GTA 5: Something Sensible Mission Guide (Gold Medal)



John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.

Franklin puts an end to Trevor.

GTA 5: Something Sensible Mission Guide (Gold Medal)

Franklin and Trevor did not have the best start to their relationship in GTA 5. However, after going on multiple jobs and heists together, the pair slowly learn to work together and understand one another better.

Unfortunately, Trevor’s erratic behavior is and continues to be a liability to himself and his crew, so Franklin chooses to deal with Trevor once and for all in Something Sensible.

We have outlined everything you need to know about Something Sensible and how you can get a Gold Medal for completing the mission in GTA 5.

Something Sensible Synopsis

Shortly after the events of Lamar Down, Devin Weston visits Franklin and forces him to choose between Kill Trevor or Michael. If you choose to kill Trevor, the mission ‘Something Sensible’ will be unlocked.

In Something Sensible, Franklin gives Trevor a call asking him to meet up with him so they can talk in private. Trevor agrees and suggests they meet up at El Burro.

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While driving to El Burro, Franklin calls Michael to inform him about his plan to kill Trevor. Michael tells Franklin he’s unsure about helping to kill Trevor but promises to do what he can.

Franklin arrives at El Burro first, followed closely by Trevor, who arrives momentarily. Trevor greets Franklin and asks him what he wants to talk about, but Franklin pulls out his gun and points it at Trevor.

Franklin explains to Trevor that he’s decided to kill him instead of Michael because of Trevor’s explosive tendencies, which Franklin believes will cause them all to get killed at some point.

Trevor is baffled by Franklin’s actions, believing he has always been honest and true to Franklin. Franklin acknowledges Trevor’s sincerity but tells Trevor he isn’t interested in the truth.

Trevor drives away and calls Franklin a Judas. Franklin immediately chases after Trevor, and the pair go on a high-speed chase around Los Santos.

Franklin and Trevor’s chase leads them to the oilfields, where Michael calls Franklin to let him know he’s coming to help.

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With Trevor on the verge of getting away, Michael arrives just in time and T-bones Trevor’s truck, causing Trevor to crash into a parked oil tanker.

The crash caused the tanker to leak fuel all over Trevor, squirming in pain.

Franklin then shoots Trevor, which ignites the fuel around the area, leaving Trevor to burn alive and writhe in pain.

The fire eventually spreads far enough to cause the entire tanker to explode, killing Trevor completely.

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Something Sensible Gold Medal Objectives

  • Judas!: Kill Trevor.

All Gold Medal objectives for this mission can be completed through multiple replays. You can return another time and replay the mission to get the rest of the Gold Medal objectives.

Something Sensible Mission Guide

Get in your car and chase after Trevor.

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Trevor’s erratic driving behavior will throw off your driving. Feel free to use Franklin’s special ability anytime, so you don’t lose him.

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Just do your best and follow Trevor for now. Do not try to shoot him down while chasing him.

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Your chase with Trevor will lead you to the oilfields. Michael will call to let Franklin know he’s nearby.

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A cutscene will start playing as soon as you enter the oilfields. Eventually, you will be required to put down Trevor. Shoot Trevor anywhere on his body to set the fuel on fire and kill him.

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After killing Trevor, a cutscene will play out where Michael justifies the death of his best friend to Franklin. The GTA 5 end credits should start rolling after Franklin and Michael split up.

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I never Liked Him Anyway

Something Sensible will end with Trevor dead, which will cause you to lose the ability to play Trevor after the mission.

All Trevor activities will also become unavailable to play, so make sure you make multiple save accounts before Lamar Down so you can see all three endings without losing the ability to play any of the protagonists.

Getting a Gold Medal in Something Sensible is a given, as you need to kill Trevor to finish the mission. The Gold Medal Objective, Judas! will be completed automatically.

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