Who said you could not do lineups around Split?

Many players know Split as one of VALORANT’s most claustrophobic maps. No other map can compete with Split regarding the sheer number of consecutive close corners present around the map. Coupled with narrow entryways and chokepoints, Split is not a lineup-friendly map.
As an Agent with one of the most powerful molly abilities in VALORANT, the American Controller/Sentinel Hybrid can benefit from having the ability to line up her mollies for post-plant and site executes.
Unfortunately, the numerous towers and buildings that cover most of Split’s skybox make lining up her mollies for post-plant and site executes can be challenging.
Although lineup choices will be limited around Split, here are some Viper Molly Lineups that can help with post-plant play around Split’s bombsites.
Viper Snake Bite
Viper’s Snake Bite is the most powerful molly ability in-game in terms of overall potential damage. Not only does Snake Bite deal decent damage over a few seconds, but it also applies a unique debuff called “Vulnerable.”

Vulnerable is a double damage debuff applied to anyone affected by Viper’s Snake Bite, including teammates. Vulnerable amplifies the damage received from any source in-game, meaning bullets can also deal double damage to anyone affected by Viper’s Snake Bite. Vulnerable lingers for two more seconds after the molly area is vacated.
Viper’s Snake Bite costs 200 credits each and can be equipped for a maximum of two charges per round. Snake Bite has a smaller radius than other molly abilities in the game, but it has a decent duration at 6.5 seconds.
Split A-site: Default Post-plant Snake Bite Lineup
Split’s A-site Default is located just behind the tower within Split’s A-site itself.

A-site Default on Split is a great spot for a quick Spike plant since it offers decent cover while planting the Spike.
Despite being a cramped map, Split’s bomb sites offer decent lineup options for A-site. Here is a quick and easy post-plant molly lineup for A-Default.
- Stand in this corner at A-Lobby:

2. Look towards the direction of the tall “A” tower on A-site:

3. Aim for the middle of this gap between the tower and the edge of the right-side wall:

4. Launch Viper’s Snake Bite Molly:

When done properly, the Snake Bite Molly should cover the entire A-Default area:

Split A-site: Behind A-Terminal Post-plant Snake Bite Lineup
Attackers use an A-Terminal Spike plant on Split whenever the Attacking team has complete control of A-Heaven/Tower and the surrounding areas.

The A-Terminal itself is very thinly-walled, which means that, on post-plant, Attackers can easily wall bang A-Terminal from A-Heaven/A-Tower.
While waiting for the right time to launch her mollies, Viper players can keep watch of flankers coming from Sewers from this spot for safe measure.
- Line yourself up with this yellow line at the Sewers Entrance:

2. Look towards the direction of the A-tower:

3. Place the tip of the Snake Bite icon in the middle part of the tip of the tower:

4. Launch Viper’s Snake Bite Molly:

When done properly, the Snake Bite molly should land perfectly at A-Terminal:

Split A-site: A-Terminal Post-plant Snake Bite Lineup from A-Tower/Heaven
If your team managed to seize the A-Heaven/Tower area, then your team is off to a great start.

A-Heaven/Tower is the most advantageous spot for post-plant, especially if your team has agreed to have the bomb planted at A-Terminal.
From A-Heaven/Tower, Viper should have no problems lining up a post-plant molly lineup to buy your team enough time to set the bomb off.
- Go to this corner in A-Heaven/Tower:

2. Turn around and look towards the site’s direction:

3. Aim for the yellow part of the rightmost corner of the Kingdom Logo:

4. Launch Viper’s Snake Bite molly:

When done properly, the Snake Bite molly should bounce off of the A-site back wall and land at A-Terminal:

Split A-site: Best Spike Plant Spot Post-plant Lineup
If you have not read this guide on the best Spike plant spots in VALORANT, you should do so to level up your post-plant game! The article outlines what made this corner in A-site the best Spike plant spot on Split, so make sure you read it well.

