F1 2021: Dutch Grand Prix Setup Guide



Todor Stojanov

Writer and Storywriter

The Dutch Grand Prix is no doubt, fun to watch. It is filled with awkward corners, with one long and fast straight. With that said, it is quite apparent that you need a hybrid of a setup to make this work. However, while F1 2021 changed quite a lot since the last year, it was straightforward to find the best setup for the Dutch Grand Prix.

F1 2021: Dutch Grand Prix Setup Guide

Dutch Grand Prix Setup Guide – F1 2021

While it may be fun to play and watch, the Dutch Grand Prix wasn’t on the calendar last year. It did make a comeback this year though, and the developers did include it into the game.

dutch grand prix setup guide f1 2021

The most change we’ve seen compared to last year was change to the handling. Therefore, setups are quite different than last year, and old setups, frankly, don’t work. Still, if you want to get the best out of your car at the Dutch Grand Prix in F1 2021, this is the setup guide for you:

  • Aerodynamics. We went with a 4-6 setup for aerodynamics, which should be enough for the awkward corners and the long straight as well.
  • Transmission. Weirdly enough, for the transmission, a setup of 50% for On-Throttle and 75% Off-Throttle works the best.
  • Suspension Geometry. While this hasn’t quite changed this year round, add some more to front camber to make it 3.00, and 1.50 rear camber. Go to the lowest setting for the other two.
  • Suspension. Front/rear suspension should be 1-2, front/rear anti-roll bar, set to 3-9, and lastly, front/rear ride height should be 3/5.
  • Brakes. The full 100% for Brake Pressure and 50% for brake bias.
  • Tires. Tires are same as last year. Meaning, you can set both front tires to 23.0psi and the rear tires to 21.5psi. It is a bit unconventional but probably the best way to save the rears and carry big pace in medium-to-big corners.

Compared to other setups, like the Spain Grand Prix, the French Grand Prix, and others, this one is a bit unconventional. However, the track is challenging, so it does make sense.

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