Microsoft’s Xbox consoles are the weapon of choice for many console gamers.

GTA V is still a trendy game even in 2022, with the consistent stream of online content being the main driver for its long and sustained success across multiple platforms.
The seventh main entry into the Grand Theft Auto series has been around long enough to be released on three different Xbox console generations – Xbox 360, Xbox One, and the Xbox Series S/X. That is an insane amount of longevity that not many games can emulate.
We have you covered if you want to take a quick break from all the online content and decide to fool around with GTA V’s Single Player mode with some cheats.
Getting Started
Before you start spawning armed helicopters and super-fast sports cars, let’s go through a few things that you might want to configure before we start entering GTA V Cheat Codes.

- Save Your Current Progress – Enabling GTA V Cheat Codes will automatically disable your ability to score Achievements in GTA V. If you are grinding for 100% completion, ensure you have saved your progress before you start messing around with GTA V Cheat Codes.
- How to Access Your Cellphone – You can enter GTA Cheat Codes on Xbox Consoles through the Cellphone or by entering a string of Controller buttons.
We will use the Cellphone for this guide, which you can bring up by pressing the “UP” button on your controller’s D-Pad.
You might be asking: Why just the Cellphone?
The Cellphone’s Redial feature is a quick and easy way to re-enter the GTA V Cheat Codes we have listed below. This will come in handy for quickly enabling and disabling cheats or increasing the intensity of some specific GTA V Cheat Codes.
How to Use GTA V Cheat Codes Xbox
- Bring up your cell phone by pressing the Xbox Controller’s “UP” button;
- Go to the Dialer;
- Punch in your desired GTA V Cheat Codes from our list below by pressing “X” on the Xbox Controller;
- Press “X” once again after entering the GTA V Cheat Codes to dial the number;
- Done.
GTA V Cheat Codes Xbox 360/Xbox One/Xbox Series S|X

Quick Tip: All GTA V Cheat Codes start with 1-9999. The rest of the numbers resemble the GTA V Cheat Codes’ name.
For example, if you want to use the Drunk Mode Cheat (LIQUOR), typing out 1-9999- then following up with the numbers of every letter of the word (547-861)will complete the GTA V Cheat Code.
GTA V Cheat Codes | Description |
1-999-547-861 (1-999-LIQUOR) | Drunk Mode |
1-999-228-2463 (1-999-CATCH-ME) | Fast Run |
1-999-468-44557 (1-999-GOT-GILLS) | Fast Swim |
1-999-769-3787 (1-999-POWER-UP) | Recharge Ability |
1-999-759-3255 (1-999-SKY-FALL) | Skyfall |
1-999-467-86-48 (1-999-HOP-TO-IT) | Super Jump |
1-999-444-439 (1-999-HIGH-EX) | Explosive Ammo Rounds |
1-999-4684-2637 (1-999-HOT-HANDS) | Explosive Melee Attacks |
1-999-462-363-4279 (1-999-INCENDIARY) | Flaming Bullets |
1-999-5299-3787 (1-999-LAWYER-UP) | Lower Wanted Level |
1-999-3844-8483 (1-999-FUGITIVE) | Raise Wanted Level |
1-999-724-654-5537 (1-999-PAIN-KILLER) | Invincibility |
1-999-887-853 (1-999-TURTLE) | Max Health & Armor |
1-999-332-3393 (1-999-DEAD-EYE) | Slow Motion Aim |
1-999-759-3483 (1-999-SKY-DIVE) | Parachute |
1-999-8665-87 (1-999-TOOL-UP) | Weapons |
1-999-625-348-7246 (1-999-MAKE-IT-RAIN) | Change Weather |
1-999-57-825368 (1-999-JR-TALENT) | Director Mode |
1-999-356-2837 (1-999-FLOATER) | Moon Gravity |
1-999-766-9329 (1-999-SNOWDAY) | Slippery Cars |
1-999-756-966 (1-999-SLOW-MO) | Slow Motion |
1-999-226-348 (1-999-BANDIT) | Spawn BMX |
1-999-289-9633 (1-999-BUZZ-OFF) | Spawn Buzzard |
1-999-4653-46-1 (1-999-HOLE-IN-1) | Spawn Caddy |
1-999-266-38 (1-999-COMET) | Spawn Comet |
1-999-359-77729 (1-999-FLY-SPRAY) | Spawn Duster |
1-999-846-39663 (1-999-VINEWOOD) | Spawn Limo |
1-999-762-538 (1-999-ROCKET) | Spawn PCJ-600 |
1-999-727-4348 (1-999-RAPID-GT) | Spawn Rapid GT |
1-999-633-7623 (1-999-OFF-ROAD) | Spawn Sanchez |
1-999-2276-78676 (1-999-BARN-STORM) | Spawn Stunt Plane |
1-999-872-433 (1-999-TRASHED) | Spawn Garbage Truck |
Dial 1-9999-CHEATS
GTA V Cheat Codes allow players to have unadulterated fun otherwise not found in other GTA V game modes, especially in online play.
Playing the decade-old classic with cheats enabled brings hilarious fun that never gets old.