With that said, this spot is great for post-plant play, but it is also very easy to line up a post-plant molly from A-Main/Ramps.
Depending on how post-plant is has been played out, you might find yourself holding an angle towards A-Screens anyway. This lineup will come in handy in those situations.
- Stand against the left-wall at A-Main:

2. Look towards the direction of the Spike Plant spot:

3. While standing against the left wall, move forward just a little bit to narrow down the gap:

4. Aim just a little above the dark part of the right side wall:

5. Launch Viper’s Snake Bite molly:

When done properly, the Snake Bite Molly should cover the Spike area with no problems:

Split B-site: B-Default Post-plant Snake Bite Lineup
B-Default will be where 80% of Spike plants are in Split B-site.

B-Default gives decent cover from B-Alley and B-Rafters while planting, which is the priority of many beginners and experienced players alike.
Unfortunately, B-Default is terrible for post-plant play because of how hidden the Spike is from B-Heaven/Tower, B-Rafters, and even B-Alley. Your enemies can turn things around and use the cover advantage you had while planting to their advantage.
Here is a quick and easy post-plant Snake Bite molly lineup for when your team ends up playing post-plant from the B-Heaven/Tower area.
- Line yourself up with this light-gray line on the wall at B-Mail:

2. Turn around and look towards the B-site wall:

3. Aim for these striped lines on the corbel:

4. Launch Viper’s Snake Bite:

When done properly, the Snake Bite lineup should cover the B-Default area with no problem whatsoever:

Split B-site: Open Plant Post-plant Snake Bite Lineup
This spot is better than the usual B-Default plant spot on B-site.

This open plant spot flips what is good and the bad about the B-Default plant spot, where it prioritizes post-plant play instead of pre-plant cover. The slight caveat is that you will have to ask your teammates to cover you while planting the Spike.
Here is a post-plant Snake Bite lineup for good measure:
- Go to the same spot at B-Mail as the previous B-Default post-plant lineup:

2. Turn around towards the B-site wall once again:

3. This time, aim for the left corner of the line that splits the lighter and darker green colors on this signage:

4. From B-Mail, the ropes might block it; try to estimate the approximate spot. It does not have to be pixel-perfect:

5. Launch Viper’s Snake Bite:

When it is done correctly, the Snake Bite lineup should cover this Spike Plant Spot in Split B-site:

Split B-site: B-Default Post-plant Snake Bite Lineup from B-Main
Realistically, Attackers will want to hold and defend the Spike from B-Main. B-Heaven/Tower post-plant plays are only reserved for when your team can take middle-control earlier in the round.

Unfortunately, Attackers will not have a direct sightline of the Spike on post-plant if planted in B-Default. This post-plant situation is common in the lower elo and makes post-plant play extremely awkward and clunky.
If your team is forced back by the Defenders on post-plant with the Spike planted in B-Default, your team will have a difficult time regaining control of the B-site from B-Main.
Try out this post-plant B-Default Snake Bite lineup to delay the bomb defuse.
- Line yourself up with this steel bar:

2. Turn towards the B-site wall:

3. On the B-site wall, aim for the second wire bracket from the right:

4. Launch Viper’s Snake Bite:

When it is done correctly, the Snake Bite molly should bounce off of the B-site wall and land at B-Default:

Split B-site: Open Plant Post-plant Snake Bite Lineup from B-Main
Ideally, the Attacking team should plant the Spike in this open plant spot for B-Main.

Planting the Spike in this area will save the Attacking team a ton of headaches post-plant, thanks to its direct sightline towards B-Main.
This quick and easy Snake Bite lineup will easily delay the bomb defuse long enough for the Spike to complete its detonation sequence.
- Align yourself with this steel bar at B-Main:

2. Look towards the B-site back wall:

3. Aim for the lower-left corner of this green horizontal signage:

4. Launch Viper’s Snake Bite:

When it is done correctly, the Snake Bite Lineup should cover the B-site Open Spike plant spot:

Viper Strike
More and more teams are running a Viper pick on Split these days, which is not surprising as Viper’s skill set can cover many spaces and angles around Split – an invaluable asset for both Attacking and Defending on the map.
Viper’s Snake Bite lineups are likewise valuable assets on Split. Fortunately for Viper players, lineups for post-plant, such as the ones featured in this article, can easily be replicated to great results in any match.
Master all of the Viper Snake Bite molly lineups we have listed here in this article, and you will become a force to be reckoned with around Split.
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