GTA 5: Three’s Company Mission Guide (Gold Medal)



John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.

The trio embarks on their first mission together.

GTA 5: Three's Company Mission Guide (Gold Medal)

With 20+ missions, fans can finally see Franklin, Michael, and Trevor work together in their first mission as a team in Three’s Company.

After Dave and Michael find out that Ferdinand Kerimov is still alive, the FIB sends Michael on a mission to extract the informant from the IAA before he divulges the corruption in the FIB.

Michael takes Franklin and Trevor with him on the mission. Together, the trio must infiltrate the IAA Headquarters, retrieve Ferdinand Kerimov from the building, and hand him over to the FIB.

We have outlined everything you need to know to score a Gold Medal completion in the Three’s Company mission in GTA 5.

Three’s Company Synopsis

Warning: Gameplay/plot spoilers ahead.

Michael, Dave, and the entire FIB realize they’re in deep trouble when Michael confirms the dead body in the coroner’s office wasn’t Ferdinand Kerimov’s body. Kerimov was nowhere to be found, but Dave and the FIB strongly believe that the IAA has him and is currently interrogating him at the IAA Headquarters.

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Steve Haines orders Michael to retrieve Kerimov from the IAA Headquarters – an order Michael quickly refuses. However, Michael and Dave have no choice but to follow Haines’ orders to hide their past.

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Dave and Michael drive to a FIB warehouse in East Los Santos. The duo could use another man, so Dave asks Michael to call Trevor for help. Michael refused, but Dave had already called him anyway. After securing his fealty in their last meeting, Michael calls Franklin and asks him to meet them at the FIB warehouse.

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Trevor and Franklin arrive at the warehouse. After a quick introduction and run down of the task, the trio agrees to have Trevor fly the helicopter to the IAA Headquarters, where Michael will retrieve Ferdinand Kerimov from the inside. On the other hand, Franklin will remain in position and provide long-range fire support for Michael with his sniper rifle.

Michael makes it inside the IAA Headquarters and finds Kerimov being tortured by Karen and other IAA agents. Michael breaks in and holds a gun to Kerimov’s head, taking him hostage. Franklin takes care of the incoming IAA agents as Trevor pulls Michael and Kerimov back into the helicopter.

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The team is not in the clear yet, however, as a few helicopters try to chase Trevor, Michael, and Kerimov down. Franklin quickly takes care of one of the helicopter pilots, while Michael takes out the other.

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With the IAA helicopters now taken care of, Trevor flies Michael and Kerimov back to the FIB warehouse, where Michael surrenders Kerimov to the FIB agents. After successfully turning over Mr. K to the FIB, Trevor and Michael split up.

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Gold Medal Objectives

  • Time – Complete within 07:30
    • Skip the cutscenes to save time.
    • Leave the piloting to the AI. Switch back to Trevor only when landing.
  • Accuracy – Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%
    • Land as many body shots as possible to increase your margin for error.
    • Use Michael’s special ability where possible. This will help you land more shots successfully.
    • With Michael and Kerimov on board the helicopter, switch to Trevor and move the helicopter towards Franklin’s location. Let the AI deal with the IAA helicopters.
  • Headshots– Kill ten enemies with headshots.
    • Try to hit as many headshots as possible when using Michael or Franklin.

Three’s Company Mission Guide

Go to Dave’s location marked blue on the map. Make sure to skip the meeting cutscene to save time and check off the Time objective for getting a Gold Medal.

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Walk towards Dave’s car.

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Go to the meeting point at El Burro Heights, marked yellow on the map.

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Fly towards the IAA Headquarters with Trevor.

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Position the chopper along the right side of the building.

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Hold the assigned button for jumping longer. This will help you rappel faster and save time.

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Break the window as soon as you see Kerimov and the IAA Agents. Switch to Franklin immediately and shoot all the IAA agents on the head to complete the Headshots objective. You will need ten headshots to complete this objective.

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After killing most of the Agents, switch back to Michael and kill the rest of the agents with Headshots.

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Switch to Trevor here and let the AI control Franklin.

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Switch to Trevor where possible and let Michael and Franklin do the shooting. This will keep your Accuracy stat high and help you achieve the Accuracy objective.

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After taking care of the IAA choppers, return to the FIB warehouse marked yellow on the map.

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It Takes Three To Tango

Three’s Company gives players a sneak peek into the three protagonists’ work dynamic in the following missions in-game. Extracting Kerimov from no less than the IAA’s Headquarters with zero practice shows how good each protagonist is at their craft and how much better they can be when they are given a chance to work together.

Three’s Company shows how Franklin, Michael, and Trevor make a good team in GTA 5. They might be able to pull off some amazing heists soon.

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