Adopt Me has increased its roster for vehicles extensively over the last couple of years. It did come as a surprise that the developers even added vehicles in the first place, but nowadays, they’re a common commodity. Like the pets in Adopt Me, it is pretty hard to pinpoint vehicle value as well. Today, we will focus on the Santa Sleigh, and we will get into how much it is worth.

How Much Is A Santa Sleigh Worth – Adopt Me
The Santa Sleigh is now only obtainable through trading, as the event has passed quite a long time ago. Players could obtain it through the Christmas gift or the Golden gift.

Nowadays, its demand is pretty high, which is quite interesting, since its value isn’t. Sadly, a Santa Sleigh isn’t worth a whole lot.
A Santa Sleigh is worth somewhere in the neighborhood of a turtle, a skele-rex, or a kangaroo. Which, granted, it is still a lot, but not as much as many players expect this vehicle to be.
In fact, this vehicle sits in the middle of the list in terms of value list for vehicles.
As for how much the Santa Sleigh is worth compared to other vehicles, players can get a monocycle, two clown cars, or a pumpkin carriage.
We do expect the value for the Santa Sleigh to grow, since it hasn’t been out for that long so that it value grows a big amount. While the event was active, players could get it for as little as 1,440 gingerbread or as much as 4,300 gingerbread.
Players could use gingerbread to buy a Christmas gift or a Golden gift, which had a chance of giving players the Santa Sleigh. Collecting that much gingerbread was pretty hard, so it is safe to assume that this vehicle is pretty rare, as only a handful of players managed to get it.
If you have a Santa Sleigh, we recommend keeping it until its value grows a bit more.
Make sure to follow Caffeinated Gamer for more news and value estimations for Adopt Me!
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