In Supergiant Games’ Hades, the gods of Olympus or Olympians are helping Zagreus in his quest to leave and escape the Underworld. By helping Zagreus, the Olympians believe he is fighting his way to leave the Underworld and be with them in Olympus. They do not know that Zagreus’ actual intention is not, and he wants to leave the Underworld to find and talk to his mother. Besides, without their aid, Zagreus would not be able to escape the Underworld.

One of the Olympians that helps Zagreus in his Underworld escape attempts is Demeter. Demeter, the Goddess of Seasons, is also the goddess of agriculture, sacred law, and the cycle of life and death. In this guide, you will get to know Demeter’s boons that will help Zagreus in his Underworld escape attempts.
Zagreus gets help from the Olympians in the form of boons, which are upgrades that make him stronger. A boon can be obtained from completing chambers as a reward or by purchasing it from Charon’s Shop for 150 Obols. Boons, however, are effective only during the current escape attempt, after which they vanish once Zagreus has died and returned to the House of Hades.

Demeter’s Boons give Zagreus’ abilities the ability to inflict her Status Curse called Chill, which will slow down enemies and may shatter and spread the Status Curse to other enemies. Chill can be stacked and easy to maintain on enemies. The more Zagreus inflicts Chill on enemies, the more they slow down.
Demeter’s Boons also give off the game the 2nd highest raw percentage damage increase. Her other boons help Zagreus by boosting his other boons by increasing the rarity, helping him survive by healing, and, as mentioned, increasing his damage output.
Here is a list of Demeter’s Boons:
Boon | Description | Rarity | Boon Requirement |
Frost Strike | Your Attack is stronger and inflicts Chill. | Common: Attack damage: +40% Rare: Multiplier: 1.3-1.5 Epic: Multiplier: 1.8-2.0 Heroic: Multiplier: 2.3-2.5 | None |
Frost Flourish | Your Special is stronger and inflicts Chill. | Common: Special damage: +60% Rare: Multiplier: 1.3-1.5 Epic: Multiplier: 1.8-2.0 Heroic: Multiplier: 2.3-2.5 | None |
Crystal Beam | Your Cast drops a crystal that fires a beam straight ahead for 5 sec. Beam slowly alters its trajectory to hit the nearest enemy. It cannot be combined with the Aspect of Beowulf. | Common: Cast Damage: 8 (every 0.2 sec) Rare: Cast Damage: 9.2 (every 0.2 sec) Epic: Cast Damage: 10.4 (every 0.2 sec) Heroic: Cast Damage: 11.6 (every 0.2 sec) | None |
Icy Flare | Your Cast damages foes around you and inflicts Chill. | Common: Cast Damage: 70 Rare: Cast Damage: 80 Epic: Cast Damage: 90 Heroic: Cast Damage: 100 | Unique to Aspect of Beowulf |
Mistral Dash | Your Dash shoots a gust ahead that inflicts Chill. Gust travels in the same direction you are facing. Range: 300 | Common: Gust Damage: 15 Rare: Gust Damage: 22.5 Epic: Gust Damage: 30 Heroic: Gust Damage: 37.5 | None |
Demeter’s Aid | Your Call creates a winter vortex for 5 Sec., deals damage every 0.25 Sec inflicting Chill. Greater call bonus: increases duration to 10 Sec | Common: Damage: 10 Rare: Damage: 11 Epic: Damage: 12 Heroic: Damage: 13 | None |
Frozen Touch | After you take damage, damage and completely Chill your foe. Applies ten stacks of Chill. | Common: Revenge Damage: 10 Rare: Revenge Damage: 15 Epic: Revenge Damage: 20 Heroic: Revenge Damage: 25 | None |
Rare Crop | Your Boons become Common, then gain Rarity every 3 Encounter(s). This boon cannot be purged, exchanged, or upgraded via Ambrosia Delight from Eurydice or poms. Once taken, it shows which Boons are being cultivated as part of the Boon Description. If taken before the fourth zone, each small room counts as one encounter before the reward. | Common: Random boons affected: 1 Rare: Random boons affected: 2 Epic: Random boons affected: 3 Heroic: N/A | None |
Ravenous Will | While you have no Cast Ammo, take 10% less damage and deal more. This boon cannot be upgraded via poms. | Common: Damage bonus: +10% Rare: Damage bonus: +20% Epic: Damage bonus: +30% Heroic: Damage bonus: +40% | None |
Nourished Soul | Any Health effects are more potent. Restore +30% now. Unsellable. This boon cannot be upgraded via poms. | Common: Improved Restoration: 30% Rare: Improved Restoration: 32.5% Epic: Improved Restoration: 35% Heroic: Improved Restoration: 37.5% | None |
