Fischl von Luftscgloss Narfidort is the mysterious investigator of the Adventurers’ Guild who calls herself “Prinzessin der Verurteilung” and travels with a night raven familiar named Oz. She claims to have arrived in Teyvat after being exiled from the otherworld “Immernachtreich.”

Not only does Oz fight alongside Fischl, but he also lets the Prinzessin der Vereteilung see anything and everything through his eyes. Whenever Fischl wanted to, she would possess the black raven and look down upon the earth from the sky.
Fischl has a peculiar way of speaking, and it is said that a “Fischl Dictionary” is currently circulating among the adventurers, aiming to translate what Fischl says into something more understandable. But she respects those who focus on what she says and not on how she says them.

When the gods acknowledged her wish, the raven Oz and Fischl’s Vision both appeared before her eyes. The Vision became her royal heirloom, which she called “Edelstein der Dunkelheit,” while it is not clear if Oz is just an imaginary friend who only exists as a figment of Fischl’s subconscious.
To learn more about Fischl’s play styles, team roles, builds, talents, and equipment, please see our guide by clicking this link.
What is Character Ascension in Genshin Impact
Each character has a sure level cap depending on their current ascension phase, and a character can be ascended to 6 phases to reach the maximum character level, which is 90. Passive talents and special ascension stats will also be unlocked when a character is ascended to certain phases.
Ascending a character needs several items to be used as ascension materials, and for Fischl, the materials and the amount needed for each ascension phase are listed below.
Mora: 420,000;

Mora is Genshin Impact’s main currency unit. It is accepted in all the nations of Teyvat and is also used to upgrade weapons, artifacts, talents, and character levels.
Lightning Prisms: 46;

A prism that channels flowing energies and weaves them into lightning. This item is obtained when you defeat the Electro Hypostasis.
Small Lamp Grass: 168;

A wild grass that emits light at night only grows in the lands of Mondstadt. This plant is one of the local specialties of the nation of Anemo.
Vajrada Amethysts

These mineral crystals can be obtained from boss enemies manipulating the Electro element. Boss enemies include Electro Regisvines, Electro Hypostasis, Primo Geovishap, the Raiden Shogun Puppet, the Thunder Manifestation, and even Azhdaha.
You can also get these from quest and commission rewards by crafting them using the ones with lower rarity levels.
The amounts needed for each are as follows: Vajrada Amethyst Sliver: 1; Vajrada Amethyst Fragments: 9; Vajrada Amethyst Chunks: 9; Vajrada Amethyst Gemstones: 6.
Hilichurl Shooters’ Arrowheads

These are arrowheads from the arrows used by hilichurl shooters. It can be obtained by defeating hilichurl shooters or crafting via the town’s crafting bench. The higher the item’s rarity is, the stronger it is.
The amount needed for each is as follows: Firm Arrowhead: 18; Sharp Arrowhead: 30; Weathered Arrowhead: 36.
Ascension Phases
Ascension Phase 1
This first ascension will be done after the character reaches level 20, and they cannot proceed to the next level without ascending to the next phase. The character level cap will be increased to 40.
Mora – 20,000;
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver – 1;
Small Lamp Grass – 3;
Firm Arrowhead – 3;
Unlocked Talent: Stellar Predator (1st Passive Talent);
Ascension Phase 2
Ascension Phase 2 can be reached at character level 40 and will increase the character level cap to 50. After this ascension, the character’s talents can be upgraded or leveled up. Fischl will also unlock a special ascension stat on this phase: the ATK Bonus of 6%.
Mora – 40,000;
Vajrada Amethyst Fragments – 3;
Small Lamp Grass – 10;
Firm Arrowhead – 15;
Lightning Prism – 2;
Unlocked Special Stat: 6% ATK Bonus;
Unlocked Feature: Allows leveling active talents from 1 to 2;
Ascension Phase 3
After reaching level 50, Fischl can ascend to ascension phase 3, increasing her character level cap to 60. The 3rd ascension phase will also increase the ATK Bonus special stat from 6% to 12%. Additionally, Fischl’s combat talents can increase to level 4.
Mora – 60,000;
Vajrada Amethyst Fragments – 6;
Small Lamp Grass – 20;
Sharp Arrowhead – 12;
Lightning Prism – 4;
Unlocked Stat: ATK Bonus increased from 6% to 12%;
Unlocked Feature: Allows leveling active talents from 2 to 4;
Ascension Phase 4
At level 60, you can ascend Fischl to ascension phase 4 and upgrade her character level cap to 70. After ascending, you unlock Fischl’s second Passive Talent, Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex, and all her Combat Talents can then be leveled up to 6.
Mora – 80,000;
Vajrada Amethyst Chunks – 3;
Small Lamp Grass – 30;
Sharp Arrowhead – 18;
Lightning Prism – 8;
Unlocked Talent: Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex (2nd Passive Talent);
Unlocked Feature: Allows leveling active talents from 4 to 6;
Ascension Phase 5
The 5th ascension phase can be reached when Fischl is at level 70, and ascending increases her character level cap to 80. Her special ascension stat, ATK Bonus, increases to 18% at this phase. Fischl’s combat talents also receive an upgrade to their level cap from 6 to 8.
Mora – 100,000;
Vajrada Amethyst Chunks – 6;
Small Lamp Grass – 45;
Weathered Arrowhead – 12;
Lightning Prism – 12;
Unlocked Stat: ATK Bonus increased from 12% to 18%;
Unlocked Feature: Allows leveling active talents from 6 to 8;
Ascension Phase 6
Fischl’s final ascension phase is at level 80, increasing her character level cap to 90. Her special ascension stat, ATK Bonus, will be increased to 24%, and her combat Talents can now be upgraded to the maximum level of 10.
Mora – 120,000;
Vajrada Amethyst Gemstones – 6;
Small Lamp Grass – 60;
Weathered Arrowhead – 24;
Lightning Prism – 20;
Unlocked Stat: ATK Bonus increased from 18% to 24%;
Unlocked Feature: Allows leveling active talents from 8 to 10;
What are the Talent Level Materials for Fischl

Aside from Mora and Hilichurl Shooter Arrowheads, you will also need a few Spirit Locket of Boreas to increase the level of Fischl’s combat talents.
Spirit Locket of Boreas

This locket holds a small portion of the power drawn from the soul of the Great Wolf King of the North. You can obtain a few of these after defeating Andrius Lupus Boreas, Dominator of Wolves in Wolvendom.
Talent Level Book: Ballad

The talent-level books of the “Ballad” series are needed for Fischl’s combat talents. You can obtain these by completing the challenge in the Forsaken Rift Domain of Mastery: Realm of Slumber.
These books include the Teachings of Ballad, Guide to Ballad, and the Philosophies of Ballad. The last two can be crafted using the crafting bench in the town.
Crown of Insight

Leveling a combat talent up from level 9 to 10 will need a Crown of Insight, a special item that can only be obtained as a reward from the game’s events.
Mora: 1,652,500;
Firm Arrowhead: 6;
Sharp Arrowhead: 22;
Weathered Arrowhead: 31;
Teachings of Ballad: 3;
Guide to Ballad: 21;
Philosophies of Ballad: 38;
Spirit Locket of Boreas: 1;
Crown of Insight: 1.