How to Defeat Theseus and Asterius in Hades



Randrew Mendrico

Writer and Storywriter

Drew is one of the game guide writers in PlayerAssist. He mixed his communications degree with his love for video games to help other gamers with different video game situations. Drew loves action-adventure, story or character driven role-playing games.

The former rivals are now partners in Supergiant Games’ Hades! Theseus, the Hero of Athens, and the Minotaur Asterius, the Bull of Minos, have been recruited by Hades to stop Zagreus from escaping the Underworld. Though there is a possibility that Zagreus will face Asterius alone in the middle of your run in Elysium, both Theseus and Asterius is encountered as the final chamber of Elysium, the third area on the path to escaping the Underworld. 

How to Defeat Theseus and Asterius in Hades

Zagreus will battle Theseus and Asterius at the same time in a circular arena with six indestructible pillars near the middle of the arena. In this guide, you’ll learn each of Theseus’ and Asterius’ moves and behavior in battle in order to defeat them.

Theseus: Moves and Behavior

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Along with his spear, Theseus carries a shield that prevents him from receiving damage when attacked in the front with the exception of using Cast which ignores the shield and still inflicts damage (also projectiles from an Artemis boon and projectiles with a piercing effect given by a Daedalus Hammer upgrade). Zagreus has to get behind Theseus in order to inflict damage.

These are Theseus’ attacks:

  • Spear Spin

Theseus will charge in Zagreus’ direction and perform a spin attack that deals 17 damage repeatedly while spinning. Theseus will only perform this attack if Zagreus is close to him.

  • Spear Throw

A crosshair will appear on Zagreus as Theseus will aim his spear towards him then, shortly afterwards, he will throw his spear and inflict 20 damage if Zagreus is successfully hit. After this, one of two things will happen: either Theseus will recall the spear which can still hit Zagreus and inflict damage or Theseus will leave the spear where it landed and will only recall it after performing another attack or changing positions.

  • Charge

Asterius will call Theseus over and throw him towards Zagreus that inflicts 16 damage on impact. Theseus cannot perform the Charge attack when Asterius is killed.

  • Shield Bash

Theseus will call Asterius and will let him perform Bull Rush into Theseus’ shield which will cause a wave across the arena that will inflict damage.

Fighting Theseus is pretty straightforward and can be divided into two phases. The first phase, at the beginning of the battle, Theseus has access to Spear Spin, Spear Throw, and Charge attacks

The second phase starts when Theseus’ HP depletes to 50% and he will become impervious to attacks for a short while. He will then call a random Olympian who hasn’t yet given Zagreus a boon on his current escape attempt for aid. However, if Zagreus has received a boon from every Olympian, Theseus will automatically call Artemis for aid. Theseus will never call Hermes for aid.

With the help of an Olympian, Theseus will gain a new passive ability. While Theseus is moving and attacking normally, the Olympian will spawn circles that inflict damage when Zagreus is standing on them when they activate. The aid attack will happen every 10 seconds after the last aid attack. The positions and behavior of the circles depend on which Olympian is aiding Theseus and he will be able to inflict the Olympian’s curse:

  • Aphrodite – She will summon a ring of large circles on the edge of the arena that activate all at the same time. Then, on the next attack, she will still summon a ring of large circles but this time in the center of the arena that leaves the edges of the arena unaffected. Theseus’ attacks will inflict Weak.
  • Ares – He will summon a series of small circles that chase Zagreus then, on the next attack, summon large circles spaced throughout the arena. Theseus’ attacks will inflict Doom.
  • Artemis – She will summon an array of circles in the center of the arena that activates in a sweeping fashion. Theseus’ attacks may deal huge damage if aided by Artemis.
  • Athena – She will summon circles that activate in a spiral from the edges to the center of the arena. Theseus will become impervious to attacks for a short while after attacking if aided by Athena.
  • Demeter – She will summon circles that activate in a spiral from the center to the edges of the arena all while also summoning vortexes that deal damage. Theseus’ attacks will inflict Chill.
  • Dionysus – He will summon circles randomly near Zagreus’ position. Theseus’ attacks will inflict Hangover.
  • Poseidon – He will summon circles that are evenly spaced near Zagreus’ position. Theseus’ attacks will inflict knockback.
  • Zeus – He will summon random overlapping circles. Theseus’ attacks will inflict Jolt.

It is worth mentioning that all these aid attacks are considered as Theseus’ attacks. So, if Theseus is affected by Weak, the aid attacks’ damage are lessened as well.

Additionally, killing Asterius before Theseus will cause Theseus to be enraged and will therefore move and attack faster but he won’t be able to perform the Charge attack.

Asterius: Moves and Behavior

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These are Asterius’ attacks:

  • Axe Combo

Asterius will quickly swing his axe in a large arc first in front of him (in Zagreus’ direction) then around him. After that, he may perform the Leap Combo.

  • Leap Combo

Asterius will leap, charge towards Zagreus’ position, and smash his axe onto the ground that inflicts damage if Zagreus is hit. After this one of two will happen: he may repeat this attack two more times or he will follow up with the Axe Combo.

  • Bull Rush

Asterius will prepare then sprint towards Zagreus and chase him around the arena that will deal huge damage if Zagreus is hit. If Asterius runs into a pillar or wall during this attack, he will stop and will be stunned for a short moment. If his HP is below 50% and he hits Zagreus, a wall, or a pillar during this attack, he will create waves that inflict damage.

  • Overhead Axe

Asterius will quickly swing his axe above him and leap towards Zagreus’ position which creates waves that inflict damage. He may also repeat this attack two or more times in quick succession.

  • Crescent Combo

Asterius will quickly swing his axe in a large arc twice in front of him which creates waves that inflict damage. Asterius will be stunned for a short while after performing this attack.

Asterius will have the same behavior in fighting him alone mid-Elysium run and in the final boss encounter. The fight with Asterius can also be divided into two phases. In the first phase, at the beginning of the battle, he will only use Axe Combo, Leap Combo, and Bull Rush.

The second phase begins when you deplete his HP to 50% and he will become impervious to attacks for a short while and taunt Zagreus. In this phase, he will use Overhead Axe and Crescent Combo in addition to the first three attacks. 

Killing Theseus before Asterius will cause him to be enraged and will then move and attack faster.

If battled alone as a mini-boss, Asterius will become impervious to attacks when his HP is depleted to 20%, call off the fight, and leave the arena. Then, when you encounter him again as the final boss of Elysium with Theseus, Asterius’ HP will already be reduced by 20%.


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We recommend trying to defeat Asterius first then Theseus. Try to lure Asterius away from Theseus, preferably on the edges of the arena, and fight Asterius there. This would help in a way that the pillars can block Theseus’ long-range Spear Throw attack. Also, it would be easier to only dodge one of Theseus’ attacks compared to all of them while also dodging Asterius attacks.

If the opposite were to happen and you try to defeat Theseus first before Asterius, it would be difficult (also very annoying) when the Olympian’s aid starts happening as you would have to dodge the Olympian’s attack itself, Theseus, and Asterius all at the same time. If you were to try to defeat Asterius first, it wouldn’t be that difficult as Asterius’ second phase only makes him more aggressive with additional attacks.

Battling Theseus and Asterius requires patience and focus as you really have to watch out for each of their attacks to be able to move accordingly. Do this and you’ll receive the Ambrosia reward in no time!


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