GTA 5: Paparazzo – The Highness Mission Guide (Gold Medal)


John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.


Franklin takes a photo of the Princess for Beverly.

GTA 5: Paparazzo - The Highness Mission Guide (Gold Medal)

Paparazzo – The Highness is the third Strangers & Freaks mission between Franklin and Beverly Felton in Mirror Park, East Vinewood.

This Strangers & Freaks mission does not improve your completion percentage in GTA 5 but completing the mission is still necessary as it unlocks other missions required to complete the game.

We have outlined everything you need to know about Paparazzo – The Highness mission and how you can get a Gold Medal for completing the mission in GTA 5.

Paparazzo – The Highness Synopsis

While driving around Mirror Park, Franklin receives a call from Beverly, filling him in with a new scoop – Princess Georgina and her illegal smoking activities. Beverly asks Franklin to meet his contact outside Chico’s Hypermarket and keep a low profile, so he does not blow the contact’s cover. Franklin agrees and immediately makes his way to Chico’s Hypermarket.

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A few moments later, Franklin arrives at Chico’s and meets with Beverly’s contact, who is standing outside the store. Beverly’s contact informs Franklin that the Princess is in the back of the store, surrounded by heavy security. The contact also tells Franklin that the roof might be his best bet if he wants to take photos of the Princess in the act without alerting the guards.

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Franklin takes the advice and makes his way to the roof of the building. Upon reaching the store building, Franklin listens to the conversation between the Princess and the drug dealer. Franklin does not waste too much time on the roof and quickly takes photos of the Princess and the dealer as they exchange goods.

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With the photo secured, Franklin quickly returns to his vehicle and sends Beverly his photocopy. Franklin also calls Beverly to let him know he has completed the task.

Paparazzo – The Highness Gold Medal Objectives

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  • Silent Snapper: Snap the princess without being detected.
  • Royal Drag: Snap the princess buying the drugs.

All Gold Medal objectives for this mission can be completed through multiple replays. You can come back another time and replay the mission to get the rest of the Gold Medal objectives.

Paparazzo – The Highness Mission Guide

Make your way to Chico’s Hypermarket in Mirror Park, East Vinewood.

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The contact will be a guy standing along the right wing of the aqua store. Approach him to start the stakeout.

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Get on top of the roof. Use the dumpster to climb up to the roof.

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Wait and listen to the Princess’ conversation with the drug dealer. Take the photo as soon as the dealer hands over the goods.

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With the photo of the Princess secured, send the photo to Beverly.

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Make your way back to your vehicle and leave the area.

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Royal Photographer

Thanks to Beverly’s multiple favors, Franklin is getting good at taking Paparazzi-esque photos around Los Santos. However, he begins to doubt Beverly and his part in the deal.

Paparazzo – The Highness is one of the easier Paparazzo missions in GTA 5. All you have to do is go to the Hypermarket at Mirror Park and snap a photo of the Princess in the act of buying drugs. If you follow the guide above, getting a Gold Medal in this mission shouldn’t be a problem.

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