned. Clive will then ask Atticus who the big boss is, but Atticus will reply that they do not know and that no one has met the big boss in person.
The big boss is a recluse; just like them, it would seem like bullying was to blame. Atticus will continue to say that the big boss is still their precious comrade, so they will maintain their vigil and wait for the big boss’s return. Yousseff will then tell Atticus that he should not think that Team Star is all he has and that he has a lifelong compadre in him, to which he will reply that he owes Yousseff a great debt.
Clive will then say they are one step closer to the mystery behind Team Star’s truancy and the bullying in the academy and say that he can’t believe that he had no idea about these issues. Atticus ends the conversation by saying that he believes Team Star is his only treasure, but it looks like he is wrong.
Then, Penny will arrive and give the player some TM Crafting Materials from Cassiopeia. After that, Cassiopeia will once again call the player and reward the player with 7,000 LP, and the player can now make more TMs using the TM Machine. The TM Machine Recipes that are unlocked are TM146 or Grass Pledge, TM145 or Water Pledge, TM144 or Fire Pledge, TM129 or Calm Mind, TM105 or X-Scissor, TM097 or Fly, TM086 or Rock Slide, TM083 or Poison Jab, TM069 or Ice Punch, TM068 or Thunder Punch, TM067 or Fire Punch, TM066 or Body Slam, TM065 or Air Slash, TM061 or Shadow Claw, TM060 or U-turn, TM059 or Zen Headbutt, TM058 or Brick Break, TM055 or Dig, and TM064 or Bulk Up.
Now that the player has defeated Team Star’s Navi Squad and their boss, Atticus, the player is one step closer to completing the ‘Starfall Street’ quest line and Operation Starfall!