Snow Burst | Whenever you Cast, damage nearby foes and inflict Chill. | Common: Damage: 40 Rare: Damage: 50 Epic: Damage: 60 Heroic: Damage: 70 | None |
Arctic Blast | Applying ten stacks of Chill causes a blast, clearing the effect. This boon cannot be upgraded via poms. | Common: Damage: 80 Rare: Damage: 90 Epic: Damage: 100 Heroic: Damage: 110 | Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash, Demeter’s Aid, or Snow Burst |
Killing Freeze | When all foes are Chill afflicted, they become Slow and Decay. This boon cannot be upgraded via poms. | Common: Slow 10%, Decay Damage: 20 (every 0.5 sec) Rare: Slow 15%, Decay Damage: 30 (every 0.5 sec) Epic: Slow 20%, Decay Damage: 40 (every 0.5 sec) Heroic: Slow 25%, Decay Damage: 50 (every 0.5 sec) | Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash, Demeter’s Aid, or Snow Burst |
Glacial Glare | Your Cast fires longer and inflicts Chill. It cannot be combined with the Aspect of Beowulf. | Common: Bonus Duration: 2 Sec. Rare: Bonus Duration: 2.4 Sec. Epic: Bonus Duration: 2.8 Sec. Heroic: Bonus Duration: 3.2 Sec. | Crystal Beam |
Winter Harvest | Chill-affected foes shatter at 10% hp, inflicting Chill nearby. Shatter Area Damage: 50 | Legendary | Requires two of three: Ravenous Will, Arctic Blast, Killing Freeze |
Cold Embrace | Your Cast crystal fires its beam directly at you for 4 seconds. Bonus Cast Damage: +30% It cannot be combined with Crystal Clarity. It cannot be combined with the Aspect of Beowulf. | Duo (Aphrodite) | One of Demeter’s: Crystal Beam And one of Aphrodite’s: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, Passion Dash, or Aphrodite’s Aid |
Freezing Vortex | Your Cast inflicts Chill but is smaller and moves slower. Blade Rift size -15%. It cannot be combined with Hunting Blades. | Duo (Ares) | One of Demeter’s: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash, or Demeter’s Aid And one of Ares’: Slicing Shot / Slicing Flare |
Crystal Clarity | Your Cast is stronger and tracks foes more effectively. Beam Damage: +10% It cannot be combined with Cold Embrace. It cannot be combined with the Aspect of Beowulf. | Duo (Artemis) | One of Demeter’s: Crystal Beam And one of Artemis’: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, Hunter Dash, or Artemis’ Aid |
Stubborn Roots | While you have no Death/Stubborn Defiance, your Health slowly recovers. Life Regeneration: 1 Health (every 0.8 Sec.) | Duo (Athena) | One of Demeter’s: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Crystal Beam, Mistral Dash, or Demeter’s Aid And one of Athena’s: Divine Strike, Divine Flourish, Phalanx Shot, Divine Dash, or Athena’s Aid |
Ice Wine | Your Cast blasts an area with freezing Festive Fog that inflicts Chill. Blast Damage: +30% It cannot be combined with Blizzard Shot. | Duo (Dionysus) | One of Demeter’s: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash, or Demeter’s Aid And one of Dionysus’: Trippy Shot |
Blizzard Shot | Your Cast moves slowly, piercing foes and firing shards around it. Shard Damage: 20 It cannot be combined with the Aspect of Beowulf. It cannot be combined with Curse of Drowning. It cannot be combined with Ice Wine. | Duo (Poseidon) | One of Demeter’s: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash, or Demeter’s Aid And one of Poseidon’s: Flood Shot |
Cold Fusion | Jolted status does not expire on your enemies’ attacks. Jolted Duration: 10 Sec. | Duo (Zeus) | One of Demeter’s: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash, or Demeter’s Aid And one of Zeus’: Static Discharge |
Final Thoughts
As mentioned above, Demeter’s Boons offer the second-highest raw percentage damage increase among the gods that help Zagreus, so her boons would be great to have them. One of Demeter’s very powerful Boons is her Frost Strike, as it will boost Zagreus’ Attack damage while also inflicting the very useful Chill Status. Another is Demeter’s Frost Flourish which boosts Zagreus’ Special damage while inflicting Chill. This boon can be very useful for weapons that you would use Special a lot.
It is also important to note that accepting all of Demeter’s Boons at least once will complete one of the prophecies in the Fated List of Minor Prophecies called Goddess of Seasons, which will reward 150 Gemstones once completed.