Determining the value of some pets is very difficult in Adopt Me, especially if those pets haven’t been available for a while. So, once pets become unavailable in Adopt Me, their worth and value can go up or down depending on the demand and the rarity. If only there was an all pets value list for Adopt Me. Well, today, we managed to find the worth of each pet in Adopt Me!

All Pets Value List in Adopt Me
We will use numbers to showcase each pets’ value, but the numbers themselves aren’t representative of the value of the pet. Instead, use the numbers to compare the value to other pets. So, for example, if two pets have relatively the same number, they’re the same value.

Adopt Me Pet Value List – Legendary
Legendary is the highest rarity for pets and toys in Adopt Me, so we will start by listing all legendary pets’ values:
- Shadow Dragon – 270
- Giraffe – 255
- Bat Dragon – 230
- Frost Dragon – 100
- Owl – 80
- Parrot – 70
- Diamond Unicorn – 65
- Evil Unicorn – 60
- Crow – 58
- Diamond Dragon – 55
- Diamond Griffin – 50
- Monkey King – 28
- Arctic Reindeer – 27
- Albino Monkey – 25
- Frost Fury – 21
- Queen Bee – 20
- Guardian Lion – 16
- Golden Unicorn – 16
- Turtle – 15
- Skele-Rex – 14
- Kangaroo – 12
- Golden Dragon – 11
- Frost Owl – 11
- Dodo – 10
- T-Rex – 10
- Cerberus – 10
- Golden Penguin – 10
- Golden Griffin – 10
- Metal Ox – 9
- Unicorn – 9
- Ninja Monkey – 8
- King Bee – 8
- Kitsune – 7
- Dragon – 7
- Golden Rat – 6
- Robo Dog – 5
- Griffin – 5
Adopt Me Pet Value List – Ultra-Rare
Ultra-rare pets are the second most valuable pets in Adopt Me. However, that is both true and false. While their rarity might be the second most valuable, some pets’ values might be higher than other legendary ones:
- HedgeHog – 25
- Dalmation – 12
- Flamingo – 10
- Lion – 9
- Croc – 8
- Zombie Buffalo – 8
- Albino Bat – 8
- Platypus – 7
- Turkey – 6
- Llama – 6
- Arctic fox – 6
- Deinonychus – 6
- Ghost Bunny – 5
- Toucan – 5
- Sabertooth – 5
- Yeti – 4
- Starfish – 4
- Ginger Cat – 4
- Toy Monkey – 4
- Business Monkey – 4
- Panda – 4
- Koala – 4
- Horse – 4
- Sloth – 3
- Penguin -3
- Frog – 3
- Bee – 3
- Shiba Inu – 2
- Red Panda – 2
Adopt Me Pet Value List – Rare
Interestingly, there are some rare pets which are very desirable, so some pets will have higher values than ultra-rare pets. Here is a value list for rare pets in Adopt Me:
- Elephant – 13
- Cow – 11
- Hyena – 9
- Brown Bear – 7
- Rhino – 6
- Pig – 6
- Polar Bear – 5
- Swan – 5
- Shrew – 5
- Reindeer – 4
- Monkey – 4
- Emu – 4
- Australian Kelpie – 4
- Snow Puma – 3
- Rat – 3
- Beaver – 3
- Rabbit – 3
- Bunny – 2
Adopt Me Pet Value List – Uncommon
The second to last rarity is uncommon pets. Now, we will rank these based on ranks, since their values are very low. So, they will be ranked from 1 and up, or in other words from the most valuable to the least valuable:
- Blue Dog
- Pink Cat
- Wild Boar
- Meerkat
- Black Panther
- Silly Duck
- Capybara
- Drake
- Wolf
- Chocolate Labrador
- Dingo
- Snow Cat
- Fennec Fox
- Puma
Adopt Me Pet Value List – Common
These are the most common pets in the game, and they’re usually the easiest to get, either from the shop or from eggs. Again, they will be ranked from the best value, to the lowest value:
- Chicken
- Robin
- Otter
- Buffalo
- Bandicoot
- Dog
- Cat
- Tasmanian Tiger
- Ground Sloth
There are some common pets which are not included in the list, but they’re the least valuable, and most of the time, they can be obtained with next to nothing. They’re starter pets in Adopt Me.
If the pet is fly or ride, three points can be added to its value. If it’s a Neon pet, then multiply its value by three times, or four times for Mega Neons!
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